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Oil and Gas Index Page

462 records returned--50 displayed at a time.
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T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
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Field Spud Date
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Plug Date
Ascend. Desc.
Status Help
T16S R35W, Sec. 1, NW Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Rose 1-1 15-203-20184
3154 KB
3153 GL
4806 American Beauty 26-SEP-2012   OIL
Inactive Well
T16S R35W, Sec. 1, SW NE NE NW Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Rose 2-1 15-203-20272
3130 KB
3119 GL
4830 American Beauty 10-JUL-2014   OIL
T16S R35W, Sec. 1, SE SW NW NW Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Rose 3-1 15-203-20275
3121 KB
3113 GL
4800 American Beauty 23-JUL-2014   OIL
T16S R35W, Sec. 1, E2 NE NW NW Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Rose 4-1 15-203-20281
3077 KB
3066 GL
4470 American Beauty 06-AUG-2014   OIL
T16S R35W, Sec. 1, N2 NW NW Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Rose 5-1 15-203-20310
3082 KB
3078 GL
4730 American Beauty 21-SEP-2016   OIL
T16S R35W, Sec. 2, NE SW NE NE Davidson Oil & Gas LLC
(Davidson Oil & Gas LLC)
BAHM 1 15-203-20352
3117 KB
3112 GL
4769   03-JUN-2019 11-JUN-2019 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 2, SW SE SE NW Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Bahm 1-2 15-203-20225
3175 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T16S R35W, Sec. 2, SW SE SE NW Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Bahm 1-2 15-203-20279
3175 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T16S R35W, Sec. 2, NW SE NE Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
BAHM 2-2 15-203-20290-0002
3123 KB
3112 GL
4900       SWD
Authorized Injection Well
T16S R35W, Sec. 2, NE SW SE NE Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Bahm 2-2 15-203-20290-0001
3123 KB
3112 GL
4900 UNNAMED     SWD
T16S R35W, Sec. 2, NE SW SE NE Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Bahm 2-2 15-203-20290
3123 KB
3112 GL
4900   05-SEP-2014   SWD
T16S R35W, Sec. 2, SW SE NE SE Pioneer Resources
(Pioneer Resources Inc.)
Carrie 1 15-203-20143
3122 KB
3114 GL
4675 WILDCAT 27-AUG-2008 05-SEP-2008 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 3, SW NE NW NW Russell Oil, Inc.
(Russell Oil, Inc.)
Ken Baker 'A' 3-1 15-203-20248
3188 KB
3181 GL
4800 WILDCAT 26-JAN-2014 08-FEB-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 4, SE NE NE NW Palomino Petroleum, Inc.
(Palomino Petroleum, Inc.)
Baker HA Unit 1 15-203-20308
3216 KB
3197 GL
4824 Adobe Road 15-JUL-2016   OIL
T16S R35W, Sec. 6, NW SW SE NE New Gulf Operating, LLC
(New Gulf Operating LLC)
Glinda 1 15-203-20157
3227 KB
3222 GL
5000 WILDCAT 21-NOV-2010 03-DEC-2010 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 9, NW SE SE SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
KOEHN 1-9 15-203-20369
3211 KB
3202 GL
4883 WILDCAT 09-JUL-2021 30-JUL-2021 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 10, NW NW SE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
BAKER 1-10 15-203-20370
3183 KB
3173 GL
4850 UNNAMED 28-SEP-2021 10-OCT-2021 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 10, SW NE NW NE Russell Oil, Inc.
(Russell Oil, Inc.)
Ken Baker 'A' 10-1 15-203-20221
3142 KB
3137 GL
4800 WILDCAT 10-JUL-2013 18-JUL-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 11, SE SW SE NW Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
H-M UNIT 1-11 15-203-20317
3190 KB
3180 GL
4750 WILDCAT 12-JUN-2017 22-JUN-2017 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 11, SE SW SE NW Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Matthies Unit 1-11 15-203-20220
3184 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T16S R35W, Sec. 12, SW NW SE NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
SANDERS 1-12 15-203-20374
3181 KB
3170 GL
4820 UNNAMED 07-NOV-2022 18-NOV-2022 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 12, SE SE SW NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
SANDERS COMMUNITY 1-12 15-203-20361
3180 KB
3171 GL
4900 WILDCAT 16-JUL-2019 27-JUL-2019 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 15, SE SW SE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
KOEHN 1-15 15-203-20385
3206 KB
3197 GL
4892 UNNAMED 29-SEP-2023 08-OCT-2023 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 16, NW NE SE K & B Norton Oil & Investments, LLC
(K & B Norton Oil & Investments, LLC)
Koehn 1 15-203-20151
3212 KB
3207 GL
3210 DF
4950 WILDCAT 19-APR-2010 28-APR-2010 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 18, NW NW SE SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
KISER 1-18 15-203-20351
3234 KB
3223 GL
4845 WILDCAT 18-DEC-2018 05-JAN-2019 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 21, SE SW NW SE K & B Norton Oil & Investments, LLC
(K & B Norton Oil & Investments, LLC)
Harp 1 15-203-20156
3213 KB
3203 GL
4900 WILDCAT 04-NOV-2010 14-NOV-2010 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 22, NE SW SW SE Culbreath Oil & Gas Company, Inc.
(Culbreath Oil & Gas Company, Inc.)
HAGEN-JANTZ 1-22 15-203-20346
3202 KB
3195 GL
4883 WILDCAT 17-JUN-2019 28-JUN-2019 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 22, SW NE SW SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
JANTZ 1-22 15-203-20378
3204 KB
3193 GL
4830 UNNAMED 13-DEC-2022   OIL
T16S R35W, Sec. 22, SW SE NE NE New Gulf Operating LLC
(New Gulf Operating LLC)
Stucky 1-22 15-203-20224
3203 KB
3194 GL
4903 WILDCAT 22-JUL-2013 02-AUG-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 22, NE SE NE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
WGM COMM 1-22 15-203-20381
3205 KB
3195 GL
4825 UNNAMED 30-MAR-2023 08-APR-2023 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 24, SE NW NW SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
HOVEY 1-24 15-203-20349
3187 KB
3177 GL
4915 WILDCAT 13-FEB-2019 25-FEB-2019 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 25, NW SE SW SE Red Oak Energy, Inc.
(Red Oak Energy, Inc.)
Walker 1-25 15-203-20303
3176 KB
3171 GL
4912 WILDCAT 26-MAR-2015   OIL
T16S R35W, Sec. 27, NE SW SW SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
WELLS 1-27 15-203-20391
3207 KB
3198 GL
4836 UNNAMED 03-JUL-2024 12-JUL-2024 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R35W, Sec. 27, SW SW NE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
WELLS 2-27 15-203-20394
3197 GL
T16S R35W, Sec. 36, NW NE NW NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
NUSS-IL FARMS UNIT 1-36 15-203-20390
3189 KB
3178 GL
4930   26-APR-2024 04-MAY-2024 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 3, NE SE SE SW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
KOEHN 1-3 15-203-20339
3281 KB
3270 GL
4860   01-AUG-2018 09-AUG-2018 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 4, N2 NW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
MARTIN 4D 1 15-203-20324
3300 KB
3287 GL
4880 WILDCAT 14-OCT-2017 26-OCT-2017 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 5, SW SW SW Energy Exploration, Inc,
EnEx-Logan 'A' 1 15-203-20064
3311 KB
3306 GL
5628 WILDCAT 28-JAN-1982 10-FEB-1982 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 5, W2 SE NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Miller Trust 1 15-203-20307
3311 KB
3306 GL
4950 WILDCAT 20-MAY-2016 30-MAY-2016 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 9, SE NE NW NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
KOEHN 1-9 15-203-20311
3292 KB
3281 GL
4920 WILDCAT 07-FEB-2017 18-FEB-2017 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 14, NW NW Mustang Drilling and Exploration, Inc.
(Mustang Oil and Gas Corp.)
Omaha Hotel 1-14 15-203-20085
3266 KB
3256 GL
5009 WILDCAT 19-FEB-1986 28-FEB-1986 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 15, SW NW SW SW Palomino Petroleum, Inc.
(Palomino Petroleum, Inc.)
WHITHAM-MILLER 1 15-203-20336
3281 KB
3276 GL
5002   24-MAY-2018 04-JUN-2018 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 23, NE SE NW SW Palomino Petroleum, Inc.
(Palomino Petroleum, Inc.)
C & N ENTERPRISES 1 15-203-20334
3272 KB
3267 GL
4979   07-MAY-2018 18-MAY-2018 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 27, NW NW NE Fagin Exploration Co.
(Fagin Exploration Company)
Hudson 1 15-203-20081
3278 KB
3269 GL
4039 WILDCAT 21-MAR-1985 01-APR-1985 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 29, E2 W2 SW SW Mid-Continent Energy Operating Co.
(Mid-Continent Energy Operating Co.)
Ladder Creek 29-1 15-203-20198
3305 GL
5020   05-DEC-2012 19-DEC-2012 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 30, SW NW SW SE Mid-Continent Energy Operating Co.
(Mid-Continent Energy Operating Co.)
Kalbach Unit 1-30 15-203-20230
3324 KB
3314 GL
5000 WILDCAT 29-AUG-2013 09-SEP-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 32, SW SE SE Hinkle Oil Co.
(Hinkle Oil Company)
Van Den Langenberg 1 15-203-20077
3301 KB
3296 GL
3298 DF
5008 WILDCAT 09-APR-1984 18-APR-1984 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 32, SE NE SE NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Whitham 1-32 15-203-20214
3311 KB
3300 GL
4985 WILDCAT 27-MAR-2013 07-APR-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R36W, Sec. 32, E2 SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
WHITHAM LAND 1 15-203-20364
3300 KB
3295 GL
4910 WILDCAT 18-FEB-2021 28-FEB-2021 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R37W, Sec. 3, NW SE NW NE Mull Drilling Company, Inc.
(Mull Drilling Company, Inc.)
REDDING 1-3 15-203-20325-0001
3366 KB
3354 GL
4980   01-APR-2019   OIL
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