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354 records found for Rice County. Sorted by Authors, then Year Published.
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Title: Stress redistribution in room and pillar salt mines
Author: McClain, W.C.; and Bradshaw, R.L.
Publication: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 245-255
Year: 1967

Title: Deformation and stress transference in a salt mine resulting from the application of heat
Author: McClain, W.C.; and Bradshaw, R.L.
Publication: International Society of Rock Mechanics, Proceedings, vol. 1, pp. 559-565
Year: 1970

Title: Hunton in Kansas
Author: McClellan, H.W.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 490-491
Year: 1932

Title: Correlation of the insoluble residue zones of the upper Arbuckle of Missouri and southern Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: McCracken, Earl
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 37, no. 11, p. 2608
Year: 1953

Title: Correlation of insoluble residue zones of upper Arbuckle of Missouri and southern Kansas
Author: McCracken, Earl
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 47-59
Year: 1955

Title: Lithologic and stratigraphic relationships between the Reagan Sandstone (Upper Cambrian) and sub-Reagan and supra-Reagan rocks in western Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: McElroy, M.N.
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts, vol. 26, no. 6, p. 3249
Year: 1965

Title: Lithologic and stratigraphic relationships between the Reagan Sandstone (Upper Cambrian) and sub-Reagan and supra-Reagan rocks in western Kansas
Author: McElroy, M.N.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 173 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 65-6)
Year: 1965

Title: Shrews from the late Pleistocene of central Kansas, with the description of a new species of Sorex
Author: McMullen, T.L.
Publication: Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 316-320
Year: 1975

Title: Wherry pool, Rice County, Kansas, pp. 118-138, In, Levorsen, A.I., (ed.); Stratigraphic type oil fields
Author: McNeil, H.E.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, 902 pages
Year: 1941

Title: Abandoned well and exploratory hole survey for the Legislative Council
Author: Metzler, D.F.; Hilton, W.O.; and O'Connor, Ralph
Publication: Kansas State Board of Health, Topeka, KS, 11 pages, mimeo.
Year: 1952

Title: High Resolution Seismic Reflection Study to Map Lower Permian Rocks above the Lyons Salt Company Room and Pillar Mine in Rice County, Kansas
Author: Miller, R.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2023-59, 54 pp.
Year: 2010
Available online: February 2024

Title: Estimation of Rattlesnake Creek streamflow responses to extreme rainfall, (abstr.)
Author: Mitchell, J.E.; and Buddemeier, R.W.
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 11, p. 41
Year: 1994

Title: Suitability of Lyons salt mine for gasoline storage
Author: Moore, J.I.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 42-6, 8 pages
Year: 1942

Title: Supplement to report on suitability of Lyons salt mine for gasoline storage
Author: Moore, J.I.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. ND-20, 10 pages

Title: Western plains baffling
Author: Moore, R.C.
Publication: Petroleum Age, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 42-43
Year: 1925

Title: Late Paleozoic cyclic sedimentation in central United States
Author: Moore, R.C.
Publication: International Geological Congress, Report, pt. 4, pp. 5-16
Year: 1950

Title: Hydrocarbon production from low resistivity, Mississippian chert and carbonate reservoirs in Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Mullarkey, J.C.; Colleary, W.M.; Dolly, E.D.; and Longman, M.W.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists; and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Annual Meeting, Abstracts, vol. 6, p. 86
Year: 1997

Title: Abundances of magnetic spherules in Silurian and Permian salt samples
Author: Mutch, T.A.
Publication: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 325-329
Year: 1966

Title: Viability of sonar techniques applied to measurement of brine well cavities, an evaluation, (abstr.)
Author: Myers, J.E.; Noah, C.G.; and Gries, J.C.
Publication: Association of Engineering Geologists, Annual Meeting, Program and Abstracts, no. 15, p. 31
Year: 1972

Title: Viability of sonar techniques applied to measurement of brine well cavities, an evaluation
Author: Myers, J.E.; Noah, C.G.; and Gries, J.C.
Publication: Wichita State University, Department of Geology; (for) Union Carbide Corporation, 30 pages
Year: 1972

Title: Disposal of solid radioactive wastes in bedded salt deposits
Author: National Research Council, Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
Publication: National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 28 pages, (avail. from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC)
Year: 1970

Title: Pre-Pennsylvanian subcrop map, Rice and Ellsworth counties, Kansas
Author: Newell, K.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 86-6, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000
Year: 1986

Title: Distribution of Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Misener Sandstone, superimposed on sub-Chattanooga subcrop map, Salina basin
Author: Newell, K.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 89-18, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000
Year: 1989

Title: Correlation and distribution of reservoir and sealing facies within the Viola Formation, south-central Kansas, pp. 247-259, In, Johnson, K.S., (ed.); Simpson and Viola groups in the southern midcontinent; 1994 symposium
Author: Newell, K.D.
Publication: Oklahoma Geological Survey, Circular, no. 99, 275 pages
Year: 1997

Title: Facies and petrophysical characteristics of the Chattanooga Shale and Misener Sandstone in central Kansas, pp. 57-70, In, Johnson, K.S., (ed.); Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian geology and petroleum in the southern midcontinent, 1999 symposium
Author: Newell, K.D.; and Doveton, J.H.
Publication: Oklahoma Geological Survey, Circular, no. 105, 179 pages
Year: 2001

Title: The subsurface structure and stratigraphy related to petroleum accumulation in Rice County, Kansas
Author: Nicholas, R.H.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 46 pages
Year: 1954

Title: Salt in Kansas
Author: Nixon, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 51-6, 18 pages
Year: 1951

Title: Electrical resistivity studies in brine pollution problems, pp. 209-218, In, Hambleton, W.W., (ed.); Symposium on geophysics in Kansas
Author: O'Connor, R.E.; and Bayne, C.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 137, 375 pages
Year: 1959
Available online: December 2013

Title: Volumetric calculations in an oil field; the basis method
Author: Olea, R.A.; Pawlowsky, V.; and Davis, J.C.
Publication: Computers and Geosciences, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1517-1527
Year: 1993

Title: Chapter III, Oil and gas fields, pipelines, exploration and development, pp. 38-55, In, Angino, E.E.; Bayne, C.K.; and Halepaska, John, (eds.); Preliminary geological investigations of supplemental radioactive waste repository areas in the state of Kansas
Author: Oros, M.O.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey; and Kansas University, Center for Research, Inc.; (for) U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; and Union Carbide Corp., 95 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 72-12)
Year: 1972

Title: Larger gas fields in Kansas
Author: Page, J.H.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 1779-1797
Year: 1940

Title: Mapping shallow horizons with reflection seismograph
Author: Pakiser, L.C.; Mabey, D.R.; and Warrick, R.E.
Publication: Science, new series, vol. 119, no. 3099, p. 740
Year: 1954

Title: Mapping shallow horizons with reflection seismograph
Author: Pakiser, L.C.; Mabey, D.R.; and Warrick, R.E.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 11, pp. 2382-2394
Year: 1954

Title: A preliminary evaluation of the shallow reflection seismograph
Author: Pakiser, L.C.; and Warrick, R.E.
Publication: Geophysics, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 388-405
Year: 1956

Title: Ordovician structural maps; Central Kansas Uplift, pp. 81-82, In, Bebout, D.G.; White, W.A.; Hentz, T.F.; and Grasmick, M.K., (eds.); Atlas of major midcontinent gas reservoirs
Author: Parham, K.D.
Publication: Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, TX; (for) Gas Research Institute, 85 pages
Year: 1993

Title: Mississippian chert and carbonate basal Pennsylvanian sandstone; Central Kansas Uplift and northern Oklahoma, pp. 57-60, In, Bebout, D.G.; White, W.A.; Hentz, T.F.; and Grasmick, M.K., (eds.); Atlas of major midcontinent gas reservoirs
Author: Parham, K.D.; and Northcutt, R.A.
Publication: Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, TX; (for) Gas Research Institute, 85 pages
Year: 1993

Title: Boundary assessment under uncertainty; a case study
Author: Pawlowsky, V.; Olea, R.A.; and Davis, J.C.
Publication: Mathematical Geology, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 125-144
Year: 1993

Title: Estimation of regionalized compositions; a comparison of three methods
Author: Pawlowsky, V.; Olea, R.A.; and Davis, J.C.
Publication: Mathematical Geology, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 105-127
Year: 1995

Title: A computer model for water management in the Rattlesnake Creek basin, Kansas; development and documentation of SWATMOD
Author: Perkins, S.P.; and Sophocleous, M.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 98-59, 120 pages
Year: 1998

Title: Earthquake Highlights, Issue 2, July 2016
Author: Peterie, S.L.; Miller, R.D.; Gonzales, J.B.; Intfen, J.W.; Buchanan, R.C.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report 2016-21,
Year: 2016
Available online: August 2016

Title: Oil and gas exploration by pattern recognition of lineament assemblages associated bends in wrench faults, pp. 993-1014, In, International symposium on remote sensing of environment, thirteenth, proceedings, vol. 2
Author: Peterson, Rex M.
Publication: Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1912 pages (3 vols.)
Year: 1979

Title: Kansas clay, Dakota Formation
Author: Plummer, N.V.; and Romary, J.F.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 67, 241 pages
Year: 1947

Title: The potential for carbon dioxide miscible flooding in central Kansas
Author: Poyser, L.A.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 205 pages
Year: 1987

Title: A comprehensive, integrated computer model for basin-wide water resources management
Author: Ramireddygari, S.R.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 230 pages
Year: 1998

Title: Decision support system for water resources management, (abstr.)
Author: Ramireddygari, S.R.; Koelliker, J.K.; Tracy, J.C.; and Sophocleous, M.A.
Publication: Midwest Ground Water Conference, Program with Abstracts, no. 43, pp. 14-15
Year: 1998

Title: Rino pool
Author: Richardson, J.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Society, Kansas Oil and Gas Fields, vol. 4, pp. 193-200
Year: 1965

Title: Seismic reflection study in Rice County, Kansas
Author: Roehl, N.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 157 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 84-18)
Year: 1984

Title: Seismic-reflection study in Rice County, Kansas, pp. 81-83, In, Steeples, D.W., (ed.); Geophysics in Kansas
Author: Roehl, N.L.; Knapp, R.W.; and Newell, K.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 226, 312 pages
Year: 1989
Available online: October 2013

Title: Anhydrite and associated minerals from the salt mines of central Kansas
Author: Rogers, A.F.
Publication: American Journal of Science, series 4, vol. 29, pp. 258-261
Year: 1910

Title: The stratigraphy of the Quaternary alluvium in the Great Bend Prairie, Kansas
Author: Rosner, M.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 193 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 88-32)
Year: 1988

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Kansas Geological Survey
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