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344 records found for Shawnee County. Sorted by Authors, then Year Published.
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Title: The buried moraine of the Shunganunga
Author: Smyth, B.B.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 15, pp. 95-104
Year: 1898

Title: Remarks on Kansas highway research project in remote sensing for soils and geologic mapping, pp. 151-158, In, Fredericksen, W.F.; Wilson, F.W.; and Stewart, G.F., (compls.); Proceedings of the 21st annual highway geology symposium
Author: Stallard, A.H.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, 192 pages
Year: 1970

Title: Current water-quality conditions and long-term trends; organic carbon, pp. 122-124, In, Jordan, P.R.; and Stamer, J.K., (eds.); Surface-water-quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; analysis of available data through 1986
Author: Stamer, J.K.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 2352-B, 161 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Current water-quality conditions and long-term trends, radionuclides, pp. 121-122, In, Jordan, P.R.; and Stamer, J.K., (eds.); Surface-water-quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; analysis of available data through 1986
Author: Stamer, J.K.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 2352-B, 161 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Current water-quality conditions and long-term trends; dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand, pp. 93-100, In, Jordan, P.R.; and Stamer, J.K., (eds.); Surface-water-quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; analysis of available data through 1986
Author: Stamer, J.K.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 2352-B, 161 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Current water-quality conditions and long-term trends; pH, alkalinity, and acidity, pp. 32-40, In, Jordan, P.R.; and Stamer, J.K., (eds.); Surface-water-quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; analysis of available data through 1986
Author: Stamer, J.K.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 2352-B, 161 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Current water-quality conditions and long-term trends; major metals and trace elements, pp. 100-121, In, Jordan, P.R.; and Stamer, J.K., (eds.); Surface-water-quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; analysis of available data through 1986
Author: Stamer, J.K.; Sanzolone, R.F.; and Ryder, J.L.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 2352-B, 161 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Current water-quality conditions and long-term trends; nutrients, pp. 72-93, In, Jordan, P.R.; and Stamer, J.K., (eds.); Surface-water- quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; analysis of available data through 1986
Author: Stamer, J.K.; and Jordan, P.R.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 2352-B, 161 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Distribution of atrazine and similar nitrogen-containing herbicides, Lower Kansas River basin
Author: Stamer, J.K.; and Zelt, R.B.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Yearbook, pp. 76-79
Year: 1992

Title: Organonitrogen herbicides in the Lower Kansas River basin
Author: Stamer, J.K.; and Zelt, R.B.
Publication: American Water Works Association, Journal, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 93-104
Year: 1994

Title: Water-quality conditions and trends; herbicides and insecticides, pp. 94-117, In, Helgesen, J.O., (ed.); Surface-water-quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; results of investigations, 1987-90
Author: Stamer, J.K.; and Zelt, R.B.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 94-0365, 129 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Water-quality conditions and trends; herbicides and insecticides, pp. 94-117, In, Helgesen, J.O., (ed.); Surface-water-quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; results of investigations, 1987-90
Author: Stamer, J.K.; and Zelt, R.B.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 2451, 129 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Pedee and Douglas Groups (Pennsylvanian) of southeastern Nebraska and adjacent region
Author: Stephenson, L.G.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 96 pages
Year: 1958

Title: A microlithological study of the Plattsmouth, Beil, and Ervine Creek members (Upper Pennsylvanian) in southeast Nebraska and adjacent areas
Author: Svendsen, A.E.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 62 pages
Year: 1961

Title: A preliminary report on the glaciated area of Kansas
Author: Swem, E.G.
Publication: Kansas University Quarterly, vol. 4, pp. 153-159
Year: 1896

Title: Surface-water-quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; distribution of trace-element concentrations in dissolved and suspended phases, streambed sediment, and fish samples, May 1987 through April 1990
Author: Tanner, D.Q.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 94-4201, 31 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Surface water-quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; concentrations of major metals and trace elements in streambed sediments, 1987
Author: Tanner, D.Q.; Sanzolone, R.F.; and Zelt, R.B.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 90-0581, 73 pages
Year: 1990

Title: Surface-water-quality assessment of the Lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska; selected metals, arsenic, and phosphorus in streambed sediments of first- and second-order streams, 1987
Author: Tanner, D.Q.; and Ryder, J.L.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 94-4196, 13 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Interpretation of hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance data, Manhattan quadrangle, Kansas
Author: Texas Instruments, Inc.
Publication: National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program, U.S. Department of Energy; Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, TX; , variously paginated, [Bendix no. GJD-50(82)], (avail. from Books and Open-file Services, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO)
Year: 1982

Title: Anchicodium Johnson; branched or phylloid?
Author: Torres, A.M.; and Baars, D.L.
Publication: Journal of Paleontology, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 675-677
Year: 1992

Title: Results of agrichemical survey of ground water in Kansas, 1993-1994
Author: Townsend, M.A.; Young, D.P.; and Healey, J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 98-22, 46 pages
Year: 1998

Title: Atrazine and its metabolites as indicators of stream-aquifer interaction in Kansas, USA
Author: Townsend, M.A.; and Young, D.P.
Publication: International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, vol. 78, no. 1, pp. 9-23
Year: 2000

Title: Zinc availability in profiles of selected Kansas soils
Author: Travis, D.O.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 50 pages
Year: 1965

Title: Effect of feedlot lagoon water on some physical and chemical properties of selected Kansas soils
Author: Travis, D.O.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 97 pages
Year: 1970

Title: Zinc availability in profiles of selected Kansas soils
Author: Travis, D.O.; and Ellis, Roscoe, Jr.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 457-460
Year: 1965

Title: Overview of water resources in and near Indian lands in northeastern Kansas and southeastern Nebraska
Author: Trombley, T.J.; Wolf, R.J.; Jordan, P.R.; and Brewer, L.D.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 96-4070, 68 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Water resources on and near Indian lands in northeastern Kansas and southeastern Nebraska--study description
Author: Trombley, T.J.; and Kenny, J.F.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 91-0468, 19 pages
Year: 1992

Title: Appendix to report of assessment of low-head hydroelectric sites in the western states; evaluation reports for low-head hydroelectric sites, part IV - Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas
Author: Tudor Engineering Company
Publication: Tudor Engineering Company, Denver, CO; (for) U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 191 pages
Year: 1982

Title: Pennsylvanian ichthyoliths from the Shawnee Group of eastern Kansas
Author: Tway, L.E.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 136 pages
Year: 1977

Title: Pennsylvanian ichthyoliths from the Shawnee Group of eastern Kansas
Author: Tway, L.E.
Publication: Kansas University, Paleontological Contributions, Paper, no. 96, 24 pages
Year: 1979

Title: Flood plain information; Kansas River, Kansas, Junction City to mouth
Author: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Publication: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District; (for) Kansas Water Resources Board, 13 pages
Year: 1965

Title: Flood plain information; Shunganunga Creek, Topeka, Kansas
Author: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Publication: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Kansas City, MO, 25 pages
Year: 1968

Title: Draft environmental statement; Grove Lake, Soldier Creek, Kansas
Author: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Publication: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Kansas City, MO, 106 pages
Year: 1974

Title: Operation and maintenance manual, Clinton Lake, Wakarusa River, Kansas, volume II, dams and reservoirs, contingency plan for emergencies
Author: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Publication: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Kansas City, MO, variously paginated
Year: 1981

Title: Watershed work plan, Cross Creek watershed, Jackson, Pottawatomie, and Shawnee counties, Kansas
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Publication: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Salina, KS, 54 pages
Year: 1966

Title: General plan, Wakarusa watershed joint district no. 35, Douglas, Osage, Shawnee, and Wabaunsee counties, Kansas
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Publication: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Salina, KS, 47 pages
Year: 1966

Title: Project data and flood hazard information, Cross Creek watershed, Pottawatomie, Jackson, and Shawnee counties, Kansas
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Publication: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Salina, KS, 33 pages
Year: 1977

Title: Project data and flood hazard information, Upper Wakarusa watershed, Osage, Shawnee, Douglas, and Wabaunsee counties, Kansas
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Publication: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Salina, KS, 97 pages
Year: 1983

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1917; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 456, 242 pages
Year: 1921

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1918; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 476, 266 pages
Year: 1921

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1919-20; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 506, 411 pages
Year: 1923

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1921; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 526, 331 pages
Year: 1925

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1922; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 546, 349 pages
Year: 1926

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1923; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 566, 395 pages
Year: 1927

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1924; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 586, 343 pages
Year: 1928

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1925; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 606, 252 pages
Year: 1930

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1926; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 626, 228 pages
Year: 1930

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1927; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 646, 216 pages
Year: 1930

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1928; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 666, 207 pages
Year: 1931

Title: Surface water supply of the United States, 1929; Part 6, Missouri River basin
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 686, 290 pages
Year: 1932

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Kansas Geological Survey
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