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320 records found for Wilson County. Sorted by Authors, then Year Published.
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Title: Stratigraphic architecture of Lower to Middle Pennsylvanian coalbeds in the Forest City basin of northeastern Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Brown, W.M.; Carr, T.R.; and Newell, K.D.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Convention and Exhibition, vol. 14, p. A19
Year: 2005

Title: Spectrographic analyses of insoluble-residue samples, Joplin 1 [DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri; drill hole nos. 68, 69, and 70
Author: Bullock, J.H., Jr.; and Folger, H.W.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 90-0020, 11 pages
Year: 1990

Title: Spectrographic analyses of insoluble-residue samples, Joplin 1 [DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri; drill hole nos. 13, 14, and 15
Author: Bullock, J.H., Jr.; and Whitney, H.A.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 89-0215, 14 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Spectrographic analyses of insoluble-residue samples, Joplin 1 [DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri; drill hole nos. 1, 2, and 3
Author: Bullock, J.H., Jr.; and Whitney, H.A.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 89-0118, 34 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Spectrographic analyses of insoluble-residue samples, Joplin 1 [DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri; drill hole nos. 7, 8, and 9
Author: Bullock, J.H., Jr.; and Whitney, H.A.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 89-0120, 22 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Spectrographic analyses of insoluble-residue samples, Joplin 1 [DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri; drill hole nos. 16, 17, and 18
Author: Bullock, J.H., Jr.; and Whitney, H.A.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 89-0196, 9 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Incidence of oil and gas in the Cottage Grove sandstone
Author: Calvin, D.G.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 63 pages
Year: 1963

Title: Incidence of oil and gas in the Cottage Grove sandstone
Author: Calvin, D.G.
Publication: Shale Shaker, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 25-42, [reprinted in Shale Shaker Digest, no. 5, pp. 77-94, 1968]
Year: 1965

Title: Coalbed-methane development in Kansas, pp. 63-65, In, Cardott, B.J., (ed.); Unconventional energy resources in the southern midcontinent, 2004 symposium
Author: Carr, T.R.; Newell, K.D.; Johnson, T.A.; Brown, W.M.; and Lange, J.P.
Publication: Oklahoma Geological Survey, Circular, no. 110, 133 pages
Year: 2005

Title: Models for environmentally sound and economically viable carbon dioxide sequestration opportunities
Author: Carr, T.R.; and Byrnes, A.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2004-19
Year: 2004
Available online:

Title: Bedrock geologic map of the Joplin 1[DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri
Author: Cauley, J.R.; and Smith, D.C., (compls.)
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map, no. I-2426-B, 2 sheet, scale 1:250,000
Year: 1998

Title: Shale-gas industry of eastern Kansas
Author: Charles, H.H.; and Page, J.H.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 367-381
Year: 1929

Title: Structure and convergence of the formations in the Lansing Group, Wilson County, Kansas
Author: Chelikowsky, J.R.; and Burgat, V.A.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 89-96
Year: 1947

Title: Towns and minerals in southeastern Kansas; a study in regional industrialization, 1890-1930
Author: Clark, J.G.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Special Distribution Publication, no. 52, 148 pages
Year: 1970

Title: Hydraulic analysis of U.S. Highway 75 crossing the Fall River at Neodesha, southeast Kansas
Author: Clement, R.W.; and Perry, C.A.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 97-0013, 15 pages
Year: 1997

Title: Dissepimental rugose corals of Pennsylvanian Missourian rocks of Kansas
Author: Cocke, J.M.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 242 pages
Year: 1970

Title: Dissepimental rugose corals of Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian) rocks of Kansas
Author: Cocke, J.M.
Publication: Kansas University, Paleontological Contributions, Article, no. 54 (Coelenterata 4), 67 pages
Year: 1970

Title: Dissepimental rugose corals of Pennsylvanian Missourian rocks of Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Cocke, J.M.
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, vol. 31, no. 3, p. 1432B
Year: 1970

Title: New tabulate genus Sutherlandia (Coelenterata, Anthozoa) from Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma and Kansas
Author: Cocke, J.M.; and Bowsher, A.L.
Publication: Kansas University, Paleontological Contributions, Paper, no. 33, 8 pages
Year: 1968

Title: Distorted pisoliths and compaction, (abstr.)
Author: Conley, C.D.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists; and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Annual Meeting, Abstracts, vol. 1, pp. 19-20
Year: 1974

Title: Origin of distorted ooliths and pisoliths
Author: Conley, C.D.
Publication: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 554-564
Year: 1977

Title: Haskell Limestone Member (Stephanian) in eastern Kansas
Author: Crouch, B.W.; Holland, R.E.; Sykora, A.K.; and Drake, M.T.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 95-44, 47 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Mineralogy and petrology of Cretaceous subsurface lamproite sills, southeastern Kansas, USA
Author: Cullers, R.L.; Dorais, M.J.; Berendsen, P.; and Chaudhuri, S.
Publication: Lithos, vol. 38, no. 3-4, pp. 185-206
Year: 1996

Title: Mineralogical and Chemical Evolution of Lamproites in Woodson and Wilson Counties, Southeastern Kansas
Author: Cullers, R.L.; and Berendsen, P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Technical Series 23,
Year: 2011
Available online: February 2023

Title: Mineralogical and chemical evolution of lamproites in Woodson and Wilson counties, southeastern Kansas
Author: Cullers, R.L.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Technical Series, no. 22
Year: 2011
Available online:

Title: On the composition of natural oil from Wilson County, Kansas
Author: Dains, F.B.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 14, pp. 38-39
Year: 1896

Title: A geologic comparison of three south-eastern Kansas caves
Author: Davis, J.C.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 160-164
Year: 1955

Title: The erosional history of a selected area in the Osage Cuestas of Wilson and Montgomery counties, Kansas
Author: Davis, J.C.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 247-251
Year: 1957

Title: Reef structure in the Plattsburg and Vilas formations (Missourian) in southeast Kansas
Author: Davis, J.C.
Publication: Compass, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 319-335
Year: 1959

Title: Petrography, sedimentology, diagenesis, and reservoir characteristics of some Pennsylvanian phylloid algal limestones; Kansas and Utah, U.S.A.
Author: Dawson, W.C.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 255 pages
Year: 1984

Title: Petrography, sedimentology, diagenesis, and reservoir characteristics of some Pennsylvanian phylloid algal limestones, Kansas and Utah, U.S.A., (abstr.)
Author: Dawson, W.C.
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, vol. 45, no. 7, p. 2076B
Year: 1985

Title: Anatomy of a phylloid algal buildup, Raytown Limestone, Iola Formation, Pennsylvanian, southeast Kansas, U.S.A.
Author: Dawson, W.C.; and Carozzi, A.V.
Publication: Sedimentary Geology, vol. 47, no. 3-4, pp. 221-261
Year: 1986

Title: Depositional environments of the Banzet formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) in southeastern Kansas and northeastern Oklahoma
Author: Denesen, S.L.
Publication: Shale Shaker, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 164-169
Year: 1985

Title: Stratigraphy, petrography, and depositional environments of the Banzet formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) in southeastern Kansas and northeastern Oklahoma
Author: Denesen, S.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 141 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 85-5)
Year: 1985

Title: Joplin Quadrangle, Missouri and Kansas
Author: Derby, J.R.; Upshaw, L.P.; Carter, E.O.; Roach, L.F.; and Roach, D.G.
Publication: National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program, U.S. Department of Energy; Geological Services of Tulsa, Inc., Tulsa, OK; , 36 pages, map scale 1:500,000 [Bendix no. PGJ/F-092(82)], (avail. from Books and Open-file Services, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO)
Year: 1982

Title: The development of the Portland cement industry in Kansas
Author: Dilley, C.A.
Publication: M.A. thesis, Department of Economics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 113 pages
Year: 1931

Title: Structural analysis of Rose and Silver City domes, Woodson and Wilson counties, Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Drake, M.T.; Berendsen, Pieter; and Underwood, J.R., Jr.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 28, no. 6, p. 37
Year: 1996

Title: Stratigraphy of the Captain Creek Limestone (Missourian) of eastern Kansas
Author: Eastwood, W.P.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 159 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 58-1)
Year: 1958

Title: Diagenesis in the Plattsburg Limestone (Lansing Group, Missourian Stage, Upper Pennsylvanian), southeastern Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Edson, M.W.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 135
Year: 1984

Title: Subsurface geochemistry of the Harrison and Joplin 1 [DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangles, (abstr.), p. 8, In, Pratt, W.P; and Goldhaber, M.B., (eds.); U.S. Geological Survey - Missouri Geological Survey symposium; mineral-resource potential of the midcontinent, program and abstracts
Author: Erickson, R.L.; Chazin, B.; Erickson, M.S.; Mosier, E.L.; Whitney, H.; Berendsen, Pieter; and Daily, M.E.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 89-0169, 45 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Summary geochemical maps of the Joplin 1 [DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri
Author: Erickson, R.L.; Mosier, E.L.; Folger, H.W.; Bullock, J.H., Jr.; Berendsen, Pieter; and Daily, M.E.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map, no. MF-2125-A, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000
Year: 1990

Title: Summary geochemical maps of the Joplin 1 [DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangle, p. 8, In, Pratt, W.P., (ed.); The Conterminous United States Mineral-Resource Assessment Program; background information to accompany folios of geologic and miner-resource maps of the Harrison 1 [DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangle, Missouri and Arkansas, and the Joplin 1 [DEG] x 2 [DEG] quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri
Author: Erickson, R.L.; Mosier, E.L.; Folger, H.W.; Bullock, J.H., Jr.; Berendsen, Pieter; and Daily, M.E.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Circular, no. 1140, 20 pages
Year: 1997

Title: The role of regional subsurface geochemistry in resource assessment in the central United States, (abstr.), pp. 10-11, In, Krafft, Kathleen, (ed.); USGS research on mineral resources -- 1985; program and abstracts (V.E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources)
Author: Erickson, R.L.; Mosier, E.L.; Viets, J.G.; and Erickson, M.S.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Circular, no. 949, 72 pages
Year: 1985

Title: Ground water in the Verdigris River basin, Kansas and Oklahoma
Author: Fader, S.W.; and Morton, R.B.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 75-365, 24 pages
Year: 1975

Title: Stratigraphy, petrology, diagenesis, and depositional environments of the Pennsylvanian (Missourian) Chanute Shale, southeastern Kansas, northeastern Oklahoma
Author: Fernandez, S.I.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 222 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 93-60)
Year: 1993

Title: Mammals of the Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Wilson Ford local fauna, Wilson County, Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Foreman, B.C.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Abstracts with Programs, vol. 14, p. 21
Year: 1995

Title: Coffeyville oil field, Montgomery County, Kansas, pp. 49-51, In, Structure of typical American oil fields
Author: Foster, W.H.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, vol. 1, 510 pages
Year: 1929

Title: Stratigraphic and sedimentologic considerations relating to the fossiliferous limestones (Upper Pennsylvanian?) at Hamilton quarry, Greenwood County, Kansas, pp. 37-58, In, Mapes, G.[K.]; and Mapes, R.H., (compls. and eds.); Regional geology and paleontology of Upper Paleozoic quarry area in southeastern Kansas
Author: French, J.A.; Watney, W.L.; and Anderson, J.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Guidebook Series, no. 6, 273 pages
Year: 1988

Title: Algal banks of the Dennis Limestone (Pennsylvanian) of eastern Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Frost, J.G.
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts, Section B, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 2086B-2087B
Year: 1968

Title: Algal banks of the Dennis Limestone (Pennsylvanian) of eastern Kansas
Author: Frost, J.G.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 208 pages
Year: 1968

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Kansas Geological Survey
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