Bibliography--Answer to Query
162 records found for Barber County. Sorted by Authors, then Year Published.
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Title: Evaluating structural controls on the formation and properties of Carboniferous carbonate reservoirs in the northern midcontinent, U.S.A., pp. 125-145, In, Lukasik, J.; Simo, J.A.; and Schlager, W., (eds.); Controls on carbonate platform and reef development
Author: Watney, W.L.; Franseen, E.K.; Byrnes, A.P.; and Nissen, S.E.
Publication: Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), Special Publication, no. 89, 364 pages
Year: 2008
Title: Characterization of the Mississippian chat in south-central Kansas
Author: Watney, W.L.; Guy, W.J.; and Byrnes, A.P.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 85-113
Year: 2001
Title: Characterization of the Mississippian Osage chat in south-central Kansas
Author: Watney, W.L.; Guy, W.J.; and Byrnes, A.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2002-50
Year: 2002
Available online:
Title: Geochemical identification of saltwater contamination at the Harbaugh contamination site, Barber County
Author: Whittemore, D.O.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 93-15, 11 pages
Year: 1993
Title: Geochemical identification of saltwater source at the O'Neil site, Barber County
Author: Whittemore, D.O.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 93-54, 12 pages
Year: 1993
Title: Hardtner pool
Author: Wible, E.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Society, Kansas Oil and Gas Pools, vol. 1 (South Central Kansas), pp. 46-49
Year: 1956
Title: Ground-water conditions in Elm Creek valley, Barber County, Kansas, with special reference to contamination of ground water by oil-field brine, with analyses of ground waters by Howard Stoltenberg
Author: Williams, C.C.; and Bayne, C.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 64 (1946 reports of studies), pt. 3, pp. 77-124
Year: 1946
Available online: June 2015
Title: Pre-Permian geology of the Pratt anticline area in south central Kansas
Author: Williams, C.D.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 116 pages
Year: 1968
Title: Relationship of the Lansing Group and the Tonganoxie ("Stalnaker") sandstone in south-central Kansas
Author: Winchell, R.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 127 (1957 reports of studies), pt. 4, pp. 123-152
Year: 1957
Available online:
Title: Mineral Intrusion Project, final data report
Author: Young, D.P.; Buddemeier, R.W.; and Zehr, D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 96-24, variously paginated
Year: 1996
Title: Variability of freshwater-saltwater transition zone characteristics and related parameters in the Great Bend Prairie aquifer, south-central Kansas (The Mineral Intrusion Project; investigation of salt contamination of ground water in the eastern Great Bend Prairie aquifer; progress and activities during fiscal year 1995)
Author: Young, D.P.; Garneau, G.W.; Whittemore, D.O.; Zehr, D.; and Lanterman, J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 95-45b, 46 pages
Year: 1995
Title: Hardtner field, Barber County, Kansas, pp. 1566-1569, In, Beebe, B.W.; and Curtis, B.F., (eds.); Natural gases of North America; part 3 (natural gases in rocks of Paleozoic age), vol. 2
Author: Young, R.T.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir, no. 9, 2493 pages (2 vols.)
Year: 1968
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Kansas Geological Survey
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