South-central Kansas CO2 Project
Summary Page for Greenwood County

  Wells with  
KID API-Number Well Name TRS TYPE LOG LAS Files Tops Core CSV Georeport LAS 3.0 Status
1002917231 15-073-21225 Bonczkowski ERDA 1 T23S R12E sec. 17 YES 1 15     VIEW Done
1002917349 15-073-21354 Lauck Fee 2-3 T28S R13E sec. 3 YES 1 21     VIEW Done
1002917961 15-073-22195 Farmer 32-29 T24S R10E sec. 29 YES 2 23     VIEW Done
1002919001 15-073-23579 ZEBOLD 1 T23S R8E sec. 35 YES 1 19     VIEW Done
1002919083 15-073-23684 HULL 'A' & 'B' SW-2 T26S R8E sec. 2 YES 0 22       Missing
1034571584 15-073-24030 Huntington 16-20 T26S R10E sec. 20 YES 1 14     VIEW Done
1006513641   EDGAR 1 T27S R8E sec. 35   0 4       Missing

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