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Data from Elk County

Oil and Gas Databases
Wells The Master List of Oil and Gas Wells contains all the oil, gas, salt-water disposal wells, and other oil and gas industry wells. There are 5153 records for Elk County.
Production by Lease The Production database combines data from the Kansas Dept. of Revenue with other sources to list oil and gas production by lease. There are 460 records for Elk County.
Summary Page This page presents an overview of the Oil and Gas production for Elk County.
Other info We also have several specific searches for Wireline Log Headers, Core, Rotary-cutting samples, and other data. Visit the Oil and Gas Database page for background info.
Water Databases
WWC5 The Water Well Completion Records database contains information from records submitted by water well drillers to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. There are 140 records for Elk County.
Wizard The Wizard database contains water level information for many wells in Kansas.
WIMAS WIMAS is a web based application that allows users to query, analyze, and map Kansas water right data. Data is retrieved daily from the Kansas Department of Agriculture's, Division of Water Resources Water Rights Information System.
Other Databases
Industrial Minerals View active and inactive quarries.
Bibliography Created by the KGS, the bibliography lists all publications from all sources concerning the geology and hydrology of Kansas.
Photo Library A selection of Kansas photos from our files.
Measured Sections Descriptions of outcrops (limited availabilty).
Web sites and pages
Geologic Map: Web version of Elk County geologic map
Bulletin: Geology, Mineral Resources, and Ground-Water Resources of Elk County, Kansas

These next links present resources outside of the Kansas Geological Survey.
GIS data available from the State of Kansas Data Access and Support Center
The Kansas Applied Remote Sensing (KARS) Program conducts research on environmental and agricultural applications of remote sensing technology.

Kansas Geological Survey, Data Sets and Searches
Comments to
Program updated Aug. 9, 2006. Databases are updated often.