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Chase County

Sec. 7, T. 19 S., R. 8 E
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Section on Davis Ranch, North of Strong City beginning at Southeast corner of 7 - 19S - 8E (the long section) & proceding westward up hill. Section measure begun at corner of stone fence.
Measured By Swain, 7/1939
Unit No. Description Thickness
24 Limestone - light gray, weathers brown, thin and in part thick bedded dense with interbedded gray chert, crops out at top of hill. Thicker more rest. Layers form benches across road, very fossiliferous on weathered surface of limestone & chert. Crinoids, bryozoa corals (brown), brachiopods, fusulines, echinoids, rest layer 6 ft. from top is very oolitic & lark chert; next layer below light colored not oolitic & bas chert; chert assumes fantastic shapes in weathered out pieces some are sound & concretionary like. 26.5 ft.
23 Shale - light brown, thick bed, calcareous, clay in part nodular, sample 3 ft. below base  

Kansas Geological Survey
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Programs Updated May 2003