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Wabaunsee County

Sec. 29, T. 11 S., R. 10 E
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Interstate 70 roadcut on both north and south sides of road, 2.3 miles west of Kansas Highway 99 overpass
Measured By Barry Perlmutter, July 1970
Unit No. Description Thickness
  Permian System -- Council Grove Group  
  Funston Limestone  
16 Limestone, gray, fine-grained, flaggy, no megafossils 5.2 ft.
15 Limestone, massive, gray, weathers tan, fine-grained, no megafossils 3.0 ft.
  Blue Rapids Shale  
14 Shale, gray, thin-bedded, weathers tan, no megafossils 6.1 ft.
13 Shale, dark gray, weathers tan, no megafossils 6.3 ft.
12 Limestone, gray, massive, no megafossils 1.2 ft.
11 Shale, red, medium-bedded, no megafossils 4.4 ft.
10 Shale, green, no megafossils 1.2 ft.
9 Shale, red, no megafossils 3.6 ft.
8 Shale, red and green, no megafossils 1.3 ft.
7 Shale, green, no megafossils 1.1 ft.
6 Shale, olive drab and red, thin-bedded, no megafossils 1.2 ft.
5 Shale, red, thin-bedded, no megafossils 3.2 ft.
  Crouse Limestone  
4 Limestone, light gray, massive, bone fragments 4.2 ft.
3 Covered interval 4.5 ft.
2 Limestone, light gray, massive, bone fragments, crinoid columnals 2.9 ft.
  Easly Creek Shale  
1 Shale, light to dark gray, weathers light gray, no megafossils 11.2 ft.
  Total thickness of section 56.1 ft.

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Kansas Geological Survey
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