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Washington County

Sec. 1, T. 3 S., R. 2 E
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5 miles W. of Washington on U.S. 36
Measured By N. Plummer and J.F. Romary, April 17, 1940
Remarks: Composite of three pits
Unit No. Description Thickness
6 RESIDUAL 1.0 ft.
5 SILT to SILTY CLAY--light gray 1.5 ft.
4 SILT to VERY FINE SANDSTONE--gray to buff 1.5 ft.
3 CLAY--plastic, gray with a considerable amount of buff and light gray silt, slight yellow stain, a thin sandstone bed at bottom 2.8 ft.
2 CLAY--plastic, gray with some irregular yellow stain, leaf fossils, some lignite particles with small smount of gypsum, black, hard chinks and short seams of material which is probably lignite or MnO2, lower part, gray with yellow stain abundant leaf fossils 4.2-6.8 ft.
1 CLAY--silty, gray with some irregular silty to sandy streaks and buff stains, contains a few limonitic concretions with some gypsum 5.9-8.5 ft.

Kansas Geological Survey
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Programs Updated May 2003