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Washington County

Sec. 8, T. 1 S., R. 4 E
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1/2 mile W. of Hollenberg
Measured By N. Plummer and J.F. Romary, 2/2/1940
Composite of three pits
Unit No. Description Thickness
16 RESIDUAL 200 ft.
15 RESIDUAL--terrace sand, silt, gravel; glacial material, feldspar, quartzite; possibly Pleistocene 4.1 ft.
14 SAND and SILT--light gray with some yellow 2.8 ft.
13 SANDSTONE--medium to coarse, brown with some cross-bedding 1.6 ft.
12 SANDSTONE--fine, light gray to nearly with some clay 1.3 ft.
11 SANDSTONE--coarse to medium, brown, cross bedding in upper 1/2, dips W of SW, bottom irregular and concretionary 4.0 ft.
10 CLAY--plastic, gray, greenish gray, red, purple with sloght trace lignite 3.1 ft.
9 CLAY--plastic, light gray and yellow with some purple in bottom 1.3 ft.
7 SANDSTONE--yellow with concretionary hematitic bed at top 0.6 ft.
6 CLAY--some partly gray shale 0.2 ft.
5 SILT TO SANDSTONE--yellow to buff, concretionary, clayey hard lumps, may be conglomerate 0.4 ft.
4 CLAY and SILT--buff to gray, alternating and very thin 1.3 ft.
3 CLAY--silty, gray 2.7 ft.
2 LIMESTONE--resistant and hard, gray 0.7 ft.
1 SILT--gray 0.8 ft.

Kansas Geological Survey
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Programs Updated May 2003