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Washington County

Sec. 25, T. 1 S., R. 4 E
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The Marion formation in the bluffs northeast of Spence Siding on the U.P.R.R. between Hollenberg and Hanover, Kansas
Measured By Condra and Upp (P. 65), Date 1931
Remarks: Section No. 25
Unit No. Description Thickness
  Pearl shale  
15 Hollenberg limestone, bedded, weaths yellowish, forms large flat blocks, fossiliferous 3.5 ft.
14 Shale--bluish-gray, red and gray. The top of this carries many calc concretions, and there is a poorly defined mudstone layer about 10 feet above base 39 ft.
  Herington limestone  
13 Limestone--cut by a few thin shale streaks, highly pitted, geodal, badly weathered 5.66 ft.
12 Limestone--buff, massive, geodal, pitting very characteristic 1.16 ft.
11 Ls--a seam, weathers slabby 0.08 ft.
10 Limestone--buff, massive, forms re-entrant, chalky with brown specks scattered throughout 1 ft.
9 Shale--olive green to mustard yellow, indurated, limy, fossiliferous 0.08 ft.
8 Mudstone--gray, fossiliferous 1 ft.
7 Paddock shale--olive green to gray, indurated, massive, blocky 12 ft.
  Krider limestone  
6 Limestone--lt gray to buff, weathers bedded, beds 4-6 inches thick, dense 1.16 ft.
5 Shale--gray to buff, calc, nearly a mudstone, grades upward into [unit 6] 2.25 ft.
4 Limestone--gray to buff, contains some specimens of Orbiculoidea .75 ft.
3 Limestone--dense .33-.5 ft.
2 Shale--gray to bluish-gray, indurated, blocky, grades upward into mudstone-limestone 2.33 ft.
1 Shale--chocolate-maroon, massive, blocky 1 ft.

Kansas Geological Survey
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Programs Updated May 2003