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Crinoid wackestone, gray, with many brachiopods and few pink quartz geodes
0.11 m
Calcareous shale, gray to yellow, with lenses of brachiopod wackestone, tan, with abundant Chonetes granulifer brachiopods, common bivalve fragments, few crinoids and Composita brachiopods, rare bryozoans, and very rare echinoid spines. Covered in part
0.6 m
Crinoid wackestone, gray, with abundant tiny brachiopod fragments, common fusulinids, few Nodosia and biserial forams, rare bryozoans and Bellerophon gastropods, and very rare trilobite fragments
0.28 m
Foram, coated-shell fragment wackestone, white, with abundant loose and encrusting Calcivertella forams and tiny (0.5 mm thick by 1 mm long) bivalve and brachiopod fragments coated with foram, alga boundstone, few ostracodes, and rare crinoids
0.27 m
Foram, brachiopod fragment packstone, white, with abundant loose Calcivertella forams and tiny brachiopod fragments (not coated), common tiny phosphatic bone (?) fragments, many ostracodes, and very rare bryozoan fragments
0.2 m
Peloid, ostracode packstone lenses, gray, with medium-sand-sized micritic peloids 10% of rock, abundant ostracodes and very-fine-sand-sized quartz grains, many tiny (about 6 mm diameter) intraclasts of dense micrite and peloid alga boundstone, and few loose Calcivertella forams, interbedded with lime sand packstone, orange
0.05 m
Friable, lime-sand packstone, orange, with abundant fine- to medium-sand-sized lime grains
0.03-0.05 m
Lime-sand grainstone, orange, with coarse-sand-sized lime grains about 45% of rock, many granule- and pebble-sized clasts of laminated peloid, alga boundstone, gray, and rare tiny bivalve fragments. BP pores are generally filled with PE34 calcite cement
0.03-0.05 m
Shale, orange, silty (?)
0.05 m
Shale, gray to brown, fissile
0.08 m
Lime-breccia wackestone, cream white, with abundant brecciated (in situ?) flat and curved (fragments of stromatolite domes?) laminated mudstone fragments about 4 mm by 6 mm (small, pebble-sized), possible root traces, pervasive horizontal joints or fenestral pores filled with PE3 calcite cement. Abundant very-fine-sand-sized quartz toward top. Tiny boxwork features present toward base
0.05 m
Peloid, alga boundstone, cream white. Morphology: Laterally linked hemispheres and domes, 4.5 cm wide by 3 cm to 4 cm high, composed of layers of peloid, alga boundstone and dense micrite arched over brecciated micrite with pink gypsum crystals filling fracture pores
0.06 m
Shale, yellow