Unit No. |
Description |
Thickness |
Limestone, gray-brown, weathers light gray to nearly white; porcelaneous, fairly hard, massive, somewhat impure, grades into shale below; Yoldia, Leda, brachiopod fragments, high spired gastropods in upper part, Myalina in lower part; sandy to silty throughout; upper more massive part separated from shelly lower part by a green shale locally
0.65 ft.
Shale, green, micaceous, slightly sandy, poorly bedded to somewhat blocky, fossiliferous (ostracods?)
1.2 ft.
Limestone, green to gray-green, weathers yellow-brown ... very impure, sandy and micaceous, shaly, fossiliferous (ostracods?) grades into below; not continuous
0.1 ft.
Shale, green with some red, mottled, sandy, micaceous, poorly bedded, calcareous, some impure limestone pebbles, grades into red shale below
0.9 +/- ft.
Shale, red, sandy and micaceous, poorly bedded, calcareous in part, limestone pebbles, grades laterally between pure red and red and green mottled; grades into below
2.8 +/- ft.
Shale, blue-gray and yellow-brown mottled, some green, somewhat clayey, poorly bedded to somewhat blocky
5.7 +/- ft.
Limestone, brown, weathers brown to yellow-brown, hard, massive; horn coral, brachiopod fragments, crinoid stems, Composita, Hustedia, bryozoans, Osagia, Chonetes, Ambocoelia, Meekella
Shale, green to green-gray, poorly bedded, micaceous, calcareous especially near top, slightly sandy
4.7 +/- ft.
Siltstone, yellow, shaly in part
0.5 +/- ft.
Limestone, blue-gray, weathers brown to yellow-brown, hard, massive; Myalina, pelecypod fragments, Aviculopecten
0.8 +/- ft.
Shale, yellow-green, sandy and micaceous, some sandy limestone and some limestone pebbles of above limestone; grades into below
1.3 +/- ft.
Limestone, gray, slightly sandy, grades laterally and vertically between green shale and limestone, grades into below
0.7 +/- ft.
Limestone, green to gray-green, weathers nearly white, very sandy, micaceous, grades into shale below, massive, hard
0.35 +/- ft.
Shale, green to gray-green, sandy, micaceous, some sandstone, poorly bedded, calcareous, in part, grades into below
1.0 +/- ft.
Shale, yellow-brown, sandy and micaceous, calcareous, some limestone pebbles and nodules, poorly bedded, numerous discontinuities
3.5 +/- ft.