Unit No. |
Description |
Thickness |
Sandstone, coarse-grained, yellow
11.0 ft.
Clay, silty toward top, gray and yellowish, mottled irregular with red and darker yellow, grades into clay below
4.4 ft.
Clay, light gray with some pink and yellow, 2" sandstone at bottom and in middle
2.3 ft.
Clay, plastic to silty, light gray to very light gray, with small number of yellow sandy lenses, 1/4" to 4" thick
4.5 ft.
Siltstone to sandstone, clayey, gray, some yellow stain in upper part, lower 2.6' augered in bottom pit, auger shows a total of 11.2' of silt, but probably part is same as bed 6
4.3 ft.
Clay, silty, hard, gray with almost no stain, conchoidal fracture, possibly slightly more silty toward bottom, but all is dominantly clay, grades into bed 5 below, thickness may be greater than shown since field notes were not consistent, may be at least 9' thick
7.6 ft.
Sandstone, clayey, light gray, grades into bed above, local
2.4 ft.
Clay, plastic, dark gray (almost black) with no visible stain, oblique bottom
5.0 ft.
Sandstone, light gray with some yellow
7.1 ft.
Sandstone, yellow, interbedded with gray clay, sandstone dominant in middle, but half clay in upper and lower 1.5' beds are inclined, irregular or lenticular
6.0 ft.
Sandstone, fine to medium-grained, yellow, hard, but somewhat clayey
1.7 ft.
Note: Correlation of beds is ragged, this is due to both the dip and the horizontal variation in the beds