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Saline County

Sec. 6, T. 16 S., R. 5 W
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SW of Brookvile, 1/4 mile east of Ellsworth Co. line on S. side of east trending gully
Measured By N. Plummer, Jan. 1939
Remarks: Composite of 15 pits
Unit No. Description Thickness
36 Sandstone, brown, very knotty, concretionary, whorled 3.0 ft.
35 Sandstone, pink 5.0 ft.
34 Clay, plastic to slightly silty, yellow and gray, top has pink stain, some sand 2.75 ft.
33 Clay, light gray, plastic with irregular hunks of limonitic sandstone 1.5 ft.
32 Clay, light gray, some yellow stain (1.0); good gray, lignitic (1.0); yellow (0.7) 2.7 ft.
31 Sandstone, yellow 0.7 ft.
30 Sandstone, light gray, fairly fine-grained, with lavender tint, contains specks or small round areas decidedly lavender, cross-bedded, micaceous 5.3 ft.
29 Sandstone, brownish, fairly fine-grained, some pink and lavender 3.8 ft.
28 Sandstone, light, pinkish, brown, cross-bedded, fairly fine-grained, friable 10.0 ft.
27 Clay, soil, sandy, includes sand and lumps of residual sandstone, partly covered sandstone 3.1 ft.
26 Silt, clayey, gray, grades into bed below 2.0 ft.
25 Clay, silty, gray 1.8 ft.
24 Clay, light gray, fairly plastic, some yellow stain, some gypsum, sandy yellow streak at top 2.1 ft.
23 Clay, light gray, very plastic, with red and some yellow mottling, a large amount is a pale lavender or blue-violet gray, increase in red and yellow coloring toward base 7.7 ft.
22 Sandstone, massive, buff to light yellow, fine-grained 3.0 ft.
21 Clay, light gray, silty, vertical red mottling in lower 1.5' 3.8 ft.
20 Clay, yellow and red mottling, fairly plastic, fly specks of hematite 1.5 ft.
19 Clay, yellow and red, silty 1.0 ft.
18 Silt, lignitic, clayey 0.5 ft.
17 Sandstone, light gray and buff, banded, fine, silty, 2" hematite near top, lignite 2.0 ft.
16 Sandstone, medium, fine-grained and silty, very light gray to buff, micaceous, portions slightly clayey, some lignite-quartzite concretions 4.0 ft.
15 Silt, thin-bedded to laminated, clayey, gray with some horizontal yellow streaks 2.0 ft.
14 Clay, gray, silty 2.25 ft.
13 Clay, gray, yellow and red mottled, slightly silty 2.25 ft.
12 Clay, gray, plastic, with slight yellow stain, some gypsum toward top 3" lignitic "ash gray" clay 18" from top 3.3 ft.
11 Clay, yellow, slightly silty 1.0 ft.
10 Sandstone, alternating thin beds of yellow to gray, fine sandstone and clay, gray, silty, one bed of sandstone about 3' from top is red-orange, some pyrite 6.25 ft.
9 Clay, gray, plastic with some yellow sandy streaks 3.25 ft.
8 Sandstone, yellow to brown, friable, cross-bedded, 4-6" light gray clay 20" from top 2.25 ft.
7 Sandstone, thin-bedded, yellow and orange-red and gray, friable, silty 2.8 ft.
6 Clay, mostly plastic, yellowish-gray, some evidence of shale structure, but mostly massive, 3 bands of concretionary "ironstone" band 18" from bottom is associated with irregular lenses of cone-in-cone, hematite streak 4" thick, 4.3' thick from bottom, large amount of gypsum 9.1 ft.
5 Clay, dark gray, plastic, contains streaks or bands of limonite, friable, with some concretionary limonite and hematite, bedding of clay, etc., slightly irregular but distinct; contains small lens of good clay (lignitic), max thickness 4", also pockets of cone-in-cone surrounded by gypsum, cone-in-cone at top, abundance of gypsum 15.6 ft.
4 Clay, dark gray, shaly, much gypsum, some yellow streaks of sand 1.5 ft.
3 Silt, yellow and gray, banded, clayey, lignitic at bottom 1.0 ft.
2 Clay, dark gray, plastic, lignitic, plant fragments, pyrite 1.5 ft.
1 Sandstone, yellow, friable, some clay in upper 0.5' 2.0 ft.

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Kansas Geological Survey
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Programs Updated May 2003