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Coffey County

Sec. 25, T. 20 S., R. 14 E
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Neosha River Section North of Neosha River
Measured By Holly C. Wagner, 04/1953
Unit No. Description Thickness
1 Limestone, hard, dense, robust fusulinids (not quite to top), brachiopod fragments, Syringopora Dioherm, Osagia, and Marksia? 2.8 ft.
2 Shale, greenish to gray 1.5 ft.
3 Limestone, flaky, Osagia?, fine shells 0.2 - 0.3 ft.
4 Shale, greenish gray 0.4 ft.
5 Limestone, hard, vertically jointed, light gray, gastropods, crinoid stems, fusulinids (sparse), brachiopods, and Marksia 1.2 ft.
6 Shale, covered 2.2 ft.
7 Limestone, orange, marly, brown calcite veinlets 0.4 ft.
8 Shale, light tan to olive gray, Chonetes, Marginifera, crinoid stems, unfossiliferouslls (1/2) in upper part 11 ft.
9 Limestone, hard blocky, light tan gray; gastropod, productid spines, crinoid stems, Juresania?, Marksia, sparse fusulines througout, Derbyia, white spots Syringopora 3.4 ft.
10 Shale, light gray to tan, Myalina, Astartella, Chonetes and ramose bryozoans, partly covered, probably contains Big Spring Limestone 5.3 ft.
11 Limestone, light reddish brown, very fossiliferous, Derbiya, Myalina, crinoid stems, ramose bryozoan, productid spines, Linoproductus, algal?  
12 Shale, light olive gray, not fissile with ironstone concretions 2 ft.
13 Shale, very fine grained, gray to tan, unfossiliferous, poorly bedded, slightly calcareous 1.5 ft.
14 Shale, slity, light olive gray, unfossiliferous 1 ft.
15 Covered interval 55 ft.
16 Sandstone, hard, jointed, very fine grained, micaceous, calcareous, ripple marked, swirly bedded, unfossiliferous 0.8 ft.

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Kansas Geological Survey
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Programs Updated May 2003