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Wilson County

Sec. 26, T. 30 S., R. 16 E
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Section measured under weat end of Mill Street Bridge, SE cor Neodesha
Measured By H.C. Wagner, 8/4/1953
Unit No. Description Thickness
17 Limestone - shaly (and shale, very calcareou) light gray (N7), finely algal, flaky, actually composed of fine sized fossil fragments of crinoids, brachiopods, ramose bryozoans, fenestrate bryozoans, in a fine Osagia matrix 1.3 ft.
16 Limestone - hard, medium bedded (0.2 - 0.3 ft thick beds) grayish orange (10YR7/4), fossiliferous. Chonetes, Juresanis, Neospirifer, crinoid stems, fenestrate bryozoans, Hustedia, horn corals, ramose bryozoans 2.1 ft.
15 Shale - lenses out laterally, calcareous, fossiliferous, yellowish gray (5Y8/1) 0.1 ft.
14 Limestone - irregular, wavy bedded, grayish orange (10YR7/4) fossiliferous, crinoids and brachiopods 0.2 ft.
13 Shale - calcareous, fossiliferous, mainly crinoids and brachiopods, grayiwh orange (10YR7/4) 0.6 ft.
12 Limestone - irregular wavy bed, fossiliferous, mainly crinoids and brachiopods. Grayish orange (10YR7/4) 0.2 ft.
11 Shale - yellowish gray (5Y8/1), slightly silty, apparently unfossiliferous. Contains limestone nodules 0.5 ft.
10 Siltstone - hard, olive black (5Y2/1), carbonaceous and micaceous. Calcareous and contains calcareous nodules (may be corals) 0.5 ft.
9 Shale - grayish black (N2), fissile in lower 0.4 ft. Grades upward into olive gray (5Y4/1) micaceous wiltstone (0.1 ft. thick) 0.5 ft.
8 Shale - light olive gray (5Y6/1), calcareous, micaceous, apparently unfossiliferous 0.5 ft.
7 Limestone - hard, vertically jointed, medium gray (N5), dense fossiliferous. Crinoid stems, brachiopods fragments, Cryptozoan 0.2 ft.
6 Shale - calcareous, or limestone, very shaly, brownish gray (5YR4/1). Fossiliferous, mainly crinoidal remains 0.5 ft.
5 Limestone - medium light gray (N6), flaggy and unfossiliferous where it fills depressions, but laterally grades into a medium light gray (N6) very calcareous micaceous siltstone, slightly fossiliferous. Includes crinoid stems and brachiopod fragments 0.3 - 0.7 ft.
4 Shale - variable in color but generally light greenish gray (5GY8/1) with many ironstone concretions in it. Thickness very variable as limestone fills scours cur into shale 0.6 ft.
3 Coal - black, banded, more vitrain than dull. Bony in middle 1 inch and upper 1 inch 0.9 ft.
2 Claystone - medium dark gray (N4), non-silty. Underclay 0.5 ft.
1 Shale - light greenish gray (5GY8/1) to greenish gray (5GY6/1), fissile, slightly silty, finely micaceous. Contains a thin bed of very fine grained sandstone. Concretions about 8 ft. below top. Upper part poorly exposed. 12.3 ft.

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Kansas Geological Survey
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Programs Updated May 2003