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Neosho County

Sec. 15, T. 29 S., R. 21 E
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Road cut on Highway 57, 3.2 miles east of St. Paul, Kansas
Measured By Wally Howe, 6/19/1948
Site estimated from topographic maps because Township, Range and Section were not denoted on original log.
Unit No. Description Thickness
1 Shale, gray to blue-gray, altered at top to drab and brown. Thinly but evenly bedded. Silty in certain beds. Uppermost part is limey and contains some limestone concretions or nodules 7.5 ft.
2 Limestone (in 5 distinct beds)  
2a Limestone, slabby to nodular, does not have constant thickness 0 - 5 ft.
2b Limestone, gray, weathers lighter. Dense, forms single bed. Fossiliferous, but fossils do not occur in abundance, nor are they easily collected--Productids, crinoids, Composita, Ambocoelia 1.5 ft.
2c Limestone, very nodular, nodules dissaggregate upon weathering. Apparently are very thoroughly intersticed with clayey material. Portions weather to slabby limestone before becoming completely dissaggregated. Nodules vary from 1 - 6 inches in greatest diameter 1.83 ft.
2d Calcareous shale, drab in color 1.83 ft.
2e Limestone, hard, gray. Has same fossils as does bed 2b 1.17 ft.
3 Soil + 1 ft.

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Kansas Geological Survey
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Programs Updated May 2003