Unit No. |
Description |
Thickness |
Shale, dark gray to black, weathers lighter. Has many limestone and shale concretions of small dimensions. Lower part very fossiliferous. Mostly pelecypods and gastropods. Upper part very limey and hard
3.5 ft.
Shale, black, fissile, very well jointed, has abundant small rounded phosphatic concretions. Joint planes weathered rust brown
6.66 ft.
Limestone, very earthy, with numerous large black concretions of a more pure limestone. Concretions are hard and contain a few large cephalopods, which do not come free from the surrounding matrix. Earthy limestone is hard, and thinly laminated
1.66 ft.
Shale, dark, very fossiliferous. Calcareous, contains numerous large Marginifera?
+/- 1 ft.
Limestone, hard, very fossiliferous, predominantly large species of Composita, which, together with other large types, forms laminae which at first appear to be calcite veining. Thick (1 inch) bedding
+/- 6 ft.
Clay, irregular thickness, gerruginous, apparently residual
+/- 1 ft.
Chert residue, much seemingly very little displaced. Black to dark brown in color. Very straight break. Some unidentifyable fossil material
+/- 1 ft.