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Neosho County

Sec. 30, T. 29 S., R. 21 E
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Unit No. Description Thickness
12 Worland limestone; upper 14 in. thin beds, semilithographic; weathers nearly white. Remainder rather dense and massive. Weathers with corrugated surface. Few brachiopods, slightly crystalline, many crinoid stems, large horn corals throughout. Many Ambodoelia in lower part. Slightly irregular, yet clear cut lower contact 8 ft.
11 Shale; flaky to blocky, clay shale; shale 19 - 20 in.
10 Black, very black, blocky, slightly thinner beds in upper part, Phosphatic nodules in mid and lower part 2.3 ft.
9 Shale; silty-flaky, slightly carboniferous, many small crushed brachiopods in upper part 0.66 ft.
8 Limestone, dark earthy, nodular 0.2 ft.
7 Shale, flaky, gray 0.45 ft.
6 Shale and limestone, irregular top small irregular limestone nodules or concretions 0.5 ft.
5 Limestone - one massive bed; many fossils and fragments, no bedding, earthy and crystalline. Weathers light tan, resembles Tina in Linn Co. 1.5 ft.
4 Shale, clay, gray, dark near top, small hard limestone nodules in lower part 2.2 ft.
3 Limestone, dark dove gray, dense to very slightly crystalline, weathers on one bed, but some indication of bedding in lower part, fossil fragments, mostly composite 22 in.
2 Shale and limestone, nodular limestone is finely crystalline limestone concretion and shale 1.3 ft.
1 Gray clay shale will small limestone lenses 5 ft.
  Hill above covered with Chert gravels  

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Kansas Geological Survey
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Programs Updated May 2003