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Neosho County

Sec. 26, T. 30 S., R. 17 E
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Section begins in creek bed just south of bridge. Proceeds west over next bridge to first road north and continues north up that road and then east to house.
Measured By H.C. Wagner, 9/27/1953
Unit No. Description Thickness
6 Shale - yellowish gray (5Y7/2), slightly to moderately silty, finely micaceous, platy. Contains several beds of calcareous and ironstone concretions about 5 feet aboe the base. Ironstone concretions are pale red (5R6/2) and dark yellowish orange (10YR6/6). Unfossiliferous. + 13 ft.
5 Limestone - medium light gray (N6) fresh, grayish orange (10YR7/4) weathered. Hard, vertically jointed. Predominantly Cryptozoanalgae in which many fossil fragments are distributed, including crinoid stems, small and large brachiopods (whole and fragmentary), small gastropods, Marginifers?, Composita, Neospirifer, fenestrate bryozoans, Derbyia. Upper part is the place of concentration of the fossils. Either erosion or jointing developed in the lower 1/2 prior to deposition of the upper as the fossiliferous material apparently fills joint cracks or eroded areas along joint system with the fossiliferous material. I have noted this elsewhere, and locally the material is fairly oolitic that fills the joints or erosion channels. 0.7 ft.
4 Shale - yellowish gray (5Y7/2), non-silty, well-bedded, poorly exposed. 3.9 ft.
3 Limestone - unfossiliferous, grayish orange (10YR7/4) weathered surface, medium light gray (N6) to light olive gray (5Y6/1) fresh. Hard, vertically jointed, very fine crystalline, dense 0.5 ft.
2 Shale - light grayish orange, silty and micaceous, especially near top; basal part poorly exposed. A thin (1/4 - 1/2 inch) bed of siltstone rubble cemented with calcite and silica occurs 1.2 feet below top 34 ft.
1 Limestone - light gray (N7), very finely crystalline, locally impure, irregularly to wavy-bedded, very fossiliferous, contains no fusulines, horn corals prominent, crinoid plates and spines and stems, fenestrate bryozoans, incrusting bryozoans, productid spines, Hustedia, brachiopods filled with calcite (Composita?), Composita, Osagia concentrated locally, ramose bryozoans. 2 inch bed 2 feet bellow top is composed almost entirely of crinoid stem fragments in an Osagia matrix +2.5 ft.

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Kansas Geological Survey
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Programs Updated May 2003