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Chase County

Sec. 26, T. 19 S., R. 6 E
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On K-150 west of Elmdale - East from 1st Florence exposure West of Elmdale. Study area contained in extreme southeast corner of section 26 and extreme southwest portion of section 25.
Measured By J.M. Jewett & H.G. O'Connor, 8/8/1947
Unit No. Description Thickness
1 Mass of loose chert 5 ft.
2 Limestone - cherty 3 ft.
3 Shale - gray 0.2 ft.
4 Limestone - cherty 0.2 ft.
5 Shale - light yellowish gray; somewhat limy 1.35 ft.
6 Limestone - shale break 1 foot from base; upper part yellow and gray; weathers brown and tan; silicified fossil fragments, sparse brachiopods, fish bones?; lower 1 foot more massive and weathers light yellowish gray 1.6 ft.
7 Shale - light tan and gray 0.7 ft.
8 Shale - hard, blocky zone 0.9 ft.
9 Shale - light tan and gray in upper part, yellowish below; 0.8 feet hard limy layer 2 feet from base 4.35 ft.
10 Shale - yellow above, slightly greenish in lower part; 0.4 feet limy layer in middle part 6.65 ft.
11 Clay - red and green bands 5.75 ft.
12 Limestone - blue-gray; hard; crystalline; weathers yellow; thin irregular beds; somewhat a coquina of fossil fragments, many small snails, ostracodes? 1 ft.
13 Limestone - brown to blue-gray; abundance of snails, mostly small, some large snails in clusters; brown and crystalline in basal part; all weathers yellowish 0.2 - 0.6 ft.
14 Shale - yellow 0.3 ft.
15 Limestone - mottled olive and dark gray 0.3 - 0.6 ft.
16 Shale - yellow; limy 0.2 ft.
17 Limestone - medium gray; somewhat dense Note: locally unity 15,16, & 17 are one bed of limestone 0.9 feet thick 0.3 ft.
18 Shale - light olive; weathers ashy white or gray 7.45 ft.
19 Shale - yellow-gray with limestone lenses; abundance of fossils Derbya, Composita, rhomboprids, echinoid spines and plates 2.4 ft.
20 Shale - gray-yellow; non-fossiliferous 1.85 ft.
21 Limestone - slightly yellowish gray; weathers yellow; on weathering appears as a coquina of microfossils; many high-spired snails; crinoid stems 1.2 ft.
22 Shale - deeply weathered; yellow; not all well seen 5.85 ft.
23 Limestone - slightly olive gray; somewhat dense; brachiopod fragments, Bellerophonids 0.8 ft.
24 Covered 0.8 ft.
25 Shale - light yellow 0.75 ft.
26 Mudstone - blocky to playt 1 ft.
27 Shale - yellow-brown; soft 3.35 ft.
28 Covered to approximately the top of the Schroyer limestone 17.8 ft.
29 Limestone - light gray; weathers nearly white; many partly silicified fragments of fossils, crinoid fragments, brachiopods at top; interval is largely covered, but contains in lower part a mass of loose chert 3.75 ft.
30 Shale - gray; contains masses of tripoli; somewhat limy in lower part; lower part fossiliferous: crinoid stems, bryozoans, Derbya, echinoid spines, well preserved prodcutids, Chonetes, etc. 7.5 ft.
31 Limestone - gray; weathers slightly yellow; crystalline; crinoid fragments; mudstone-like beds in lower part may bed set off by thin shale break 0.95 ft.
32 Shale - yellow-gray; blocky 3.3 ft.
33 Limestone - white; weathers dirty gray; poorly exposed, all seems to be nearly white; chert to near top, but considerable portion is non-cherty 10.8 ft.
34 Flint 1.1 ft.
35 Limestone - flinty; poorly exposed 2 ft.
36 Limestone - white; weathers gray; no flint 1 ft.
37 Shale - yellow-gray to slightly greenish; Chonetes, crinoid fragments, Derbya, some coated with algae 4.15 ft.
38 Shale - greenish-gray; nodules of tripoli 3.45 ft.
39 Shale - red 4.4 ft.
40 Shale - light buff 1.4 ft.
41 Limestone - platy; slightly yellow 2.4 ft.
42 Limestone - cherty 0.2 ft.
43 Limestone - platy; slightly yellow 0.75 ft.
44 Limestone - light gray to briwnish; angular dense inclusions in gray crystalline limestone; somewhat platy 1 ft.
45 Limestone - light yellowish gray; brown rusty small clams (not all well seen) lower few inches is yellow-gray; mottled; softer 2.7 ft.
46 Shale - clayey; deeply weathered; partly covered in lower part 3.45 ft.
47 Siltstone - (or impure limestone) massive; gray; weathers slightly yellow; cherty in upper part; silicified fossil fragments 1.3 ft.
48 Covered - (traverse carried into pasture North of road) 5 ft.
49 Shale - light gray; slightly platy 1.7 ft.
50 Limestone - (or siltstone) slightly tan; weathers somewhat darker; very platy; few clams 1.7 ft.
51 Limestone - dark gray mottled; many large clams 0.85 ft.
52 Shale - 2 feet shale seen in upper part; lower part covered 3.4 ft.
53 Shale - green in upper part, lower half yellow; platy and hard 3.1 ft.

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Kansas Geological Survey
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