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19 records found for
author name Gerlach, P.[M.].
Title: Reservoir characterization to inexpensively evaluate the exploitation potential of a small Morrow incised valley-fill field
Author: Bhattacharya, Saibal; Byrnes, A.; Gerlach, P.M.; and Olea, R.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2002-9
Year: 2002
Available online:
Title: Application of cost-effective PC-based reservoir simulation and management; Schaben field (Mississippian), Ness County, Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Gerlach, P.M.; Bhattacharya, Saibal; and Carr, T.R.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Convention and Exhibition, vol. 7, p. 54
Year: 1998
Title: The resource-full Mississippian of Kansas, (abstr.), p. 23, In, Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian geology and petroleum in the southern midcontinent; a workshop, Abstracts
Author: Gerlach, P.M.; and Merriam, D.F.
Publication: Oklahoma Geological Survey; and U.S. Department of Energy, 32 pages
Year: 1999
Title: Input parameters for reservoir simulation study; Minneola field, Clark County, Kansas
Author: Bhattacharya, Saibal; Byrnes, A.; and Gerlach, P.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2000-86, 130 pages
Year: 2000
Title: Digital petroleum atlas report, 1996
Author: Carr, T.R.; Gerhard, L.C.; Watney, W.L.; Gerlach, P.M.; Adkins-Heljeson, D.; Guy, W.; Kruger, J.M.; Stalder, K.; Bhattacharya, S.; and Weeks, W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 97-14
Year: 1997
Available online:
Title: The resource-full Mississippian of Kansas, pp. 129-138, In, Johnson, K.S., (ed.); Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian geology and petroleum in the southern midcontinent, 1999 symposium
Author: Gerlach, P.M.; and Merriam, D.F.
Publication: Oklahoma Geological Survey, Circular, no. 105, 179 pages
Year: 2001
Title: Results of 3 layer reservoir simulation study; Schaben field, Ness County, Kansas
Author: Bhattacharya, Saibal; and Gerlach, P.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2000-78, 78 pages
Year: 2000
Available online:
Title: Cost-effective pc-based reservoir simulation and management; the Schaben field (Mississippian) Ness County, Kansas
Author: Bhattacharya, Saibal; Gerlach, P.M.; Carr, T.R.; Guy, W.J.; Beaty, S.D.; and Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas University, Tertiary Oil Recovery Project, Contribution, no. 14 (Proceedings of the Twelfth Oil Recovery Conference), pp. 39-58
Year: 1997
Title: Characterization and simulation of Minneola field, Clark County, Kansas
Author: Bhattacharya, Saibal; Byrnes, A.; and Gerlach, P.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2001-47, 158 pages
Year: 2001
Title: Reservoir characterization to inexpensively evaluate the exploitation potential of a small Morrow incised valley-fill field, (abstr.)
Author: Bhattacharya, Saibal; Byrnes, A.; Gerlach, P.M.; and Olea, R.A.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists; and Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), Annual Meeting, Abstracts, vol. 11, p. A18
Year: 2002
Title: Kansas oil and gas exploration; 10 year history and future strategies
Author: Gerlach, P.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 99-55, 17 pages
Year: 1999
Available online:
Title: Horizontal drilling in Kansas; current status and case histories
Author: Gerlach, P.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2000-2, 22 pages
Year: 2000
Available online:
Title: Screening candidate Mississippian fields in west central Kansas based on their potential for exploitation by horizontal infill drilling; a DOE PUMP (Preferred Upstream Management Practices) Project, USDOE contract # DE-PS26-00BC15304
Author: Bhattacharya, Saibal; Gerlach, P.M.; and Byrnes, A.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2001-69, 156 pages
Year: 2001
Title: Cost-effective techniques for the independent producer to identify candidate reservoirs for horizontal drilling in mature oil and gas fields
Author: Gerlach, P.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 99-56, 16 pages
Year: 1999
Title: Reservoir characterization of Ness City North field, Ness County, Kansas, for horizontal well applications
Author: Bhattacharya, Saibal; Gerlach, P.M.; Byrnes, A.; and Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 99-58, 43 pages
Year: 1999
Title: Demonstration of the use of cost-effective tools to analyze core, log, and production data to develop a reservoir model for Minneola field, Clark County, Kansas, and to evaluate its performance under waterflood
Author: Bhattacharya, Saibal; and Gerlach, P.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 99-34, 109 pages
Year: 1999
Title: Simulation of potential infill wells, Schaben field, Ness County, Kansas
Author: Gerlach, P.M.; and Bhattacharya, Saibal
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 97-25, 11 pages
Year: 1997
Title: Waterflood design and implementation for a south-central Kansas Mississippian carbonate reservoir using cost-effective reservoir characterization and simulation; geologic study and DST analyses of Wellington West field, Sumner County, Kansas
Author: Bhattacharya, Saibal; Gerlach, P.M.; and Byrnes, A.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2001-70, 29 pages
Year: 2001
Title: Simulation of primary and alternate locations for five infill wells, Schaben field, Ness County, Kansas
Author: Gerlach, P.M.; and Bhattacharya, Saibal
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 97-46, 9 pages
Year: 1997
Kansas Geological Survey
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Display Program Updated February 2001
Database updated June 2012.