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23 records found for author name Perkins, S.P..
Title: Evaluation of Wet Walnut water supply availability, (abstr.)
Author: Ramireddygari, S.R.; Koelliker, J.K.; Sophocleous, M.A.; Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 16, p. 38
Year: 1999

Title: Evaluating the impact of irrigation on streamflow in the Lower Republican River basin, Kansas through integrated watershed modeling, (abstr.)
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 33, no. 6, p. 410
Year: 2001

Title: Development and application of a comprehensive simulation model to evaluate impacts of watershed structures and irrigation water use on streamflow and groundwater; the case of Wet Walnut Creek watershed, Kansas, USA
Author: Ramireddygari, S.R.; Sophocleous, M.A.; Koelliker, J.K.; Perkins, S.P.; and Govindaraju, R.S.
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 236, no. 3-4, pp. 223-246
Year: 2000

Title: Development of a comprehensive watershed model applied to study stream yield under drought conditions
Author: Perkins, S.P.; and Sophocleous, M.A.
Publication: Ground Water, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 418-426
Year: 1999

Title: Lower Republican stream-aquifer project, final report; volume 2, development and documentation of a combined watershed and stream-aquifer modeling program
Author: Perkins, S.P.; and Sophocleous, M.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 97-9, 164 pages
Year: 1997

Title: Computer model selection and data assimilation for the Rattlesnake Creek Subbasin Water Resources Management Program, final report (FY1994) to the Division of Water Resources, Kansas State Board of Agriculture
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Birdie, T.; Buddemeier, R.W.; Perkins, S.P.; and Ma, J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 94-62, 81 pages
Year: 1994

Title: Evaluation of simplified stream-aquifer depletion models for water rights administration
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Koussis, A.; Martin, J.L.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Ground Water, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 579-588
Year: 1995

Title: Stream-aquifer modeling and preliminary mineral intrusion analysis of the lower Rattlesnake Creek basin with emphasis on the Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, Kansas
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 93-7, 199 pages
Year: 1993

Title: Calibrated models as management tools for stream-aquifer systems; the case of central Kansas, USA
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 152, no. 1-4, pp. 31-56
Year: 1993

Title: Stream-aquifer numerical modeling of the Kinsley to Great Bend reach of the Arkansas River in central Kansas, final report
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Perkins, S.P.; and Pourtakdoust, S.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 93-32, 150 pages
Year: 1993

Title: Stream-aquifer numerical modeling of the Kinsley to Great Bend reach of the Arkansas River in central Kansas; report of second-year results
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Pourtakdoust, S.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 92-13, 137 pages
Year: 1992

Title: Stream-aquifer and mineral intrusion modeling of the Lower Rattlesnake Creek basin with emphasis on the Quivira National Wildlife Refuge
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 92-6, 204 pages
Year: 1992
Available online: February 2016

Title: Evaluation of Wet Walnut water supply availability; development and application of an integrated watershed model; a year-end progress report
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Perkins, S.P.; Eskrootchi, R.; Koelliker, J.K.; and Ramireddygari, S.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 98-60, 44 pages
Year: 1998

Title: Lower Republican stream-aquifer project; final report, volume 1, combined watershed/stream-aquifer model conceptualization and application
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Perkins, S.P.; Stadnyk, N.G.; and Kaushal, R.S.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 97-8, 131 pages
Year: 1997

Title: Evaluation of simplified stream-aquifer depletion models for water rights administration, (abstr.)
Author: Koussis, A.D.; Sophocleous, M.A.; Martin, J.L.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 11, pp. 18-19
Year: 1994

Title: Integrated numerical modeling for basin-wide water management; the case of the Rattlesnake Creek basin in south-central Kansas
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Koelliker, J.K.; Govindaraju, R.S.; Birdie, T.; Ramireddygari, S.R.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 214, nos. 1-4, pp. 179-196
Year: 1999

Title: Republican River stream/aquifer study; model development and applications, 1995 year-end progress report to KWO
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Perkins, S.P.; Moustakas, S.; and Kaushal, R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 95-53, 106 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Integration of watershed and groundwater models with application to Lower Republican River basin
Author: Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 226 pages
Year: 1999

Title: Inverse approaches with lithologic information for a regional groundwater system in southwest Kansas
Author: Tsou, M.-S.; Perkins, S.P.; Zhan, Xiaoyong; Whittemore, D.O.; and Zheng, Li
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 318, no. 1-4, pp. 292-300
Year: 2006

Title: Integration of watershed and groundwater models with application to Lower Republican River basin, (abstr.)
Author: Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, vol. 61, no. 7B, p. 3479
Year: 1999

Title: A computer model for water management in the Rattlesnake Creek basin, Kansas; development and documentation of SWATMOD
Author: Perkins, S.P.; and Sophocleous, M.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 98-59, 120 pages
Year: 1998

Title: Methodology and application of combined watershed and ground-water models in Kansas
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 236, no. 3-4, pp. 185-201
Year: 2000

Title: Evaluation of the role of stream-aquifer hydraulics in the administration of water rights and minimum streamflow standards
Author: Koussis, A.D.; Sophocleous, M.A.; Martin, J.L.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 311, variously paginated
Year: 1994

Kansas Geological Survey
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