Bibliography--Answer to Query
12 records found for
author name Rogers, R.A..
Title: Evidence for an open conifer woodland in the central Great Plains during the late Wisconsin glacial maximum, (abstr.), p. 23, In, Canadian Quaternary Association (CANQUA) biennial conference and fieldtrip; a symposium on the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the late Wisconsin deglaciation and the Holocene
Author: Dort, Wakefield, Jr.; Johnson, W.C.; Fredlund, G.G.; Rogers, R.A.; Martin, L.D.; Stewart, J.D.; and Wells, P.V.
Publication: University of Lethbridge, Department of Geography, Lethbridge, Alberta, CAN, 179 pages
Year: 1985
Title: Frequency of occurrence of paleoindian sites in the Neosho River drainage of Kansas; a geomorphological analysis, pp. 197-199, In, Johnson, W.C., (ed.); Quaternary environments of Kansas
Author: Rogers, R.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Guidebook Series; guidebook for Midwest Friends of the Pleistocene, 33rd Field Conference, no. 5, 208 pages
Year: 1987
Title: Early projectile points and Pleistocene fauna from sandpits near Wichita, Kansas
Author: Rogers, R.A.; and Martin, L.D.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 88, no. 1-2, pp. 46-50
Year: 1985
Title: Evidence for a pine parkland in central and western Kansas and adjacent Nebraska during mid- to late Wisconsin time, (abstr.)
Author: Johnson, W.C.; Martin, L.D.; Dort, Wakefield, Jr.; Sorenson, C.J.; Rogers, R.A.; Fredlund, G.G.; and Stewart, J.D.
Publication: TER-QUA Symposium Series, vol. 1, p. 197
Year: 1985
Title: A Clovis projectile point from the Kansas River
Author: Rogers, R.A.; and Martin, L.D.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 78-81
Year: 1982
Title: Possible proboscidean bone artifact from the Kansas River
Author: Rogers, R.A.; and Martin, L.D.
Publication: Current Research in the Pleistocene, vol. 6, pp. 43-44
Year: 1989
Title: Evidence for a pine parkland in central and western Kansas and adjacent Nebraska during mid- to late Wisconsin time, (abstr.)
Author: Johnson, W.C.; Martin, L.D.; Dort, Wakefield, Jr.; Sorenson, C.J.; Rogers, R.A.; Fredlund, G.G.; and Stewart, J.D.
Publication: Institute for Tertiary-Quaternary Studies, Program with Abstracts, p. 25
Year: 1983
Title: Analysis of pollen from the Trapshoot local fauna quarry (Rancholabrean) of Kansas
Author: Stewart, J.D.; and Rogers, R.A.
Publication: American Midland Naturalist, vol. 112, no. 1, pp. 198-200
Year: 1984
Title: The Barker site; evidence for occupation of the tall grass prairie region of Kansas throughout the climatic changes of the Holocene
Author: Rogers, R.A.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 88, no. 1-2, pp. 14-19
Year: 1985
Title: Kansas prehistory; an alluvial geomorphological perspective
Author: Rogers, R.A.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 321 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 84-19)
Year: 1984
Title: The Donahue Locality; evidence suggesting a pre-Wisconsin human presence in North America
Author: Rogers, R.A.
Publication: Current Research, vol. 1, pp. 19-20
Year: 1984
Title: Distinctive bifacial artifacts from Wisconsin terraces in Kansas
Author: Rogers, R.A.
Publication: Current Research in the Pleistocene, vol. 1, pp. 33-34
Year: 1984
Kansas Geological Survey
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