Bibliography--Answer to Query
One record found for
author name Roy, R.F..
Title: Exploration for hot dry rock geothermal resources in the Midcontinent USA; introduction, geologic overview, and data acquisition and evaluation
Author: Hinze, W.J.; Braile, L.W.; von Frese, R.R.B.; Lidiak, E.G.; Denison, R.E.; Keller, G.R.; Roy, R.F.; Swanberg, C.A.; Aiken, C.L.V.; Morgan, P.; and Gosnold, W.D.
Publication: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Report, no. LA-10659-HDR, vol. 1, 153 pages
Year: 1986
Kansas Geological Survey
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Display Program Updated February 2001
Database updated June 2012.