Bibliography--Answer to Query
24 records found for
author name Schultze, H.-P..
Title: An eugeneodontid elasmobranch from the late Paleozoic in Kansas
Author: Schultze, H.-P.; and West, R.R.
Publication: Journal of Paleontology, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 162-165
Year: 1996
Title: A complete specimen of Sagenodus (Dipnoi) from the Upper Pennsylvanian of the Hamilton quarry, Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Chorn, John; and Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 94
Year: 1988
Title: A dipnoan tooth plate from the Lower Cretaceous of Kansas, USA
Author: Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 187-195
Year: 1981
Title: An osteolepidid rhipidistian in Upper Pennsylvanian deposits of Hamilton, Kansas, pp. 181-183, In, Mapes, G.[K.]; and Mapes, R.H., (compls. and eds.); Regional geology and paleontology of Upper Paleozoic Hamilton quarry area in southeastern Kansas
Author: Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Guidebook Series, no. 6, 273 pages
Year: 1988
Title: The Upper Pennsylvanian vertebrate fauna of Hamilton, Kansas, pp. 147-154, In, Mapes, G.[K.]; and Mapes, R.H., (compls. and eds.); Regional geology and paleontology of Upper Paleozoic Hamilton quarry area in southeastern Kansas
Author: Schultze, H.-P.; and Chorn, John
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Guidebook Series, no. 6, 273 pages
Year: 1988
Title: Comparison of the Late Pennsylvanian faunal assemblage of Kinney Brick Company Quarry, New Mexico, with other Late Pennsylvanian Lagerstaetten, pp. 231-242, In, Zidek, J., (ed.); Geology and paleontology of the Kinney Brick Quarry, Late Pennsylvanian, central New Mexico
Author: Schultze, H.-P.; and Maples, C.G.
Publication: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Bulletin, no. 138, 242 pages
Year: 1992
Title: A complete specimen of Sagenodus (Dipnoi) from the Upper Pennsylvanian of the Hamilton quarry, Kansas, pp. 173-176, In, Mapes, G.[K.]; and Mapes, R.H., (compls. and eds.); Regional geology and paleontology of the Upper Paleozoic Hamilton quarry area in southeastern Kansas
Author: Chorn, John; and Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Guidebook Series, no. 6, 273 pages
Year: 1988
Title: An osteolepidid rhipidistian in Upper Pennsylvanian deposits of Hamilton, Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 128
Year: 1988
Title: Palaeoniscoid (Actinopterygii, Pisces) vertebrae from the Late Paleozoic of central North America
Author: Schultze, H.-P.; and Chorn, John
Publication: Journal of Paleontology, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 744-757
Year: 1986
Title: Marine to onshore vertebrates in the Lower Permian of Kansas and their paleoenvironmental implications
Author: Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Kansas University, Paleontological Contributions, Paper, no. 113, 18 pages
Year: 1985
Title: The Upper Pennsylvanian vertebrate fauna of Hamilton, Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Schultze, H.-P.; and Chorn, John
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 128
Year: 1988
Title: The Hamilton Lagerstatte (?Stephanian; Carboniferous), Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Maples, C.G.; Schultze, H.-P.; Mapes, G.K.; and Mapes, R.H.
Publication: International Geological Congress, Abstracts, vol. 2, pp. 365-366
Year: 1989
Title: A new gymnarthrid microsaur from the Lower Permian of Kansas with a review of the Tuditanomorph microsaurs (Amphibia)
Author: Schultze, H.-P.; and Foreman, Brian
Publication: Kansas University, Museum of Natural History, Occasional Papers, no. 91, 25 pages
Year: 1981
Title: Preliminary comparison of the Pennsylvanian assemblages of Hamilton, Kansas, with marine and nonmarine contemporaneous assemblages, pp. 253-273, In, Mapes, G.[K]; and Mapes, R.H., (compls. and eds.); Regional geology and paleontology of Upper Paleozoic Hamilton quarry area in southeastern Kansas
Author: Maples, C.G.; and Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Guidebook Series, no. 6, 273 pages
Year: 1988
Title: Origin of paleovalley-hosted Lagerstaetten; two examples from the Pennsylvanian of Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Feldman, H.R.; Maples, C.G.; Reisz, R.; Schultze, H.-P.; Archer, A.W.; West, R.R.; and Cunningham, C.R.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 458-459
Year: 1993
Title: Terrestrial biota in coastal marine deposits; fossil-Lagerstatten in the Pennsylvanian of Kansas, USA
Author: Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 119, nos. 3-4, pp. 255-273
Year: 1996
Title: The Hamilton Konservat-Lagerstaette; Stephanian terrestrial biota in a marginal-marine setting
Author: Schultze, H.-P.; Maples, C.G.; and Cunningham, C.R.
Publication: Royal Society of Edinburgh, Transactions, Earth Sciences, vol. 84 (Volcanism and early terrestrial biotas), nos. 3-4, pp. 443-451
Year: 1994
Title: Type and figured specimens of fossil vertebrates in the collection of the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History; Part 1, fossil fishes
Author: Schultze, H.-P.; Stewart, J.D.; Neuner, A.M.; and Coldiron, R.W.
Publication: Kansas University, Museum of Natural History, Miscellaneous Publication, no. 73, 53 pages
Year: 1982
Title: The Robinson locality; fauna and depositional environment, pp. 16-24, In, Cunningham, C.R.; and Maples, C.G., (eds.); Upper Paleozoic of eastern Kansas excursion guidebook
Author: Chorn, John; and Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 90-24, 48 pages, [guidebook, 1990 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology]
Year: 1990
Title: The Upper Carboniferous Hamilton fossil-Lagerstaette in Kansas; a valley-fill, tidally influenced deposit
Author: Cunningham, C.R.; Feldman, H.R.; Franseen, E.K.; Gastaldo, R.A.; Mapes, G.K.; Maples, C.G.; and Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Lethaia, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 225-236
Year: 1993
Title: Description of field stops, pp. 11-42, In, Pabian, R.K.; and Diffendal, R.F., Jr., (compls.); Late Pennsylvanian and early Permian cyclic sedimentation, paleogeography, paleoecology, and biostratigraphy in Kansas and Nebraska
Author: Harris, J.W.; Ball, D.S.; Heckel, P.H.; Mapes, R.H.; Maples, C.G.; West,R.R.; Schultze, H.-P.; Voegeli, V.; Roth, S.; Leonard, K.; Feldman, H.R.; Cunningham, C.R.; and Matsumoto, R., (leaders)
Publication: Nebraska Geological Survey, Lincoln, NE, 75 pages, [guidebook for Geological Society of America annual meeting]
Year: 1989
Title: Fossil vertebrates in the Speiser Shale, Lower Permian of Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Schultze, H.-P.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 83, no. 3, p. 153
Year: 1980
Title: Late Pennsylvanian and early Permian cyclic sedimentation, paleogeography, paleogeology, and biostratigraphy in Kansas and Nebraska, pp. 5-6, In, Vineyard, J.D.; and Wedge, W.K.; Geological Society of America 1989 field trip guidebook
Author: Pabian, R.K.; Diffendal, R.F., Jr.; Watney, W.L.; Maples, C.G.; Heckel, P.H.; West, R.; Matsumoto, R.; Mapes, R.H.; Mapes, G.K.; Schultze, H.-P.; Huscher, T.; Holterhoff, P.; and Joeckel, R.M.
Publication: Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey, Special Publication, no. 5, 103 pages
Year: 1989
Title: The Garnett and Hamilton paleovalleys, and their relationship to the Douglas Group paleovalleys, pp. 12-1 - 12-10, In, Archer, A.W.; Feldman, H.R.; and Lanier, W.P., (eds.); Incised paleovalleys of the Douglas Group in northeastern Kansas; field guide and related contributions
Author: Feldman, H.R.; Archer, A.W.; West, R.R.; Maples, C.G.; Cunningham, C.R.; Schultze, H.-P.; and Lanier, W.P.
Publication: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Midcontinent Section, Field Conference, Guidebook, variously paginated (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 93-24)
Year: 1993
Kansas Geological Survey
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