Bibliography--Answer to Query
5 records found for
author name Shaukat, Nadeem.
Title: Unsaturated flow and ground-water-recharge dynamics in shallow aquifers; a field-experimental approach, pp. 223-225, In, Neuman, S.P.; and Simpson, E.S., (chairpersons); Hydrogeology of rocks of low permeability
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Perry, C.A.; and Shaukat, Nadeem
Publication: International Association of Hydrogeologists (Association Internationale des Hydrogeologues), Memoires, vol. 17, no. 1, 848 pages
Year: 1985
Title: Evaluation of surface-water-ground-water interaction coefficients in water-resources planning model, pp. 264-269, In, Feldman, A.D., (ed.); Engineering hydrology; proceedings of the symposium
Author: Shaukat, Nadeem; Heidari, Manoutchehr; and Maddock, Thomas, III
Publication: American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, 771 pages
Year: 1987
Title: HYDADS; a hydrologic data access and display system for Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Shaukat, Nadeem
Publication: Midwest Ground Water Conference, Program with Abstracts, no. 33, p. 9
Year: 1988
Title: Maps of saturated thickness 1986 and percent decline in saturated thickness from 1950 to 1986 GMD #4, northwestern Kansas
Author: Shaukat, Nadeem; McClain, T.J.; Hussain, Tariq; and Tan, Yin
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 87-19, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000
Year: 1987
Title: January 1989 Kansas water levels and data related to water-level changes
Author: Townsend, M.A.; Shaukat, Nadeem; Healey, J.M.; and McClain, T.J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Ground-water Series, no. 10, 127 pages
Year: 1989
Kansas Geological Survey
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Display Program Updated February 2001
Database updated June 2012.