Bibliography--Answer to Query
2 records found for
author name Smith, Polly.
Title: Look in the deeper basinal areas for more Kansas Arbuckle oil
Author: Merriam, D.F.; and Smith, Polly
Publication: Oil and Gas Journal, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 142-144
Year: 1962
Title: Preliminary regional structural contour map on top of Arbuckle rocks (Cambrian-Ordovician) in Kansas
Author: Merriam, D.F.; and Smith, Polly
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Investigations, no. 25, 1 sheet, scale 1:633,600
Year: 1961
Available online: August 2018
Kansas Geological Survey
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Display Program Updated February 2001
Database updated June 2012.