Bibliography--Answer to Query
4 records found for
author name Snyder, J.D..
Title: Plastic flow in Kansas salt mines at Lyons and Hutchinson, (abstr.)
Author: Dellwig, L.F.; and Snyder, J.D.
Publication: Geological Society of America, GSA Bulletin, vol. 71, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1848
Year: 1960
Title: Plastic flowage of salt in mines at Hutchinson and Lyons, Kansas
Author: Snyder, J.D.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 38 pages
Year: 1960
Title: Plastic flow in Hutchinson Salt Member in mines at Lyons, Kansas, pp. 35-42, In, Kansas Geological Society; South-central Kansas
Author: Dellwig, L.F.; and Snyder, J.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Society, Annual Field Conference, Guidebook, 136 pages
Year: 1959
Title: Plastic flowage of salt in mines at Hutchinson and Lyons, Kansas
Author: Snyder, J.D.; and Dellwig, L.F.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 152 (1961 reports of studies), pt. 2, pp. 31-46
Year: 1961
Available online: December 2018
Kansas Geological Survey
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