Bibliography--Answer to Query
4 records found for
author name Williams, S.L..
Title: Application of high-resolution magnetic method and gradient method to locate abandoned brine-wells in Hutchinson, Kansas, U.S.A.
Author: Chen, Chao; Xia, Jianghai; Xia, Sihao; Laflen, D.R.; and Williams, S.L.
Publication: Chinese Journal of Engineering Geophysics, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. [17]-25
Year: 2004
Title: High-resolution magnetic survey in locating abandoned wells in Hutchinson, Kansas, pp. 1194-1205, In, Symposium on the application of geophysics to engineering and environmental problems, proceedings
Author: Xia, Jianghai; and Williams, S.L.
Publication: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Wheat Ridge, CO, 1 vol.
Year: 2003
Title: High-resolution magnetic survey used in searching for buried brine wells in Hutchinson, Kansas, pp. 169-175, In, Johnson, K.S.; and Neal, J.T., (eds.); Evaporite karst and engineering/environmental problems in the United States
Author: Xia, Jianghai; and Williams, S.L.
Publication: Oklahoma Geological Survey, Circular, no. 109, 353 pages
Year: 2003
Title: Natural gas explosions in Hutchinson, Kansas; locating abandoned brine wells by high-resolution magnetic and electromagnetic survey, (abstr.)
Author: Xia, Jianghai; and Williams, S.L.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 35, no. 2, p. 4
Year: 2003
Kansas Geological Survey
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Database updated June 2012.