Bibliography--Answer to Query
2 records found for
author name Young, R.T..
Title: Hardtner field, Barber County, Kansas, pp. 1566-1569, In, Beebe, B.W.; and Curtis, B.F., (eds.); Natural gases of North America; part 3 (natural gases in rocks of Paleozoic age), vol. 2
Author: Young, R.T.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir, no. 9, 2493 pages (2 vols.)
Year: 1968
Title: Wilmington field
Author: Young, R.T.
Publication: Kansas Geological Society, Kansas Oil and Gas Fields, vol. 3 (Northeastern Kansas, with special contributions covering SE Nebraska and NW Missouri), pp. 173-179
Year: 1960
Kansas Geological Survey
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Display Program Updated February 2001
Database updated June 2012.