Bibliography--Answer to Query
2 records found for
keyword terms biogeography--Plantae.
Title: Isotopic expression of the Younger Dryas event in the central Great Plains, (abstr.)
Author: Johnson, W.C.; May, D.W.; and Woodburn, T.L.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 39, no. 3, p. 5
Year: 2007
Title: Temporal and environmental resolution of a buried loessal pedostratigraphic unit in Kansas and Nebraska, (abstr.), pp. 48-49, In, Follmer, L.R.; Johnson, D.L.; and Catt, J.A., (eds.); Revisitation of concepts in paleopedology; transactions of the second international symposium on paleopedology
Author: Johnson, W.C.; May, D.W.; and Valstro, Salvatore
Publication: Quaternary International, vol. 51-52, 221 pages
Year: 1998
Kansas Geological Survey
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Display Program Updated February 2001
Database updated June 2012.