Bibliography--Answer to Query
23 records found for
keyword terms paleoclimatology--Quaternary.
Title: Mapping the regional extent and intensity of the proposed late-glacial climate reversal of the North American midwest, (abstr.)
Author: Shane, L.C.
Publication: American Quaternary Association, Conference, Program and Abstracts, p. 91
Year: 1988
Title: Great Plains eolian processes, p. 178, In, U.S. Geological Survey; Geological Survey Research 1981
Author: Madole, R.F.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper, no. 1275, 402 pages
Year: 1981
Title: Buried soil surfaces beneath the Great Bend Prairie of central Kansas and archaeological implications
Author: Johnson, W.C.
Publication: Current Research in the Pleistocene, vol. 8, pp. 108-109
Year: 1991
Title: Middle Holocene aeolian activity on the High Plains of west-central Kansas
Author: Olson, C.G.; Nettleton, W.D.; Porter, D.A.; and Brasher, B.R.
Publication: Holocene, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 255-261
Year: 1997
Title: Late-Quaternary landscape response to environmental change in south-central Kansas
Author: Arbogast, A.F.; and Johnson, W.C.
Publication: Association of American Geographers, Annals, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 126-145
Year: 1998
Title: Aminostratigraphy of fluvial and eolian units exposed in the High Plains border region, Kansas-Oklahoma, (abstr.)
Author: Mirecki, J.E.; and Miller, B.B.
Publication: American Quaternary Association, Conference, Program and Abstracts, no. 14, p. 109
Year: 1996
Title: Radiocarbon dating of buried soils; humate fractionation, D(13)C correction and paleoclimatic signals; geoarchaeological implications in the central Great Plains, (abstr.)
Author: Johnson, W.C.; and Martin, C.W.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 24, no. 7, p. 161
Year: 1992
Title: Paleoenvironments and geomorphic processes on the Great Bend Prairie in Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Arbogast, A.F.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 25, no. 6, p. 59
Year: 1993
Title: Climatic implications of the late Quaternary alluvial record of a small drainage basin in the central Great Plains
Author: Arbogast, A.F.; and Johnson, W.C.
Publication: Quaternary Research, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 298-305
Year: 1994
Title: Potential pre-Clovis sedimentary environments in the central Great Plains, (abstr.)
Author: Johnson, W.C.; and Mandel, R.D.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 30, no. 7, p. 123
Year: 1998
Title: Constraints on the origin of the Middle Pleistocene transition from the glacial seidmentary record of the north-central United States, (abstr.)
Author: Martin, Roy
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts International, vol. 64, no. 12B, p. 5980
Year: 2004
Title: A pollen profile study of the Muscotah marsh
Author: Horr, W.H.
Publication: Kansas University Science Bulletin, vol. 37, pt. 1, no. 4, pp. 143-149
Year: 1955
Title: Late Pleistocene and Holocene eolian stratigraphy of the central Great Plains and paleoclimatic reconstructions, (abstr.)
Author: Johnson, W.C.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 23, no. 5, p. 284
Year: 1991
Title: Late Quaternary eolian and alluvial history of the Great Bend Prairie, Kansas, and potential for evidence of early man, p. [5], (abstr.), In, Eolian activity on the Plains, early man on the Plains, [and] climate change on the Plains
Author: Johnson, W.C.
Publication: Institute for Tertiary-Quaternary Studies, Symposia, 32 pages
Year: 1991
Title: Constraints on the origin of the Middle Pleistocene transition from the glacial seidmentary record of the north-central United States
Author: Martin, Roy
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 124 pages
Year: 2004
Title: Midwestern paleoenvironments from stream cutbank exposures; a preliminary report, (abstr.)
Author: Baker, R.G.; and Bettis, E.A., III
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 28, no. 7, p. 470
Year: 1996
Title: Playa systems as environmental barometers of the central Great Plains; investigations in Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Johnson, W.C.; Mandel, R.D.; Campbell, J.S.; Willey, K.L.; and Bozarth, S.R.
Publication: American Quaternary Association, Conference, Program and Abstracts, no. 16, p. 70
Year: 2000
Title: Research strategies in dendroecology and dendroclimatology in mountain environments
Author: Tessier, L.; Guibal, F.; and Schweingruber, F.H.
Publication: Climatic Change, vol. 36, no. 3-4, pp. 499-517
Year: 1997
Title: Alluvial evidence of the younger dryas in the central Great Plains, (abstr.)
Author: May, D.W.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 28, no. 6, p. 55
Year: 1996
Title: Mid-Wisconsinan environments on the eastern Great Plains
Author: Baker, R.G.; Bettis, E.A., III; Mandel, R.D.; Dorale, J.A.; and Fredlund, G.G.
Publication: Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 28, no. 9-10, pp. 873-889
Year: 2009
Title: Origin and environment of deposition of Cenozoic chert gravel in eastern Kansas
Author: Honderich, J.P.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 117 pages
Year: 1970
Title: Pleistocene and Recent environments of the central Great Plains
Author: Dort, Wakefield, Jr.; and Jones, J.K., Jr., (eds.)
Publication: Kansas University, Department of Geology, Special Publication, no. 3, 433 pages
Year: 1970
Title: Evaluation of climatic changes on the North American Great Plains determined from faunal evidence, pp. 460-472, In, Graham, R.W.; Semken, H.A., Jr.; and Graham, M.A., (eds.); Late Quaternary mammalian biogeography and environments of the Great Plains and prairies
Author: Wendland, W.M.; Benn, A.; and Semken, H.A., Jr.
Publication: Illinois State Museum, Scientific Papers, no. 22, 491 pages
Year: 1987
Kansas Geological Survey
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