Bibliography--Answer to Query
5 records found for
keyword terms statistical analysis--geochemistry.
Title: Mineral composition calculated from chemical analyses of sedimentary rocks
Author: Imbrie, John; and Poldervaart, Arie
Publication: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 588-595
Year: 1959
Title: Influence on the chemical composition of Pennsylvanian limestones in Kansas, pp. 51-60, In, Merriam, D.F., (ed.); Recent advances in geomathematics, an international symposium, (Proceedings of papers presented at sessions sponsored by the International Association for Mathematical Geology at the 25th International Geological Congress)
Author: Merriam, D.F.; and Daza, M.P.
Publication: Computers and Geology, no. 2, 233 pages
Year: 1978
Title: Factors affecting distribution of chemical elements in limestones of Pennsylvanian age in Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Merriam, D.F.; and Daza, M.P.
Publication: International Geological Congress, Abstracts, vol. 2, section 16B (mathematical geology), p. 634
Year: 1976
Title: Clay mineralogy and geochemistry of the Cherokee Group (Middle Pennsylvanian), Allen County, Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Shannon, E.H.M.
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, vol. 39, no. 6, p. 2712B
Year: 1978
Title: Clay mineralogy and geochemistry of the Cherokee Group (Middle Pennsylvanian), Allen County, Kansas
Author: Shannon, E.H.M.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 207 pages
Year: 1978
Kansas Geological Survey
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Database updated June 2012.