Bibliography--Answer to Query
146 records found for
keyword terms maps--isopach.
Title: Present distribution and thickness of Paleozoic systems, (abstr.)
Author: Ver Wiebe, W.A.
Publication: Geological Society of America, GSA Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 138-139
Year: 1932
Title: The geologic history of Kansas
Author: Merriam, D.F.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 475 pages (2 vols.)
Year: 1961
Title: Petrographic and subsurface analysis of Pennsylvanian Morrow sandstones of southwest Kansas
Author: Rader, Kathleen
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 106 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 87-31)
Year: 1987
Title: Geology of the Wenger-Unger pool area, Marion County, Kansas
Author: Brown, Alton R.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 52 pages
Year: 1959
Title: Examination of Pennsylvanian carbonate banks in southwestern Kansas
Author: Brown, H.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 63-5, 15 pages
Year: 1963
Available online: January 2018
Title: Lithologic investigation of the Schroyer limestone in Pottawatomie, Riley, and Geary counties, Kansas
Author: Stewart, J.W.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 54 pages
Year: 1963
Title: The relation between the structure and production in the Sallyards field, Kansas
Author: Berger, W.R.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 276-281
Year: 1921
Title: Subsurface study of the Marmaton Group in southwestern Kansas
Author: Osborn, J.B.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 60 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 62-1)
Year: 1962
Title: Subsurface geology of Barber County, Kansas
Author: Strong, R.M.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 75 pages
Year: 1960
Title: Marine bank development in Plattsburg Limestone (Pennsylvanian), Neodesha-Fredonia area, Kansas
Author: Harbaugh, J.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 134 (1959 reports of studies), pt. 8, pp. 289-331
Year: 1959
Available online:
Title: Geologic guide to Pennsylvanian marine banks, southeast Kansas, pp. 13-67, In, Kansas Geological Society; Geoeconomics of the Pennsylvanian marine banks in southeast Kansas
Author: Harbaugh, J.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Society, Annual Field Conference, Guidebook, 158 pages
Year: 1962
Title: Structure and stratigraphy of Stafford County, Kansas, related to petroleum accumulation
Author: Geil, D.D.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 67 pages
Year: 1957
Title: Meramecian and Osagian rocks on the west flank of the central Kansas uplift
Author: Irion, R.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 66 pages
Year: 1963
Title: The geology of the Fort Hays limestone in Ellis County, Kansas
Author: Drees, R.H.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS, 53 pages
Year: 1974
Title: Deposition of evaporites and red beds of the Nippewalla Group, Permian, western Kansas
Author: Holdoway, K.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 215, 43 pages
Year: 1978
Available online:
Title: The Anadarko basin (of parts of Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, and Colorado)
Author: MacLachlan, M.E.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Trace Elements Investigations, Report; (for) U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, no. TEI-831, 75 pages, (avail. as U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 64-112)
Year: 1964
Title: Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Kearny Formation (Lower Pennsylvanian) in western Kansas
Author: McManus, D.A.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 150 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 59-5)
Year: 1959
Title: Subsurface geology of Pratt County, Kansas
Author: Muehlhauser, H.C.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 66 pages
Year: 1958
Title: Geology of the Davis-Bronson pool, Allen and Bourbon counties, Kansas
Author: McQuillan, M.W.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology and Geography, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 117 pages
Year: 1968
Title: A facies study of the Des Moines Series in the Forest City basin
Author: Maderak, M.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 50 pages
Year: 1960
Title: Strandplain and deltaic deposits and related coals of the Middle Cherokee Subgroup of southeastern Kansas and western Missouri
Author: Murphy, T.D.
Publication: M.A. thesis, University of Texas, Austin, TX, 126 pages
Year: 1978
Title: Surface to subsurface correlations and oil entrapment in the Lansing and Kansas City groups (Pennsylvanian) in northwestern Kansas
Author: Parkhurst, R.W.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 71 pages
Year: 1959
Title: Present distribution and thickness of Mesozoic systems, (abstr.)
Author: Ver Wiebe, W.A.
Publication: Geological Society of America, GSA Bulletin, vol. 44, no. 1, p. 106
Year: 1933
Title: Structural development of the Sedgwick basin
Author: Kelly, T.E.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 31 pages
Year: 1961
Title: The Cottage Grove and Noxie sandstones ("Layton") in south-central Kansas
Author: Schulte, G.S.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 112 pages
Year: 1958
Title: Stratigraphy of the Beil limestone, Virgilian, of eastern Kansas
Author: Brown, W.G.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 189 pages
Year: 1958
Title: Geometry of Upper Cretaceous bentonite beds; implications about volcanic source areas and paleowind patterns, Western Interior, United States
Author: Elder, W.P.
Publication: Geology, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 835-838
Year: 1988
Title: A subsurface geological and geophysical investigation in Barton County, Kansas
Author: Bonchonsky, A.P.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology and Geography, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 51 pages
Year: 1957
Title: Subsurface geology of the Simpson Group (Ordovician), Sumner County, Kansas
Author: Siemens, M.A.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 99 pages
Year: 1985
Title: The subsurface geology of the Greenwood field area located in Morton County, Kansas, and Baca County, Colorado
Author: Strunk, P.M.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 38 pages
Year: 1958
Title: Pre-Desmoinesian isopachous and paleogeologic studies in central Mid-continent region
Author: Huffman, G.G.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 11, pp. 2541-2574
Year: 1959
Title: Pennsylvanian marine banks in southeastern Kansas; a field conference guidebook for the annual meetings
Author: Harbaugh, J.W.; Merriam, D.F.; Wray, J.L.; and Jacques, T.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, guidebook for The Geological Society of America and Associated Societies, Annual Meeting, 54 pages
Year: 1965
Title: Thickness of Cherokee in the Forest City basin, [loose map], In, Kansas Geological Society; [Carboniferous rocks of eastern Kansas, eastern Nebraska, and western Missouri]
Author: Holl, F.G.
Publication: Kansas Geological Society, Annual Field Conference, Guidebook, 125 pages
Year: 1932
Title: Middle Ordovician limestones in central Kansas
Author: Taylor, Hall
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 1242-1282
Year: 1947
Title: Isopach mapping of Desmoinesian coals--Bourbon arch region, eastern Kansas
Author: Johnson, T.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2004-39
Year: 2004
Available online:
Title: Use of rhythmic bedding patterns for locating structural features, Niobrara Formation, United States western interior
Author: Laferriere, A.P.; and Hattin, D.E.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 630-640
Year: 1989
Title: Subsurface geology of southwestern Rush County, Kansas
Author: Korphage, M.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 104 pages
Year: 1973
Title: Present distribution and thickness of Paleozoic systems, (abstr.)
Author: Ver Wiebe, W.A.
Publication: Pan-American Geologist, vol. 57, no. 1, p. 67
Year: 1932
Title: The geologic history of Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Merriam, D.F.
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 202-204
Year: 1962
Title: A subsurface lithofacies study of the Morrowan Series in the northern Anadarko basin
Author: Abels, T.A.
Publication: Shale Shaker, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 5-21, [reprinted in Shale Shaker Digest, no. 3, pp. 93-108, 1962]
Year: 1959
Available online: March 2023
Title: Adell field and vicinity; Sheridan and Decatur counties, Kansas
Author: Brown, H.A.
Publication: Oil and Gas Journal, vol. 82, no. 44, pp. 129-134
Year: 1984
Title: Subsurface study of the Las Animas arch area, Colorado and Kansas, with special reference to its future oil and gas potential
Author: Putman, B.M.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 73 pages
Year: 1960
Title: Isopach map, showing thickness of salt in western Kansas as shown in well records
Author: Ockerman, J.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, 1 sheet
Year: 1932
Title: Paleoecology of an algal carbonate bank complex in the Late Pennsylvanian Wyandotte Formation of eastern Kansas
Author: Crowley, D.J.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, Brown University, Providence, RI, 182 pages
Year: 1966
Title: The relation of the Fort Scott Formation to the Boone chert in southeastern Kansas and northeastern Oklahoma
Author: Berger, W.R.
Publication: Journal of Geology, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 618-621
Year: 1918
Title: Subsurface geology of the Mississippian System of western Kiowa County, Kansas
Author: Clark, S.B.
Publication: Shale Shaker, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 196-214, [reprinted in Shale Shaker Digest, no. 9, pp. 307-325, 1980]
Year: 1977
Title: Tectonic history of the Denver Basin
Author: McCoy, A.W.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 1873-1893
Year: 1953
Title: Upper Permian evaporites of western Kansas between the Blaine Formation and the Stone Corral Formation
Author: Campbell, C.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 73 pages
Year: 1963
Title: Regional relations of pre-Desmoinesian rocks, central Mid-continent region, pp. 48-71, In, Kansas Geological Society; North-eastern Oklahoma
Author: Huffman, G.G.
Publication: Kansas Geological Society, Annual Field Conference, Guidebook, 125 pages
Year: 1960
Title: Areal variation of the sedimentary characteristics of the Chattanooga Shale in eastern Kansas
Author: Blythe, J.G.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 85 pages
Year: 1950
Title: A study of the structures developed on the northeast flank of the Hugoton Embayment
Author: Hays, J.K.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 40 pages
Year: 1961
Title: Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Krebs Formation; lower Cherokee Group (Middle Pennsylvanian) in southeastern Kansas
Author: Harris, J.W.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 139 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 84-9)
Year: 1984
Title: Lithofacies studies of Missourian rocks (Pennsylvanian) in northwestern Kansas and adjacent areas
Author: Walton, R.G.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 53 pages
Year: 1960
Title: Isopach map of Chattanooga Shale
Author: Wilson, M.E.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 88-6, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1988
Title: The subsurface structure and stratigraphy related to petroleum accumulation in Rice County, Kansas
Author: Nicholas, R.H.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 46 pages
Year: 1954
Title: Siluro-Devonian strata in central Kansas
Author: Taylor, Hall
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 30, no. 8, pt. 1, pp. 1221-1254
Year: 1946
Title: Thickness maps as criteria of regional structural movement
Author: Lee, Wallace
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 109 (1954 reports of studies), pt. 5, pp. 65-80
Year: 1954
Available online:
Title: Structural development of the Sedgwick basin, south-central Kansas
Author: Kelly, T.E.; and Merriam, D.F.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 111-125
Year: 1964
Title: Subsurface Ordovician-Cambrian rocks in Kansas (with maps showing the thickness of potentially oil-bearing formations)
Author: Cole, V.B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Subsurface Geology Series, no. 2, 18 pages
Year: 1975
Available online:
Title: Lithofacies mapping of Viola Limestone in south-central Kansas, based on wireline logs
Author: Bornemann, E.; and Doveton, J.H.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 609-623
Year: 1983
Title: A subsurface study of the Simpson Group in Harper County, Kansas
Author: Bradley, W.C.
Publication: M.G.E. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 60 pages
Year: 1961
Title: Subsurface study of Greenwich pool, Sedgwick County, Kansas
Author: Bunte, A.S.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 643-662
Year: 1939
Title: The subsurface geology of Smith, Jewell, Mitchell, and Osborne counties of Kansas, related to petroleum accumulation
Author: Ansari, N.W.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology and Geography, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 59 pages
Year: 1965
Title: Geology, pp. 6-18, In, Welch, J.E.; and Hambleton, W.W.; Environmental effects of coal surface mining and reclamation on land and water in southeastern Kansas
Author: Brady, L.L.; Hambleton, W.W.; and Grisafe, D.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Mineral Resources Series, no. 7, 131 pages
Year: 1982
Available online: October 2018
Title: Algal-bank complex in Wyandotte Limestone (Late Pennsylvanian) in eastern Kansas
Author: Crowley, D.J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 198, 52 pages
Year: 1969
Available online:
Title: Map of parts of Oklahoma and Kansas, showing the distribution of the Bartlesville and Burbank (Red Fork) sands, assisted by Constance Leatherock
Author: Bass, N.W.; and Dillard, W.R.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, plate nos. 3A and 3B, scale 1:125,000
Year: 1935
Title: A geologic study of the Sallyards field area, Greenwood County, Kansas
Author: Hulse, W.J.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 153 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 78-6)
Year: 1978
Title: Deposition of evaporites and red beds of the Nippewalla Group, Permian, western Kansas
Author: Holdoway, K.A.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 115 pages
Year: 1976
Title: Permian evaporites overlying the Blaine Formation of western Kansas
Author: Hollweg, W.A.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 76 pages
Year: 1964
Title: Geology of the Welch-Bornholdt pools area, Rice and McPherson counties, Kansas
Author: Hylton, G.K.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 109 pages
Year: 1960
Title: Upper Ordovician shales in central Kansas
Author: Taylor, Hall
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 1594-1607
Year: 1947
Title: Subsurface geology of Saline County, Kansas
Author: Pan, Chih-Wei
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 57 pages
Year: 1959
Title: Jurassic rocks in Kansas
Author: Merriam, D.F.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 31-46
Year: 1955
Title: Pennsylvanian stratigraphy of western Kansas
Author: Miller, W.F.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 30 pages
Year: 1955
Title: Stratigraphic trap accumulation in southwestern Kansas and northwestern Oklahoma
Author: Mannhard, G.W.; and Busch, D.A.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 447-463
Year: 1974
Title: Pre-Desmoinesian isopachous and paleogeologic studies of the Amarillo-Hugoton area
Author: Worden, J.A.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 85 pages
Year: 1959
Title: The Lansing, Kansas City, and Marmaton groups, (Pennsylvanian) of the Lemon-Victory oil and gas field, Haskell County, Kansas
Author: Aufmuth, R.E.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Miami University, Oxford, OH, 45 pages
Year: 1966
Title: Regional stratigraphic analysis of Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks in western Midcontinent, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas
Author: Rascoe, Bailey, Jr.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 1345-1370
Year: 1962
Title: Map showing thickness and general character of the Cretaceous deposits of the Western Interior of the United States
Author: Reeside, J.B., Jr.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Investigations, Preliminary Map, no. 10, 1 sheet, scale 1:13,939,200
Year: 1944
Title: Stratigraphy and structure of Middle and Upper Ordovician rocks in the Sedgwick basin and adjacent areas, south-central Kansas
Author: Adkison, W.L.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper, no. 702, 33 pages
Year: 1972
Title: The relationship of the subsurface geology to the petroleum accumulation in Ellsworth County, Kansas
Author: Howard, J.R.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology and Geography, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 43 pages
Year: 1958
Title: Structure contours on the top and base of the M bed, the relationship of mineralization to structures, and the variation of the M bed thickness in the Tri-state district, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma
Author: Desai, A.A.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Missouri, Rolla, MO, 84 pages
Year: 1966
Title: Subsurface geology of Ellis County, Kansas
Author: Carr, D.D.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 39 pages
Year: 1958
Title: Precambrian basement geology and Paleozoic structure of the Mid-continent Gravity High
Author: Coons, R.L.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 296 pages
Year: 1966
Title: Environmental mapping of the beds of the Liverpool cyclothem in the Illinois basin and equivalent strata in the northern Mid-continent region
Author: Wright, C.R.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 100 pages
Year: 1965
Title: Siluro-Devonian strata in central Kansas
Author: Taylor, M.H., Jr.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, Columbia University, New York, NY, UNKNOWN
Year: 1947
Title: Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Cherokee Group (Middle Pennsylvanian), Sedgwick basin, south-central Kansas
Author: Killen, D.B.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 165 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 86-30)
Year: 1986
Title: Solution features in southeast Kansas
Author: Saueracker, P.R.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 34 pages
Year: 1966
Title: Lithofacies study of Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian rocks in northwestern Kansas and adjacent states
Author: McMurray, K.S.
Publication: M.A. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 56 pages
Year: 1962
Title: Stratigraphy, depositional environments, and coalbed gas potential of Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian Stage) coals--Bourbon arch region, eastern Kansas
Author: Johnson, T.A.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 309 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 2004-38)
Year: 2004
Available online:
Title: Subsurface Paleozoic geology of northwestern Kansas, southwestern Nebraska and northeastern Colorado
Author: Mehl, R.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 56 pages
Year: 1959
Title: Present distribution and thickness of Paleozoic systems, (abstr.)
Author: Ver Wiebe, W.A.
Publication: Geological Society of America, GSA Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 495-540
Year: 1932
Title: Relationship of the Lansing Group and the Tonganoxie ("Stalnaker") sandstone in south-central Kansas
Author: Winchell, R.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 76 pages
Year: 1957
Title: Hydrocarbon production potential of Mississippian rocks in Cowley County, Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Wagner, K.L.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 69, no. 2, p. 314
Year: 1985
Title: Mississippian carbonates limestone-dolomite ratio map
Author: Lambert, M.W.; Watney, W.L.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 85-24b, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1985
Title: Pre-Desmoinesian isopachous and paleogeologic studies of the Amarillo-Hugoton area
Author: Worden, J.A.
Publication: Shale Shaker, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 2-28, [reprinted in Shale Shaker Digest, no. 3, pp. 285-309, 1962]
Year: 1960
Title: Subsurface geology of eastern Kay County, Oklahoma, and southern Cowley County, Kansas
Author: Smith, E.W.
Publication: Shale Shaker, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 5-12, 14-17, 19-21, 24, [reprinted in Shale Shaker Digest, no. 1, pp. 434-448, 1955]
Year: 1955
Title: Supplemental areas for storage of radioactive wastes in Kansas
Author: Bayne, C.K., (compl.)
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Special Distribution Publication, no. 60, 20 pages
Year: 1972
Title: Thickness of formations within the Mississippian in southwestern Kansas
Author: Cole, V.B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 75-8, 7 sheets, scale 1:1,200,000
Year: 1975
Title: The geology of the Lyons West oil field, Rice County, Kansas
Author: Ehm, A.E.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 98 pages
Year: 1965
Title: Well-log analysis as a tool for lithofacies determination in the Viola Limestone (Ordovician) of south-central Kansas
Author: Bornemann, Erhard
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 151 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 79-9)
Year: 1979
Title: Subsurface geology of the Mississippian System of western Kiowa County, Kansas
Author: Clark, S.B.
Publication: M.A. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 80 pages
Year: 1974
Title: Subsurface geology of the Iuka-Carmi pool area, Pratt County, Kansas, in relation to petroleum accumulation
Author: Briggeman, H.W.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 67 pages
Year: 1959
Title: Stratigraphy and environments of deposition of the Chanute Shale (Pennsylvanian) in southeastern Kansas
Author: Haggiagi, M.A.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 31 pages
Year: 1970
Title: Chapter 4, Subsurface analysis of possible alternate sites, pp. 26-32, In, Bayne, C.K.; and Brinkley, Dwight, (eds.); Geology, hydrology, thickness and quality of salt at three alternate sites for disposal of radioactive waste in Kansas
Author: Goebel, E.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey; and Kansas University, Center for Research, Inc.; (for) U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; and Union Carbide Corp., 63 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 72-13)
Year: 1972
Title: A study of the Eskridge Shale
Author: Wells, J.D.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology and Geography, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 35 pages
Year: 1950
Title: Isopach map of Maquoketa Shale
Author: Wilson, M.E.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 88-7, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1988
Title: Subsurface Marmaton of southeastern Kansas
Author: Lemmons, J.E.
Publication: M.A. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 68 pages
Year: 1946
Title: Subsurface geology of Graham County, Kansas
Author: Sandlin, G.S.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 44 pages
Year: 1957
Title: Geologic factors of the Garfield field area, Pawnee County, Kansas, in relation to petroleum accumulation
Author: Myers, R.E.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 73 pages
Year: 1959
Title: Evaporites and associated clastics within the Sumner Group (Lower Permian) of central and western Kansas
Author: Vincent, D.A.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 63 pages
Year: 1965
Title: Hydrocarbon production potential of Mississippian rocks in Cowley County, Kansas
Author: Wagner, K.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 132 pages
Year: 1984
Title: Isopach map of the Mississippian carbonates (excluding residual chert)
Author: Lambert, M.W.; Stephens, B.; Watney, W.L.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 85-24a, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1985
Title: A subsurface lithofacies study of the Morrowan Series in the northern Anadarko basin
Author: Abels, T.A.
Publication: M.G.E. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 73
Year: 1958
Available online: March 2023
Title: Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the upper Marmaton Group and the Pleasanton Group (Pennsylvanian) of southeastern Kansas
Author: Sutton, M.J.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 138 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 85-8)
Year: 1985
Title: Plastic deformation and dissolution of the Hutchinson Salt Member in Kansas, pp. 66-70, In, Anderson, N.L.; Hedke, D.E.; Baars, D.L.; Crouch, M.L.; Miller, W.A.; Mize, F.; and Richardson, L.J., (eds.); Geophysical atlas of selected oil and gas fields in Kansas
Author: Anderson, N.L.; Knapp, R.W.; Steeples, D.W.; and Miller, D.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 237, 164 pages
Year: 1995
Available online: January 2016
Title: Seismic signature of the Hutchinson Salt and associated dissolution features, pp. 57-65, In, Anderson, N.L.; Hedke, D.E.; Baars, D.L.; Crouch, M.L.; Miller, W.A.; Mize, F.; and Richardson, L.J., (eds.); Geophysical atlas of selected oil and gas fields in Kansas
Author: Anderson, N.L.; Watney, W.L.; Macfarlane, P.A.; and Knapp, R.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 237, 164 pages
Year: 1995
Available online: January 2016
Title: Well-log analysis as a tool for lithofacies determination in the Viola Limestone (Ordovician) of south-central Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Bornemann, Erhard
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, vol. 40, no. 12, p. 5583B
Year: 1980
Title: Lithofacies analysis of the Viola Limestone in south-central Kansas
Author: Bornemann, E.; Doveton, J.H.; and St. Clair, P.N.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Petrophysical Series, no. 3, 44 pages
Year: 1982
Available online:
Title: Lithologic study and depositional environments of the Lane Shale (Upper Pennsylvanian) in eastern Kansas
Author: El-Zouki, A.Y.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 46 pages
Year: 1971
Title: Structure and stratigraphy of Sumner County, Kansas, related to petroleum accumulation
Author: Soucek, C.H.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 64 pages
Year: 1959
Title: Pennsylvanian stratigraphy of the northern shelf and eastern part of the Anadarko basin of Oklahoma and Kansas
Author: Butler, J.B.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology and Geography, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 55 pages
Year: 1960
Title: Subsurface geology of northwestern Kansas
Author: Rohrbough, C.A.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 50 pages
Year: 1956
Title: Correlations of subsurface Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician strata in Ellis County, Kansas by insoluble residues
Author: Siler, J.C.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 63 pages
Year: 1958
Title: Geologic study of subsurface Mississippian rocks, Comanche County, Kansas, with special emphasis on Bird South field
Author: Gardner, J.R.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 127 pages
Year: 1985
Title: Lithofacies study of Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian rocks in northwestern Kansas and adjacent areas
Author: Hockens, S.N.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 56 pages
Year: 1959
Title: The relationship of the subsurface geology to the petroleum accumulation in Harvey County, Kansas
Author: Tucker, N.A.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 41 pages
Year: 1956
Title: Study of the relationship between the Cottonwood limestone and Neva Limestone structures
Author: McMillen, H.O.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 30 pages
Year: 1947
Title: Regional stratigraphic analysis of the Simpson Group and equivalents central United States
Author: Kistler, J.O.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, UNKNOWN
Year: 1952
Title: Present distribution and thickness of Mesozoic systems
Author: Ver Wiebe, W.A.
Publication: Geological Society of America, GSA Bulletin, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 827-864
Year: 1933
Title: Distribution and thickness of the Cimarron salt (Lower Permian) in southern Stafford and northern Pratt Counties, Kansas
Author: Martinez, Alex; Anderson, N.L.; and Carr, T.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 96-11, 11 pages
Year: 1996
Available online:
Title: Subsurface geology of Rooks County, Kansas
Author: Eastty, F.D., Jr.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 52 pages
Year: 1959
Title: General stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Elgin Sandstone in south-central Kansas
Author: Brown, S.S.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 52 pages
Year: 1966
Title: Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Elgin Sandstone (Pennsylvanian) in south-central Kansas
Author: Brown, S.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 187, pt. 3, 9 pages
Year: 1967
Available online:
Title: A geologic study of the Zenith-Peace Creek Mississippian gas field, Reno County, Kansas
Author: Covey, C.E.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 72 pages
Year: 1985
Title: Isopach map, Ordovician carbonates
Author: Berendsen, Pieter; and Blair, K.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 88-51a, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1988
Title: Subsurface stratigraphy of the Chesteran Series, southwest Kansas
Author: Severy, C.L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 61 pages
Year: 1975
Title: Dissolution in the Hutchinson Salt Member of the Wellington Formation near Russell, Kansas
Author: Hansen, Terry J.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 61 pages
Year: 1977
Title: Wireline-log zones and core description of the upper part of the Middle Ordovician Viola Limestone, McClain and McClain SW fields, Nemaha County, Kansas, pp. 17-35, In, Watney, W.L.; Walton, A.W.; and Doveton, J.H., (compls.); Core studies in Kansas; sedimentology and diagenesis of economically important rock strata in Kansas
Author: Caldwell, C.D.; and Boeken, Roger
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Subsurface Geology Series, no. 6, 176 pages
Year: 1985
Available online:
Title: Pre-Cambrian surface in northeastern Oklahoma and parts of adjacent states
Author: Ireland, H.A.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 468-483
Year: 1955
Title: A geological study of the oil fields in Rawlins County, Kansas
Author: Ben Omran, Abdelmoneim
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 55 pages
Year: 1972
Title: Subsurface and petroleum geology of the Mississippian System of southern Ford and northern Clark counties, Kansas
Author: Funk, T.J.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 81 pages
Year: 1982
Title: Recognition of favorable reservoir trends in Upper Pennsylvanian cyclic carbonates in western Kansas, pp. 201-246, In, Hyne, N.J., (ed.); Limestones of the Mid-continent
Author: Watney, W.L.
Publication: Tulsa Geological Society, Special Publication, no. 2, 440 pages
Year: 1984
Title: Pre-Permian geology of the Pratt anticline area in south central Kansas
Author: Williams, C.D.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 116 pages
Year: 1968
Title: The Codell sandstone (Upper Cretaceous) of Kansas
Author: McKellar, T.R.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 92 pages
Year: 1962
Title: Subsurface stratigraphic analysis of Morrow sandstones, portions of Harper and Woods counties, Oklahoma and Clark and Comanche counties, Kansas
Author: Mannhard, G.W.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 39 pages
Year: 1972
Kansas Geological Survey
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