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177 records found for keyword terms ground water--models.
Title: Seasonality and rates of mineral weathering in karst aquifers at the Konza Prairie
Author: Wood, H.K.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 114 pages
Year: 2001

Title: Evaluation of Wet Walnut water supply availability, (abstr.)
Author: Ramireddygari, S.R.; Koelliker, J.K.; Sophocleous, M.A.; Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 16, p. 38
Year: 1999

Title: Application of statistical techniques to the estimation of ground-water withdrawals in northwestern Kansas
Author: Kastner, W.M.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 41-74, 11 pages, (NTIS no. PB-239 018/AS)
Year: 1974

Title: Derivation of basin hydrographs, project completion report
Author: Smith, R.L.; and Lumb, A.M.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 19, 28 pages
Year: 1966

Title: Dynamic model of the Ogallala aquifer, pp. 111-117, In, Mattox, R.B.; and Miller, W.D., (eds.); The Ogallala aquifer; a symposium
Author: Rayner, F.A.
Publication: Texas Tech University, International Center for Arid and Semi-arid Land Studies, Special Report, no. 39, 242 pages
Year: 1970

Title: GEMSTRAC1; an induced gradient tracer test in an alluvial sand and gravel aquifer, (abstr.)
Author: Bohling, G.C.; McElwee, C.D.; Butler, J.J., Jr.; Orcutt, M.; and Macpherson, G.L.
Publication: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, XXI General Assembly, Abstracts, p. 231
Year: 1995

Title: GIS modules for ET and available soil water in NW Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Aiken, Rob; Shawn, J.M.; and Harrington, John
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 20, p. 34
Year: 2003

Title: Expansion of the High Plains Aquifer Observation Network of water wells in southwest Kansas
Author: Olea, R.A.; Sophocleous, M.; and Woods, J.J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2002-35, 2 pages
Year: 2002

Title: Direct-push hydrostratigraphic profiling; coupling electrical logging and slug tests
Author: Sellwood, S.M.; Healey, J.M.; Birk, Steffen; and Butler, J.J., Jr.
Publication: Ground Water, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 19-29
Year: 2005

Title: Digital simulation of the Ogallala aquifer in Sherman County, northwestern Kansas
Author: McClain, T.J.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 29 pages
Year: 1970

Title: Groundwater economics; an object-oriented foundation for integrated studies of irrigated agricultural systems
Author: Steward, D.R.; Peterson, J.M.; Yang, Xiaoying; Bulatewicz, Tom; Herrera- Rodriguez, Mauricio; Mao, Dazhi; and Hendricks, Nathan
Publication: Water Resources Research, vol. 45, no. 5
Year: 2009

Title: Groundwater response to changing water-use practices in sloping aquifers using convolution of transient response functions
Author: Steward, D.R.; Yang, Xiaoying; and Chacon, Sergio
Publication: Water Resources Research, vol. 45, no. 2
Year: 2009

Title: An Upper Arkansas River Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program proposal, (abstr.)
Author: Stover, Susan
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 24, p. [9]
Year: 2007

Title: Modeling of contaminant transport from reserve pit sites
Author: Clark, A.B.; and Galya, D.P.
Publication: National Conference on Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, 5th, Proceedings, vol. 5, pp. 473-477
Year: 1988

Title: Modeling of river valleys in north-central Kansas, p. 115, In, Geological Survey Research 1978
Author: Stullken, L.E.; and Jorgensen, D.G., (invests.)
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper, no. 1100, 464 pages
Year: 1978

Title: Geohydrology and model analysis of the stream-aquifer system along the Arkansas River in Kearny and Finney counties, southwestern Kansas
Author: Dunlap, L.E.; Lindgren, R.J.; and Sauer, C.G.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 2253, 52 pages
Year: 1985

Title: Determination of flow in aquifers containing variable-density water
Author: Jorgensen, D.G.; Gogel, T.; and Signor, D.C.
Publication: Ground Water Monitoring Review, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 40-45
Year: 1982

Title: Groundwater management options for the Pawnee Valley of south-central Kansas
Author: Heidari, Manoutchehr
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Ground-water Series, no. 4, 56 pages
Year: 1982
Available online:

Title: A digital computer model for evaluation of the Wichita well field area of the Equus beds, a part of the Little Arkansas River basin study
Author: Dabiri, H.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 69-1, 86 pages
Year: 1969

Title: Numerical modeling of unsaturated ground-water flow including effects of evapotranspiration
Author: Green, D.W.; Dabiri, Hassan; and Khare, J.D.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 72, 195 pages (NTIS no. PB-207 135)
Year: 1972

Title: Conserving the Ogallala Aquifer in southwestern Kansas: from the wells to people, a holistic coupled natural�human model
Author: Aistrup, J.A.; Bulatewicz, T.; Kulcsar, L.J.; Peterson, J.M.; Welch, S.M.; and Steward, D.R.
Publication: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 6167
Year: 2017

Title: A numerical model to evaluate proposed ground-water allocations in southwest Kansas
Author: Jenkins, E.D.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 82-4095, 46 pages
Year: 1982

Title: Computer-produced tables, maps, and diagrams as tools in the interpretation of brine data from southeastern Kansas (U.S.A.)
Author: McNellis, J.M.; Morgan, C.O.; and Lowell, B.H.
Publication: Chemical Geology, vol. 4, no. 1/2 (Geochemistry of subsurface brines), pp. 303-324
Year: 1969

Title: The development and field testing of a basin hydrology simulator
Author: Knapp, R.M.
Publication: Dr. Eng., School of Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, variously paginated
Year: 1973

Title: Further development and testing of a stream-aquifer system model
Author: Pogge, E.C.; and Chiang, W.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 185, 185 pages, (NTIS no. PB-266 016)
Year: 1977

Title: Stream-flood wave propagation through the Great Bend alluvial aquifer; a significant recharge and stream-aquifer interaction mechanism?
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Birdie, T.; and Healey, J.M.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 275, 94 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Ground-water flow systems and the water-resources potential of the Dakota aquifer in a two-county area in north-central Kansas
Author: Wade, Alan
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 158 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 92-23)
Year: 1992

Title: The influence of (x, y) uncertainity on prediction error and contour lines from a three-dimensional surface
Author: Mitchell, J.E.
Publication: Water Resources Bulletin, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 863-870
Year: 1993

Title: Analysis and reduction of Landsat data for use in a High Plains groundwater flow model
Author: Thelin, G.P.; Gaydos, Leonard; Donovan, Walter; and Mladinich, Carol
Publication: American Congress of Surveying and Mapping; and American Society of Photogrammetry, Fall Convention, Technical Papers, pp. 737-740
Year: 1984

Title: Demonstrative model for identifying groundwater-management options in a contaminated aquifer
Author: Colarullo, S.J.; Heidari, M.; and Maddock, Thomas, III
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Ground-water Series, no. 8, 20 pages
Year: 1985
Available online:

Title: Stream-aquifer model of north-central Kansas, p. 225, In, Geological Survey Research 1979
Author: Stullken, L.E., (invest.)
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper, no. 1150, 447 pages
Year: 1979

Title: A continuous water budget model for western Kansas
Author: Neibling, W.H.; Koelliker, J.K.; Ohmes, F.E.
Publication: American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Annual Meeting, Paper, no. 77-2056, 17 pages
Year: 1977

Title: Development and application of a comprehensive simulation model to evaluate impacts of watershed structures and irrigation water use on streamflow and groundwater; the case of Wet Walnut Creek watershed, Kansas, USA
Author: Ramireddygari, S.R.; Sophocleous, M.A.; Koelliker, J.K.; Perkins, S.P.; and Govindaraju, R.S.
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 236, no. 3-4, pp. 223-246
Year: 2000

Title: A numerical model to evaluate proposed ground-water allocations in southwest Kansas
Author: Jorgensen, D.G.; Grubb, H.F.; Baker, C.H., Jr.; Hilmes, G.E.; and Jenkins, E.D.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 82-4095, 46 pages
Year: 1982

Title: Digital computer simulation of an aquifer, pp. 944-954, In, Proceedings of the 1970 summer computer simulation conference, June 10, 11, 12, 1970, Denver, Colorado
Author: Dabiri, H.E.; Green, D.W.; and Winslow, J.D.
Publication: Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, 2 vols. (1218 pages)
Year: 1970

Title: A roadblock on the path to aquifer sustainability: underestimating the impact of pumping reductions
Author: Butler, J.J., Jr.; Bohling, G.C.; Whittemore, D.O.; and Wilson, B.B.
Publication: Environmental Research Letters, vol. 15, no. 1
Year: 2020

Title: Extending aquifer lifespans with pumping reductions: Experiences from the High Plains aquifer (abst.)
Author: Butler, J.J., Jr.
Publication: EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9552,
Year: 2023

Title: Application of continuous hydrologic modeling to evaluate and design wastewater land disposal or evaporation systems, completion report
Author: Zovne, J.J.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 212, 48 pages, (NTIS no. PB80-181050)
Year: 1980

Title: Model to evaluate feedlot runoff control systems
Author: Zovne, J.J.; Bean, T.A.; Koelliker, J.K.; and Anschutz, J.A.
Publication: American Society of Civil Engineers, Proceedings, Irrigation and Drainage Division, Journal, vol. 103, no. IR1 (Proceedings paper 12822), pp. 79-92
Year: 1977

Title: Upper Arkansas River corridor study; problem identification, preliminary research, and FY96 and FY97 plans
Author: Whittemore, D.O.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 95-70, 30 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Conceptual model and numerical simulation of ground-water salinization in the Arkansas River Corridor, southwest Kansas
Author: Whittemore, D.O.; Tsou, M.-S.; Perkins, S.; McElwee, C.; Zhan, X.; and Young, D.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2001-2, 211 pages
Year: 2001

Title: Disposal of heated water through ground water systems; project completion report, Volume 1, Technical and economic feasibility
Author: Willhite, G.P.; Simonpietri, Francisco; Stoker, Jay; and Wagner, Jan
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 134, 144 pages, (NTIS no. PB-236 302/6GA)
Year: 1974

Title: Computer generated maps of the base of the Big Creek alluvial fill, Hays area, (abstr.)
Author: Muralidaran, K.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Abstracts with Programs, vol. 13, p. 28
Year: 1994

Title: Evaluating the impact of irrigation on streamflow in the Lower Republican River basin, Kansas through integrated watershed modeling, (abstr.)
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 33, no. 6, p. 410
Year: 2001

Title: Application of field methods and groundwater modeling techniques to a salt water intrusion problem in the Smoky Hill River valley, central Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Sadeghipour, Jashmid; Macfarlane, P.A.; Kemblowski, M.W.; McElwee, C.D.; and Costanzo, G.V.
Publication: Eos, vol. 66, no. 46, p. 887
Year: 1985

Title: Water quality modeling of the Equus beds aquifer in south central Kansas
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Heidari, M.; and McElwee, C.D.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 231, 68 pages, (NTIS no. PB83-208 272)
Year: 1982

Title: Ground-water network design for northwest Kansas, using the theory of regionalized variables
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Paschetto, J.E.; and Olea, R.A.
Publication: Ground Water, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 48-58
Year: 1982

Title: Determination of irrigation pumpage for an area in southwestern Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Lindgren, R.J.
Publication: Eos, vol. 63, no. 33, p. 614
Year: 1982

Title: Electric-analog studies continue, p. A37, In, Geological Survey Research 1967, Chapter A
Author: Winslow, J.D., (invest.)
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper, no. 575-A, 377 pages
Year: 1967

Title: Sources of Sr and implications for weathering of limestone under tallgrass prairie, northeastern Kansas
Author: Wood, H.K.; and Macpherson, G.L.
Publication: Applied Geochemistry, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 2325-2342
Year: 2005

Title: Analysis of error in groundwater modeling
Author: Yukler, M.A.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 194 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 76-6)
Year: 1976

Title: Analysis of error in groundwater modeling, (abstr.)
Author: Yukler, M.A.
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 3831B-3832B
Year: 1977

Title: Hydraulic tomography and the impact of a priori information; an alluvial aquifer example
Author: Bohling, G.C.; Zhan, Xiaoyong; Knoll, M.D.; and Butler, J.J., Jr.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2003-71, 16 pages
Year: 2003
Available online:

Title: Hydrodynamics of the Denver basin; an explanation of subnormal fluid pressures, (abstr.)
Author: Belitz, K.
Publication: Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 2594-2595B
Year: 1985

Title: Geohydrology of the freshwater/brine transition zone that surrounds the Ozark plateaus, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas, (abstr.)
Author: Christenson, S.C.; and Adams, G.P.
Publication: American Water Resources Association, Annual Conference, p. 48
Year: 1988

Title: Digital simulation of the Ogallala aquifer in Sherman County, Kansas, pp. 72-89, In, Mattox, R.B.; and Miller, W.D., (eds.); The Ogallala aquifer; a symposium
Author: McClain, T.J.; and Jenkins, E.D.
Publication: Texas Tech University, International Center for Arid and Semi-arid Land Studies, Special Report, no. 39, 242 pages
Year: 1970

Title: Ground-water model, west-central Kansas, p. 225, In, Geological Survey Research 1980
Author: Dunlap, L.E.; Kume, Jack; and Thomas, J.G., (invests.)
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper, no. 1175, 459 pages
Year: 1980

Title: Application of linear system's theory and linear programming to groundwater management in Kansas
Author: Heidari, Manoutchehr
Publication: Water Resources Bulletin, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1003-1012
Year: 1982

Title: External effects of irrigators' pumping decisions, High Plains aquifer
Author: Alley, W.M.; and Schefter, J.E.
Publication: Water Resources Research, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1123-1130
Year: 1987

Title: Applicability of linearized Boussinesq equation for modeling bank storage under uncertain aquifer parameters
Author: Govindaraju, R.S.; and Koelliker, J.K.
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 157, nos. 1-4, pp. 349-366
Year: 1994

Title: Implications of projected climate change for groundwater recharge in the western United States
Author: Meixnera, T.; Manningb, A.H.; Stonestromc, D.A.; Allend, D.M.; Ajamie, H.; Blaschf, K.W.; Brookfieldg, A.E.; Castroa, C.L.; Clarkh, J.F.; Gochisi, D.J.; Flintj, A.L.; Neffa, K.L.; Niraulaa, R.; Rodellk, M.; Scanlonl, B.R.; Singham K.; and Walvoordb, M.A.
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 534, pp. 124-138
Year: 2016

Title: Water-level and recoverable water in storage changes, high plains aquifer, predevelopment to 2015 and 2013�15
Author: McGuire, V.L.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report, UNKNOWN
Year: 2017

Title: Combining Remote Sensing and Crop Models to Assess the Sustainability of Stakeholder‐Driven Groundwater Management in the US High Plains Aquifer
Author: Deines, J.M.; Kendall, A.D.; Butler, J.J.; Basso, B.; and Hyndman, D.W.
Publication: Water Resources Research, vol. 5, no. 3
Year: 2021

Title: Development and application of interactive integrated system for modeling saline water intrusion in groundwater
Author: Tsou, M.-S.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 116 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 98-21)
Year: 1998

Title: Development of an interactive integrated groundwater modeling and geographic information system for the Upper Arkansas River Corridor Study
Author: Tsou, M.-S.; Whittemore, D.O.; and Yu, Y.-S
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 97-35, 54 pages
Year: 1997

Title: Effects of pumping municipal wells at Junction City, Kansas, on streamflow in the Republican River, northeast Kansas, 1992-94
Author: Myers, N.C.; Jian, Xiaodong; and Hargadine, G.D.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 96-4130, 58 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Analog models of the Grant-Stanton County area
Author: Nuzman, C.E.
Publication: Kansas Water News, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 3-5
Year: 1966

Title: Groundwater recharge estimate by numerical modeling; a case study
Author: Nwaogazie, I.L.
Publication: Aqua, vol. 2, pp. 77-80
Year: 1986

Title: Impact of improved agricultural water use efficiency on reservoir storage in sub-humid areas - completion report
Author: Koelliker, J.K.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 242, 59 pages, (NTIS no. PB85-233039/AS)
Year: 1984

Title: Water quality evaluation by an integrated modeling approach
Author: Koelliker, J.K.; and Mankin, K.R.
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 17, pp. 2-5
Year: 2000

Title: A model study of the McPherson moratorium area in Groundwater Management District #2
Author: McElwee, C.D.; McClain, T.J.; and Butt, M.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 79-7, 100 pages
Year: 1979

Title: A study of the salt-water intrusion problem between Salina, Kansas, and Solomon, Kansas, in the Smoky Hill River valley, final report
Author: McElwee, C.D.; Severini, Tony; Cobb, P.M.; Fleming, Alfred; Paschetto, Jim; Butt, M.A.; and Watson, Pam
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 81-3, 108 pages
Year: 1981

Title: 1995 Federal fiscal year progress report on the Quivira water budget and routing model
Author: Pouch, G.W.; and Sophocleous, M.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, KS, variously paginated
Year: 1995

Title: A coupled hydrologic-economic modeling tool to support ground-water management decisions, (abstr.)
Author: Steward, D.R.; Peterson, J.M.; and Bernard, E.A.
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 21, p. 17
Year: 2004

Title: Geohydrology and model analysis for water-supply management in a small area of west-central Kansas
Author: Dunlap, L.E.; Kume, Jack; and Thomas, J.G.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 80-0091, 62 pages, (NTIS no. PB-81 188 013)
Year: 1980

Title: Projected effects of ground-water withdrawals in the Arkansas River valley, 1980-99, Hamilton and Kearny counties, southwestern Kansas
Author: Dunlap, L.E.; Lindgren, R.J.; and Carr, J.E.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 84-4082, 168 pages
Year: 1984

Title: Hydrology and model of North Fork Solomon River valley, Kirwin Dam to Waconda Lake, north-central Kansas
Author: Jorgensen, D.G.; and Stullken, L.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Irrigation Series, no. 6, 34 pages
Year: 1981
Available online: June 2013

Title: Computer modeling of the Equus bed aquifer system in south central Kansas
Author: Green, D.W.; and Pogge, E.C.
Publication: University of Kansas, Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, 53 pages
Year: 1977

Author: Harkey, L.
Publication: M.S. thesis, West Texas A&M University, 78 pages
Year: 2016

Title: Understanding Climate_Hydrologic_Human Interactions to Guide Groundwater Model Development for Southern High Plains
Author: Uddameri, V.; Singaraju, S.; Karim, A.; Gowda, P.; Bailey, R.; and Schipanski, M.
Publication: Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, vol. 162, no 1. pp 79-99
Year: 2017

Title: Incorporating Surface Water Operations in an Integrated Hydrologic Model: Model Development and Application to the Lower Republican River Basin, United States
Author: Brookfield, A.E.; Gnau, C.; and Wilson, B.
Publication: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, vol. 22, no. 4
Year: 2017

Title: Numerical Models of Pore Pressure and Stress Changes Along Basement Faults Due to Wastewater Injection: Applications to the 2014 Milan, Kansas Earthquake
Author: Hearn, E. H.; Koltermann, C.; and Rubinstein, J.
Publication: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, UNKNOWN
Year: 2018

Title: quifer Depletion in the face of Climate Change and Technical Progress
Author: Quintana-Ashwell, N.E.; and Peterson, J.M.
Publication: Agricultural & Applied Economics Association and Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Selected Papers, 31 pages
Year: 2015

Title: Application of groundwater geodatabase in central High Plains regions, (abstr.)
Author: Yang, Xiaoying; and Steward, David
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 24, pp. [2-3]
Year: 2007

Title: Disposal of heated water through ground water systems; project completion report, Volume 2, User's manual; numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in ground water systems
Author: Willhite, G.P.; and Wagner, Jan
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 134, 213 pages, (NTIS no. PB-236 303/4GA)
Year: 1974

Title: Upper Arkansas River corridor study; maps of subsurface features, ground water quantity, and bedrock elevation; a Kansas Water Plan project
Author: Whittemore, D.O.; Schloss, J.; Tsou, M.-S.; and Sleezer, R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 97-45, 14 pages
Year: 1997
Available online: February 2017

Title: Calibrated models as management tools for stream-aquifer systems; the case of central Kansas, USA
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 152, no. 1-4, pp. 31-56
Year: 1993

Title: Groundwater observation network design for Kansas
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Liu, Wen; Paschetto, James; and Olea, R.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 82-1, 60 pages
Year: 1982

Title: Ground-water model for Southwest Kansas Groundwater Management District no. 3
Author: Liu, Gaisheng; Wilson, B.B.; Whittemore, D.O.; Jin, Wei; and Butler, J.J., Jr.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2010-18, 106 pages
Year: 2010
Available online:

Title: Analysis and computer simulation of stream-aquifer hydrology, Arkansas River valley, southwestern Kansas
Author: Barker, R.A.; Dunlap, L.E.; and Sauer, C.G.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 81-0686, 164 pages
Year: 1981

Title: Application of allostratigraphic facies analysis to improve transport models of an incised valley aquifers, Hays, KS, (abstr.)
Author: Shei, Tai-chyi; and Brikowski, T.H.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 32, no. 7, p. 412
Year: 2000

Title: Availability of water for irrigation in the South Fork Solomon River valley, Webster Reservoir to Waconda Lake, north-central Kansas
Author: Burnett, R.D.; and Reed, T.B.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 86-4064, 89 pages, 4 sheets, scale 1:24,000
Year: 1986

Title: Statistical techniques used to estimate ground-water withdrawals in the Great Bend prairie, south-central Kansas, p. 101, In, Geological Survey Research 1975
Author: Stullken, L.E.; and Fader, S.W., (invests.)
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper, no. 975, 373 pages
Year: 1975

Title: Geohydrology and model analysis of the stream-aquifer system along the Arkansas River in Kearny and Finney counties, south-western Kansas
Author: Dunlap, L.E.; Lindgren, R.J.; and Sauer, C.G.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 83-0222, 94 pages
Year: 1983

Title: Accounting for intracell flow in models with emphasis on water table recharge and stream-aquifer interaction--I. Problems and concepts
Author: Jorgensen, D.G.; Signor, D.C.; and Imes, J.L.
Publication: Water Resources Research, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 669-676
Year: 1989

Title: Accounting for intracell flow in models with emphasis on water table recharge and stream-aquifer interaction--II. A procedure
Author: Jorgensen, D.G.; Signor, D.C.; and Imes, J.L.
Publication: Water Resources Research, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 677-684
Year: 1989

Title: Optimal management of large aquifers with uncertain demands using microcomputers, pp. 1358-1363, In, Waldorf, W.R., (ed.), Hydraulics and hydrology in the small computer age; proceedings of a specialty conference sponsored by the Hydraulics Division
Author: Heidari, Manoutchehr
Publication: American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, 1520 pages (2 vols.)
Year: 1985

Title: Geohydrology and hydrochemistry of the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system, (abstr.)
Author: Imes, J.L.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 102
Year: 1988

Title: Impact analysis of the Wet Walnut Creek Intensive Groundwater Use control area, (abstr.)
Author: Golden, Bill
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 24, p. [12]
Year: 2007

Title: Multi-agent System for Future Groundwater Depletion Scenarios Using Game Theory
Author: Huang, Y.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Kansas State University, 46 pages
Year: 2016

Title: Effects of initial aquifer conditions on economic benefits from groundwater conservation
Author: Foster, T.; Brozovic, N.; & Butler, A.P.
Publication: Water Resources Research, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 744-762
Year: 2017

Title: West Central Kansas GMD1 Model; Kansas Water Office Contract 14-116
Author: Wilson, B.B.; Liu, G.; Bohling, G.C.; Whittemore, D.O.; Butler, J.J., Jr.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, UNKNOWN
Year: 2015
Available online: November 2015

Title: Predicting evapotranspiration from agricultural watersheds under dry conditions
Author: Zovne, J.J.; and Nawaz, Ahmad
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 164, 72 pages (NTIS no. PB-243 562/6G)
Year: 1975

Title: Physical and biological effects of thermal discharges at La Cygne Lake, Volume 1, project report
Author: Willhite, G.P.; Cross, F.B.; O'Brien, W.J.; Yu, Y.S.; Wagner, Jan; Triplett, Jim; Drenner, Ray; Gilman, Dennis; Vinyard, Gary; and Ozawa, Ken
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 174, 160 pages
Year: 1979

Title: Evaluation of Wet Walnut water supply availability; development and application of an integrated watershed model; a year-end progress report
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Perkins, S.P.; Eskrootchi, R.; Koelliker, J.K.; and Ramireddygari, S.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 98-60, 44 pages
Year: 1998

Title: Groundwater network design for Groundwater Management District #4, northwest Kansas, using the theory of regionalized variables
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; Paschetto, James; and Olea, R.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 81-5, 14 pages
Year: 1981

Title: Hydrological projection model of water levels in northwestern Kansas reservoirs
Author: Kansas Fish and Game Commission
Publication: Kansas Fish and Game Commission, unpublished report , 20 pages
Year: 1981

Title: Analysis and computer simulation of stream-aquifer hydrology, Arkansas River valley, southwestern Kansas
Author: Barker, R.A.; Dunlap, L.E.; and Sauer, C.G.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 2200, 59 pages, map scale 1:125,000
Year: 1983

Title: Geohydrology of the freshwater/brine transition zone that surrounds the Ozark plateaus, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas, (abstr.)
Author: Christenson, S.C.; and Adams, G.P.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 94, [reprinted in Oklahoma Geology Notes, vol. 48, no. 6, p. 254-255]
Year: 1988

Title: Digital simulation of the Ogallala aquifer in Sherman County, Kansas
Author: McClain, T.J.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 70-206, 30 pages
Year: 1970

Title: Simulated water-level declines near Marienthal, west-central Kansas
Author: Dunlap, L.E.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 80-0039, 15 pages, (NTIS no. PB-81 105 272)
Year: 1980

Title: Notes on the shape of the truncated cone of depression in the vicinity of an infinite well field
Author: Fader, S.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Special Distribution Publication, no. 33, 10 pages
Year: 1967

Title: Theory, sensitivity and application of a regional unconfined ground-water model
Author: Halepaska, J.C.; Keearns, Larry; and Hartman, F.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 72-10, 39 pages
Year: 1972

Title: The impact of discount rate and price on intertemporal groundwater models in southwest Kansas
Author: Vestal, M.K.; Guerrero, B.L.; Golden, B.B.; and Harkey, L.D.
Publication: Journal of Water Resource and Protection, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 745-759
Year: 2017

Title: An Evaluation Of Hydrostratigraphic Characterization Methods Based On Well Logs For Groundwater Modeling Of The High Plains Aquifer In Southwest Kansas [unpublished
Author: Kreitzer, S. R.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 100 pages
Year: 2011

Title: The weight of water: values, civic engagement, and collaborative groundwater management on the US high plains
Author: Lauer, S.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Kansas State University, 182 pages
Year: 2020

Title: Kansas environmental and resource study; a Great Plains model -- Monitoring fresh water resources, semiannual progress report
Author: Yarger, H.L.; and McCauley, J.R.
Publication: University of Kansas, Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, 19 pages, (NTIS no. E74-10342)
Year: 1974

Title: Arkansas River water quality assessment; what's in the water and where does it go?, (abstr.)
Author: Whittemore, D.O.; Tsou, M.-S.; Young, D.P.; and Healey, John
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 16, p. 31
Year: 1999

Title: Multi-level well sites of the Upper Arkansas River Corridor Study
Author: Whittemore, D.O.; Young, D.P.; and Healey, J.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2000-42, 59 pages
Year: 2000
Available online:

Title: Analysis of groundwater flow at the University of Kansas Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site, Johnson County, Kansas, including the application of computer numerical modeling techniques
Author: Newill, R.J.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 157 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Test and application of a computer model describing unsaturated ground-water flow in the presence of evapotranspiration
Author: Khare, J.D.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 97 pages
Year: 1971

Title: Water quality modeling of Equus beds aquifer in south-central Kansas
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 83-1, 75 pages
Year: 1983

Title: Groundwater-flow parameter estimation and quality modeling of the Equus beds aquifer in Kansas, U.S.A.
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 69, no. 1/4, pp. 197-222
Year: 1984

Title: An interactive system with automatic calibration for ground-water modeling, (abstr.)
Author: Tsou, M.-S.; and Whittemore, D.O.
Publication: Midwest Ground Water Conference, Program with Abstracts, no. 43, p. 33
Year: 1998

Title: Nine water resources-related maps and GIS coverages for modeling the Wet Walnut Creek basin
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; and Eskrootchi, R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 98-63, 4 pages, 9 sheets
Year: 1998

Title: Factors contributing to changes in ground-water availability and streamflow in the Upper Republican River basin, Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado, (abstr.)
Author: Landon, M.K.; Johnson, M.R.; McGuire, V.L.; Cornwall, J.F.; and Stanton, J.S.
Publication: Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, Proceedings with Abstracts, no. 19, pp. 12-13
Year: 2002

Title: Determination of irrigation pumpage in parts of Kearny and Finney counties, southwestern Kansas
Author: Lindgren, R.J.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 82-4011, 26 pages
Year: 1982

Title: Sensitivity analysis of groundwater flow systems and an application to a real case, pp. 33-49, In, Gill, Dan; and Merriam, D.F., (eds.); Geomathematical and petrophysical studies in sedimentology
Author: Yukler, M.A.
Publication: Computers and Geology, no. 3, 267 pages
Year: 1979

Title: Water utilization aspects of weather modification as applied to Kansas
Author: Smith, R.L.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 46, 72 pages (NTIS no. PB-196 310)
Year: 1970

Title: Selected coal bed methane produced water management strategies and associated technical and economic issues, (abstr.)
Author: Boysen, J.E.; and Boysen, D.B.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists; and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Annual Meeting, Abstracts, vol. 12, p. 19
Year: 2003

Title: Simulation of multiaquifer system along Arkansas River valley, southwestern Kansas, p. 208, In, Geological Survey Research 1979
Author: Barker, R.A.; and Sauer, C.G., (invests.)
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper, no. 1150, 447 pages
Year: 1979

Title: Quantitative analysis of regional flow in the Denver basin, (abstr.)
Author: Belitz, K.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 18, no. 6, p. 538
Year: 1986

Title: Hydrodynamics of Denver basin; explanation of subnormal fluid pressures
Author: Belitz, K.; and Bredehoeft, J.D.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 72, no. 11, pp. 1334-1359
Year: 1988

Title: Optimization of the High Plains aquifer observation network, Kansas
Author: Olea, R.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Ground-water Series, no. 7, 73 pages
Year: 1982

Title: Geohydrology of stream-aquifer system, Kearny and Finney counties, Kansas, pp. 191-192, In, Geological Survey Research, fiscal year 1981
Author: Dunlap, L.E.; Lindgren, R.J.; and Sauer, C.G., (invests.)
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper, no. 1375, 424 pages
Year: 1983

Title: Regional hydraulic conditions in the Great Plains aquifer system, central midwest United States, (abstr.)
Author: Helgesen, J.O.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 102
Year: 1988

Title: Mathematical modeling of an experiment to recharge groundwater through the unsaturated zone in western Kansas
Author: Green, D.W.
Publication: University of Kansas, Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, 40 pages
Year: 1976

Title: Sustaining the Ogallala Aquifer: From the Wells to People, A Holistic CNH Mode
Author: Aistrup, J.A.; Bulatewicz, T.; Kulcsar, L.J.; Peterson, J.M.; Welch, S.M.; Steward, D.R.
Publication: Hess, UNKNOWN
Year: 2017

Title: 2023 Water-Level Data Acquisition Statistics
Author: Bennett, B.; and Brohammer, M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2024-8, 18 pp.
Year: 2023

Title: Western Kansas GMD1 Maps
Author: Woods, J.J.; and Wilson, B.B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2021-2,
Year: 2021
Available online: July 2021

Title: Southwest Kansas: History, Industries, and Adaptation; 2023 Kansas Field Conference Field Guide
Author: Schneider, B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2023-56, 62 pp.
Year: 2023
Available online: September 2023

Title: Multi-level well site in the High Plains aquifer at Garden City, Arkansas River Corridor Study; a Kansas Water Plan Project
Author: Whittemore, D.O.; Young, D.P.; and Healey, J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 2000-19, 4 pages
Year: 2000
Available online:

Title: Physical and biological effects of thermal discharges at La Cygne Lake, Volume 2, procedures and selected field data
Author: Willhite, G.P.; Cross, F.B.; O'Brien, W.J.; Yu, Y.S.; Wagner, Jan; Triplett, Jim; Drenner, Ray; Gilman, Dennis; Vinyard, Gary; and Ozawa, Ken
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 174, 160 pages, (NTIS no. PB-261 887)
Year: 1979

Title: A steady-state unsaturated-zone model to simulate pesticide transport
Author: Rutledge, A.T.; and Helgesen, J.O.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations, no. 90-4164, 13 pages
Year: 1991

Title: Inverse approaches with lithologic information for a regional groundwater system in southwest Kansas
Author: Tsou, M.-S.; Perkins, S.P.; Zhan, Xiaoyong; Whittemore, D.O.; and Zheng, Li
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 318, no. 1-4, pp. 292-300
Year: 2006

Title: River basin hydrology project; the formulation and testing of a water budget model
Author: Pogge, E.C.
Publication: Kansas University, Center for Research, Inc.; (for) U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, variously paginated
Year: 1977

Title: Electronic simulation of ground-water hydrology in the Kansas River valley near Topeka, Kansas
Author: Winslow, J.D.; and Nuzman, C.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Special Distribution Publication, no. 29, 24 pages
Year: 1966

Title: Punctuated equilibrium; the effect of rainwater recharge on mineral weathering in thin limestone aquifers, north-central Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Wood, H.K.; and Macpherson, G.L.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, vol. 32, no. 7, p. 483
Year: 2000

Title: Wichita water supply; a progress report
Author: Kansas Water Resources Board
Publication: Kansas Water News, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 4-6
Year: 1962

Title: Water utilization aspects of weather modification as applied to Kansas
Author: Smith, R.L.
Publication: Kansas Water News, vol. 18, no. 1/2, pp. 17-22
Year: 1975

Title: Supplemental irrigation storage reliability
Author: Steichen, J.M.; and Zovne, J.J.
Publication: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 110, no. 1, pp. 35-45
Year: 1984

Title: GEMSTRAC1; an induced gradient tracer test in an alluvial sand and gravel aquifer
Author: Bohling, G.C.; McElwee, C.D.; Butler, J.J., Jr.; Orcutt, M.; and Macpherson, G.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 95-80, 20 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Hydrodynamics of the Denver basin; an explanation of subnormal fluid pressures
Author: Belitz, K.
Publication: Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 214 pages
Year: 1985

Title: Ogallala aquifer study in Kansas; Linear programming model
Author: Buller, O.H.
Publication: Kansas Water Office, Topeka, KS, 266 pages
Year: 1982

Title: A direct-push method of hydrostratigraphic site characterization
Author: Sellwood, S.M.
Publication: M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 87 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 2001-49)
Year: 2001

Title: Estimating stream-aquifer interactions in coal areas of eastern Kansas by using streamflow records, pp. 51-64, In, Subitzky, Seymour, (ed.); Selected papers in hydrologic sciences, 1986
Author: Bevans, H.E.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, no. 2290, 154 pages
Year: 1986

Title: A groundwater flow model for the Great Bend aquifer, south-central Kansas
Author: Cobb, P.M.; Colarullo, S.J.; and Heidari, M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 83-20, 220 pages
Year: 1983

Title: Calibration and validation of a finite-difference model of the Great Bend aquifer in south-central Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Cobb, Patrick; Heidari, Manoutchehr; and Colarullo, Susan
Publication: Eos, vol. 63, no. 18, p. 321
Year: 1982

Title: Feasibility of estimating groundwater storage changes in western Kansas using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data
Author: Wang, Q.; Chen, C.; Chen, B.; Xia, J.; and Jinsong, D.
Publication: Leading Edge, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 806-813
Year: 2013

Title: Evaluating impacts of CO 2 intrusion into an unconsolidated aquifer: 1. Experimental data
Author: Lawter, A.; Qafoku, N.P.; Wang, G.; Shao, H.; and Brown, C.F.
Publication: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, UNKNOWN
Year: 2015

Title: The impact of drought on streamflow and stream-aquifer exchange in the upper Neosho River, Kansas
Author: Schulmeister, M.K.; and Barlow, D.M.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 119, no. 1, pp. 93-102
Year: 2016

Title: Interpreting temporal variations in river response functions: an example from the Arkansas River, Kansas, USA.
Author: Brookfield, A.E.; Stotler, R.L.; and Reboulet, E.C.
Publication: Hydrogeology Journal, pp. 1-12
Year: 2017

Title: GMD2 Groundwater Flow Model: High Plains Aquifer Modeling Maintenance Project
Author: Wilson, B.B.; Liu, G.; Bohling, G.C.; and J. J. Butler Jr.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2020-1
Year: 2020
Available online: July 2021

Title: Groundwater Withdrawal Prediction Using Integrated Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data Sets and Machine Learning
Author: Majumdar, S.; Smith, R.; Butler, J.J., Jr.; and Lakshmi, V.
Publication: Water Resources Research, vol. 56, no. 11
Year: 2020

Title: Estimation of Specific Yield for Regional Groundwater Models: Pitfalls, Ramifications, and a Promising Path Forward
Author: Liu, G.; Wilson, B.B.; Bohling, G.C.; Whittemore, D.O; and Butler Jr, J.J.
Publication: Water Resources Research,
Year: 2023
Available online: October 2023

Title: Model to evaluate conservation, design, and economic feasibility of supplemental irrigation systems in the sub-humid region
Author: Zovne, J.J.; Buller, O.H.; and Steichen, J.M.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 225, 67 pages, (NTIS no. PB83-150219)
Year: 1982

Title: Impact of rainfall enhancement on hydrology
Author: Zovne, J.J.; and Rogers, D.H.
Publication: American Society of Civil Engineers, Proceedings, Hydraulics Division, Journal, vol. 104, no. HY5, pp. 681-694
Year: 1978

Title: Kansas environmental and resource study; a Great Plains model -- Monitoring fresh water resources, final report
Author: Yarger, H.L.; and McCauley, J.R.
Publication: University of Kansas, Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS, 60 pages, (NTIS no. E74-10776)
Year: 1974

Title: Geochemistry and sources of salinity in Arkansas River water in Kansas from the Colorado to the Oklahoma state line, (abstr.)
Author: Whittemore, D.O.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Abstracts with Programs, vol. 11, p. 48
Year: 1992

Title: Upper Arkansas River corridor study; inventory of available data and development of conceptual models; a Kansas water plan project
Author: Whittemore, D.O.; Tsou, M.; and Grauer, J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 96-19, 83 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Arkansas River Corridor Study in southwest Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Whittemore, D.O.; Tsou, M.-S.; Young, D.P.; and Grauer, J.
Publication: Midwest Ground Water Conference, Program with Abstracts, no. 43, pp. 33-34
Year: 1998

Title: Groundwater flow parameter estimation and quality modeling of the Equus beds aquifer in Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.
Publication: Eos, vol. 63, no. 45, p. 927
Year: 1982

Title: User interface for ground-water modeling; ArcView extension
Author: Tsou, M.-S.; and Whittemore, D.O.
Publication: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 251-257
Year: 2001

Title: Improvement of the steady floating random walk Monte Carlo method near straight line and circular boundaries with application to groundwater flow
Author: Turner, J.H.; Burmeister, L.C.; and Green, D.W.
Publication: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute, Contribution, no. 198, 96 pages
Year: 1978

Title: The use of a finite-element transport model, coupled with kriging and optimization; a case study, pp. 537-548, In, Solving ground water problems with models; proceedings of the fourth annual conference on the use of models to analyze and find working solutions to ground water problems
Author: Schaefer, M.E.; Galya, D.P.; and Moore, M.B.
Publication: National Water Well Association, Dublin, OH, 1203 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Methodology and application of combined watershed and ground-water models in Kansas
Author: Sophocleous, M.A.; and Perkins, S.P.
Publication: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 236, no. 3-4, pp. 185-201
Year: 2000

Title: Development and field testing of a basin hydrology simulator
Author: Knapp, R.M.; Green, D.W.; Pogge, E.C.; and Stanford, C.
Publication: Water Resources Research, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 879-888
Year: 1975

Kansas Geological Survey
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