Bibliography--Answer to Query
15 records found for
keyword terms popular geology--natural features.
Title: Looking for scenic spots in Kansas to visit?
Author: Kansas Geological Survey
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, KS, 4 pages
Year: 1963
Title: Symposium on the geology, flora, and fauna of "Rock City," a proposed national monument in Ottawa County, Kansas; The geology of "Rock City"
Author: Schoewe, W.H.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 40, pp. 180-191
Year: 1938
Title: A selected list of geological attractions in Kansas
Author: Kansas Geological Survey
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, KS, 4 pages
Year: 1963
Title: Geologic guideposts along the overland trails in Kansas, (abstr.)
Author: Charlton, John; Merriam, J.; and Merriam, D.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 111, no. 1-2, pp. 167-168
Year: 2008
Title: Some measurements at the Sun City natural bridge
Author: Jewett, J.M.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 38, pp. 189-190
Year: 1935
Title: The Kansas pyramids
Author: Busch, B.L.
Publication: Natural History, vol. 62, no. 2, p. 91
Year: 1953
Title: Physiographic map of Kansas
Author: Webster, Wilfrid
Publication: The Geographical Press, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1 sheet
Year: 1931
Title: The chalk monoliths at Castle Rock, Kansas
Author: Medville, Doug
Publication: Rocky Mountain Caving, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 10
Year: 2009
Title: The geologic story of the Great Plains
Author: Trimble, D.E.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin, no. 1493, 55 pages
Year: 1980
Title: Giant calcite-cemented concretions, Dakota Formation, central Kansas, USA
Author: McBride, E.F.; and Milliken, K.L.
Publication: Sedimentology, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1161-1179
Year: 2006
Title: Field trip to the Kansas Cretaceous
Author: Buchanan, R.C.; McCauley, J.R.; and Maples, C.G.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report, no. 90-14, 25 pages
Year: 1990
Available online: June 2013
Title: Ever changing landscape; recent topographic landmark erosion in Kansas
Author: Charlton, John; and Merriam, D.F.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 106, no. 1/2, pp. 29-39
Year: 2003
Title: Concretions in the Dakota sandstone
Author: Shaffer, H.L.
Publication: Compass, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 87-90
Year: 1937
Title: Caves in Kansas
Author: Young, James; and Beard, Jonathan
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Educational Series, no. 9, 47 pages
Year: 1993
Title: Kansas; a geologic profile
Author: Wilson, F.W.
Publication: Kansas, no. 3, pp. 2-8
Year: 1970
Kansas Geological Survey
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Display Program Updated February 2001
Database updated June 2012.