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6 records found for keyword terms areal geology--south.
Title: The Missouri-Virgil boundary in southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma, pp. 37-38, In, Kansas Geological Society; [Pennsylvanian rocks of] southeastern Kansas and northeastern Oklahoma
Author: Moore, R.C.; and Newell, N.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Society, Annual Field Conference, Guidebook, 108 pages
Year: 1937

Title: Subsurface faults and present-day stresses in southern Kansas: Implications for brine disposal and long-term storage of CO2 [abstr]
Author: Bidgoli, T.; Schwab, D.; Watney, W.L.; and Gerlach, P.
Publication: Mid-Continent Section, UNKNOWN
Year: 2015

Title: Permian redbeds of Kansas [with discussion]
Author: Norton, G.H.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 1751-1819
Year: 1939

Title: Some geological and topographical features of southern Kansas
Author: Cragin, F.W.
Publication: Kansas City Review of Science and Industry, vol. 8, pp. 678-682
Year: 1885

Title: Chapter 12, Geology of the southern midcontinent, pp. 307-359, In, Sloss, L.L., (ed.); Sedimentary cover--North American craton; U.S.
Author: Johnson, K.S.; Amsden, T.W.; Denison, R.E.; Dutton, S.P.; Goldstein, A.G.; Rascoe, Bailey, Jr.; Sutherland, P.K.; and Thompson, D.M.
Publication: Geological Society of America, Decade of North American Geology, Volume, no. D-2, 506 pages, [reprinted as Oklahoma Geological Survey, Special Publication no. 89-2]
Year: 1988

Title: Notes on the geology of southern Kansas
Author: Cragin, F.W.
Publication: Washburn College, Laboratory of Natural History, Bulletin, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 85-91
Year: 1885

Kansas Geological Survey
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Database updated June 2012.