Bibliography--Answer to Query
8 records found for
keyword terms statistical analysis--structural geology.
Title: Seal capacity of nonsmectite shale, pp. 31-47, In, Surdam, R.C., (ed.); Seals, traps, and the petroleum system
Author: Krushin, J.T.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir, no. 67, 317 pages
Year: 1997
Title: Autocorrelation functions in geology, pp. 113-141, In, Merriam, D.F., (ed.); Geostatistics, a colloquium
Author: Agterberg, F.P.
Publication: Plenum Press, New York, NY, 177 pages
Year: 1970
Title: Mineral springs and well waters of eastern Kansas and their relation to the geothermal field
Author: Foerster, Andrea; Merriam, D.F.; and Sampson, R.J.
Publication: Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, vol. 97, nos. 1-2, pp. 50-63
Year: 1994
Title: Comparison and integration of spatial data using covariance matrices
Author: Merriam, D.F.; and Scherer, Wolfgang
Publication: Mathematical Geology, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 657-671
Year: 1996
Title: Geothermal field interpretation in south-central Kansas for parts of the Nemaha anticline and flanking Cherokee and Sedgwick basins
Author: Foerster, Andrea; and Merriam, D.F.
Publication: Basin Research, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 213-234
Year: 1993
Title: Relationship of geological and geothermal field properties; midcontinent area, USA; an example, (abstr.)
Author: Foerster, Andrea; Merriam, D.F.; and Brower, J.C.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 318-319
Year: 1993
Title: Spatial analysis of temperature (BHT/DST) data and consequences for heat- flow determination in sedimentary basins
Author: Foerster, Andrea; Merriam, D.F.; and Davis, J.C.
Publication: Geologische Rundschau, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 252-261
Year: 1997
Title: Statistical analysis of some bottom-hole temperature (BHT) correction factors for the Cherokee Basin, southeastern Kansas, pp. 3-9, In, Swindler, D.L.; and Williams, C.P., (compls.); Transactions of the 1995 AAPG mid- continent section meeting, October 8-10, Tulsa, Oklahoma; technology transfer, crossroads to the future
Author: Foerster, Andrea; Merriam, D.F.; and Davis, J.C.
Publication: Tulsa Geological Society, Tulsa, OK, 354 pages
Year: 1996
Kansas Geological Survey
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