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214 records found for keyword term stratigraphy.
Title: Mineral Intrusion Project, final data report
Author: Young, D.P.; Buddemeier, R.W.; and Zehr, D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 96-24, variously paginated
Year: 1996

Title: Maps and cross sections of the Lower Permian Hutchinson salt in Kansas
Author: Watney, W.L.; and Paul, S.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 80-7, 10 pages, 6 plates, map scales 1:500,000
Year: 1980

Title: Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir analysis of the upper Kearny Formation (Morrowan Series, Lower Pennsylvanian System) within three Kansas fields
Author: Luchtel, K.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 99-31, 149 pages
Year: 1999

Title: Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of the Niobrara Formation (Cretaceous) in Kansas
Author: Miller, H.W., Jr.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 58-4, 180 pages
Year: 1958

Title: Lithofacies and diagenesis of the Upper Ordovician Viola Formation on the Central Kansas Arch and adjacent basin
Author: Newell, K.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 96-10, 610 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Hydrostratigraphic controls on ground-water flow and the distribution of chloride in the Upper Dakota aquifer of southwestern Ellis County, Kansas
Author: Smith, M.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 95-37, 229 pages
Year: 1995

Title: The areal distribution and depositional setting of the McLouth Sandstone in Jefferson and Leavenworth counties, Kansas
Author: Strickland, M.O.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 87-36, 85 pages
Year: 1987

Title: A report to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment on the hydrogeology and chemical quality in the lower Paleozoic aquifers in southeast Kansas and adjoining areas of Missouri and Oklahoma
Author: Macfarlane, P.A.; Whittemore, D.O.; and Hathaway, L.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 81-16, 84 pages
Year: 1981

Title: Character of the Mississippian formation in south-central Kansas
Author: McCoy, J.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 78-9, 23 pages
Year: 1978

Title: Project Pangea Workshop, May 23-28, 1992, Lawrence, KS, USA; field trip guidebook; part 1--Lower Permian, central Kansas, and part 2--Upper Pennsylvanian, eastern Kansas
Author: Watney, W.L., (compl.)
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 92-14, 122 pages
Year: 1992

Title: Ground-water geochemistry in the mineral intrusion area of Groundwater Management District no. 5, south-central Kansas
Author: Whittemore, D.O.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 93-2, 110 pages
Year: 1993
Available online: February 2016

Title: Palynological correlation of the Bevier and Wheeler coals
Author: Habib, Daniel
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 86 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 60-1)
Year: 1960

Title: Stratigraphic sequences and hydrostratigraphic units in Lower Cretaceous strata, Kansas
Author: Hamilton, V.J.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 165 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 89-41)
Year: 1989

Title: Stratigraphy of the Pleasanton Group in Miami, Linn, and Bourbon counties, Kansas
Author: Hatcher, D.A.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 65 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 61-1)
Year: 1961

Title: Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Cherokee Group (Middle Pennsylvanian) Bourbon arch region, east-central Kansas
Author: Huffman, D.P.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 177 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 91-65)
Year: 1991

Title: Stratigraphy, depositional and diagenetic history of three Middle Pennsylvanian cyclothems (Breezy Hill and Fort Scott Limestones), Midcontinent North America
Author: Knight, K.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 85-18, 340 pages
Year: 1985
Available online: October 2022

Title: Sedimentary facies of the Toronto limestone, lower limestone member of the Oread megacyclothem (Virgilian) of Kansas
Author: Troell, A.R., [Jr.]
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 65-7, 213 pages
Year: 1965

Title: Origin of four Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian) cyclothems in the subsurface of western Kansas; application to search for accumulation of petroleum
Author: Watney, W.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 85-2, 524 pages
Year: 1985

Title: Notes on the paleontology of the Garrison formation of Kansas
Author: Wells, Dana
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 29-2, 91 pages
Year: 1929

Title: Isopach map, Ordovician carbonates
Author: Berendsen, Pieter; and Blair, K.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-51a, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1988

Title: Second International Paleopedology Symposium, field excursion, August 13-20, 1993; an eight-day field trip through the states of Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa, INQUA Commission 6
Author: Johnson, W.C., (compl.)
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 93-30, 209 pages
Year: 1993

Title: Variation in opal phytolith assemblages as an indicator of late-Quaternary environmental change on Fort Riley, Kansas; a technical research report for U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, IL
Author: Johnson, W.C.; and Bozarth, S.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 96-35, 72 pages
Year: 1996
Available online: August 2012

Title: Kansas salt deposits
Author: Kulstad, R.O.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. ND-15, 84 pages

Title: Regional gamma-ray gray-tone intensity images of the Permian-Cretaceous sequence of western Kansas
Author: Collins, D.R.; Doveton, J.H.; and Macfarlane, P.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 93-49, 5 pages
Year: 1993
Available online: May 2015

Title: Conglomeratic limestones of the Upper Pennsylvanian Captain Creek Limestone and their association with the lower sequence boundary of the Stanton depositional sequence, northwestern Johnson County, Kansas
Author: Cunningham, K.J.; and Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 92-51, 47 pages
Year: 1992

Title: Heavy-crude oil bearing sandstones of the Cherokee Group (Desmoinesian) in southeastern Kansas
Author: Ebanks, W.J., Jr.; and James, G.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 74-1, 24 pages
Year: 1974

Title: Hierarchal genetic stratigraphy of the Neva Limestone Member of the Grenola Limestone and Eskridge Shale (Lower Permian) in northeastern Kansas
Author: Bogina, M.A.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 187 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 89-37)
Year: 1989

Title: Temporal and spatial variations in the loess depositional environment of central Kansas during the past 400,000 years
Author: Feng, Z.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 91-42, 298 pages
Year: 1991

Title: Stratigraphy and diagenesis of the Ozawkie Limestone (Pennsylvanian, Virgilian) in northeastern Kansas
Author: Franklin, S.T.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 98-1, 134 pages
Year: 1998

Title: Supplemental sample logs of test holes, Brown County, Kansas
Author: Bayne, C.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 67-1, 125 pages
Year: 1967

Title: Subaerial exposure features associated with shoaling facies, Ozawkie Limestone Member of the Deer Creek Limestone (Virgilian), northeastern Kansas
Author: Robb, A.J., III
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 91-26, 43 pages
Year: 1991
Available online: December 2022

Title: Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Iola Limestone, Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian), northern Midcontinent U.S.
Author: Mitchell, J.C.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 81-13, 364 pages
Year: 1981

Title: Regional stratigraphic analysis of the Blackjack Creek Limestone (Desmoinesian, Middle Pennsylvanian) in southeast Kansas and northeast Oklahoma
Author: Roth, S.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 91-50, 243 pages
Year: 1991

Title: Depositional environments of an Upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian; Wabaunsee Group) cyclic sequence in Nebraska and Kansas
Author: Shields, D.C.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 87-21, 167 pages
Year: 1987

Title: Geology field trip guide, Hutchinson salt deposits
Author: Skelton, L.H.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 87-9, 13 pages
Year: 1987

Title: Mississippian stratigraphy in southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma, based on conodont fauna
Author: Selk, E.L.; and Ciriacks, K.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 68-3, 5 pages, 8 sheets
Year: 1968

Title: Distribution of Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Misener Sandstone, superimposed on sub-Chattanooga subcrop map, Salina basin
Author: Newell, K.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 89-18, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000
Year: 1989
Available online: September 2011

Title: Preliminary interpretation of depositional environments and stratigraphy of the Dakota Formation in parts of western Russell and eastern Ellis counties
Author: Macfarlane, P.A.; and Doveton, J.[H.]
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-40, 26 pages
Year: 1988

Title: Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Krebs Formation; lower Cherokee Group (Middle Pennsylvanian) in southeastern Kansas
Author: Harris, J.W.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 139 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 84-9)
Year: 1984

Title: Depositional and diagenetic control of reservoir architecture and quality, Bindley field (Mississippian), Hodgeman County, Kansas
Author: Johnson, Reed A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 90-58, 289 pages
Year: 1990

Title: Sequence stratigraphic interpretations and modeling of cyclothems in the Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian) Lansing and Kansas City groups in eastern Kansas
Author: Watney, W.L.; French, J.[A.]; and Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 89-44, 211 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Petrology and petroleum geology of Meramecian (Upper Mississippian) Warsaw Formation, Kiowa and Comanche counties, Kansas
Author: Wilson, M.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-50, 85 pages
Year: 1988

Title: Isopach map of Chattanooga Shale
Author: Wilson, M.E.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-6, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1988
Available online: November 2018

Title: Climatically controlled variation in sequence boundaries and lowstand valley fills; Upper Carboniferous (Stephanian) of the U.S. Mid-continent
Author: Feldman, H.R.; Joeckel, R.M.; Franseen, E.K.; Archer, A.W.; and Lanier, W.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 98-54, 39 pages
Year: 1998

Title: Geology of the Dexter oil and gas field and vicinity, Cowley County, Kansas
Author: Kaiser, Philip
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 44-2, 35 pages
Year: 1944
Available online: September 2022

Title: Field trip guidebook of Upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian and Missourian) paleosols in eastern Kansas
Author: Kansas Geological Survey
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 92-7, 32 pages
Year: 1992

Title: A review of Arbuckle Group strata in Kansas from a sedimentologic perspective
Author: Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 99-49, 24 pages
Year: 1999
Available online: November 2007

Title: Permian chronostratigraphy in Kansas
Author: Baars, D.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 90-6, 32 pages
Year: 1990

Title: Redefinition of the Upper Pennsylvanian Virgilian Series in Kansas
Author: Baars, D.L.; Maples, C.G.; Ritter, S.M.; and Ross, C.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 90-18, 6 pages
Year: 1990

Title: Stratigraphy, carbonate petrology, diagenesis, and trace element cement geochemistry of the Wyandotte Limestone (Upper Pennsylvanian) Miami County, Kansas
Author: Arvidson, R.S.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 213 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 90-34)
Year: 1990

Title: Improving ground penetrating-radar for stratigraphic studies using deterministic deconvolution; an example from Pennsylvanian carbonate strata in Kansas
Author: Xia, Jianghai; Franseen, E.K.; Miller, R.; and Weis, T.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2001-35, 27 pages
Year: 2001
Available online: September 2007

Title: Origin of the cherts in limestones of the Chase Group (Lower Permian), Kansas
Author: Tien, Pei-lin
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 70-2, 8 pages
Year: 1970

Title: The Red Eagle cyclothem (Lower Permian)
Author: McCrone, A.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 60-3, 268 pages
Year: 1960

Title: Application of sequence stratigraphic concepts to the Iola Limestone (Missourian, Upper Pennsylvanian) in Kansas and Missouri
Author: Olszewski, T.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 94-9, 229 pages
Year: 1994

Title: The structural geology of the Mound City-Pleasanton area, Linn County, Kansas
Author: Padgham, J.B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 56-8, 152 pages
Year: 1956

Title: Distribution, petrology, and depositional environment of "Bush City shoestring sandstone" and "Centerville Lagonda sandstone" in Cherokee Group (Middle Pennsylvanian), southeastern Kansas
Author: Reinholtz, P.N.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 82-27, 180 pages
Year: 1982

Title: Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the upper Marmaton Group and the Pleasanton Group (Pennsylvanian) of southeastern Kansas
Author: Sutton, M.J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 85-8, 138 pages
Year: 1985

Title: The Dakota Formation (Cretaceous) in central Kansas; field trip guidebook
Author: Skelton, L.H.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 91-64, 13 pages
Year: 1991

Title: [Comments on stratigraphic relationships in the Lansing, Douglas, and Pedee Groups, eastern Kansas]
Author: Newell, N.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 32-3, 17 pages
Year: 1932

Title: Shallow subsurface bedrock geology and hydrostratigraphy of southwestern Kansas
Author: Macfarlane, P.A.; Combes, J.[M.]; Turbek, S.; and Kirshen, D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 93-1a, 13 pages, 18 sheets, scale 1:500,000
Year: 1993
Available online: July 2010

Title: A high-frequency ground-penetrating radar study of the Captain Creek Limestone, Johnson County, Kansas
Author: Martinez, Alex; Kruger, J.M.; and Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 95-57, 23 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Net shale map of Simpson shale
Author: Wilson, M.E.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-8, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1988
Available online: November 2018

Title: Subcrop map of the Bonneterre formation
Author: Wilson, M.E.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-48, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1988

Title: Subsurface geologic study of the Hutchinson salt
Author: Watney, W.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 80-16, 16 pages
Year: 1980

Title: Exploration for petroleum in cyclic sediments of Late Pennsylvanian age in central and western Kansas; a closer look at a mature province
Author: Watney, W.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 81-14, 13 pages
Year: 1981

Title: Stratigraphic sections--Bourbon County, Kansas, 1993-94 field season
Author: West, R.R.; and Sawin, R.S.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 94-37, 51 pages
Year: 1994

Title: Devonian rocks of Kansas and their epeirogenic significance
Author: Hilpman, P.L.
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 73 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 69-4)
Year: 1969

Title: Lower Pennsylvanian sandstone-carbonate cycles on the west flank of the Central Kansas Uplift
Author: Howard, S.C.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 216 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 90-52)
Year: 1990

Title: Petrology and diagenesis of the Lower Mississippian, Osagean Series, western Sedgwick basin, Kansas
Author: Thomas, M.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 82-24, 87 pages
Year: 1982

Title: Petrology of Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) "upper Bluejacket" sandstone (Cherokee Group) of Bourbon, Crawford, and Cherokee counties, Kansas
Author: Worthington, R.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 82-15, 108 pages
Year: 1982

Title: Petrographic and subsurface analysis of Pennsylvanian Morrow sandstones of southwest Kansas
Author: Rader, Kathleen
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 87-31, 106 pages
Year: 1987

Title: A new exposure of the Kansas City and Lansing groups, Pennsylvanian, near Shawnee, Kansas
Author: Johnsgard, S.[K.]
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 84-16, 2 pages, 1 sheet
Year: 1984

Title: Correlation of the members of the Topeka Formation in a north-south section across Kansas
Author: Keroher, R.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 40-6, 20 pages
Year: 1940

Title: Improved oil recovery in Mississippian carbonate reservoirs of Kansas--near term--class 2
Author: Gerhard, L.C.; Carr, T.R.; Willhite, G.P.; Adkins-Heljeson, D.; Beaty, S.; Bhattacharya, S.; Franseen, E.[K.]; Gerlach, P.; Guy, W.; Hopkins, J.; and Watney, W.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 97-24
Year: 1997

Title: Contour map of the depth to top of Hutchinson Salt Member
Author: Grisafe, D.A.; Watney, W.L.; Paul, S.[E.]; and Wong, J.C.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 90-51, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1990

Title: Field trip to the Kanopolis Lake area; Kansas Earth Science Teachers Association, fifth annual field trip
Author: Buchanan, R.C.; McCauley, J.R.; and Sawin, B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 96-41, 17 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Improved oil recovery in Mississippian carbonate reservoirs of Kansas; near term, class 2, annual report
Author: Carr, T.R.; Adkins-Heljeson, D.M.; Beaty, D.S.; Bhattacharya, S.; Franseen, E.K.; Gerlach, P.M.; Guy, W.J.; and Watney, W.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 96-7, 55 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Significance of the age and identity of a volcanic ash near DeSoto, Kansas, with respect to the enclosing terrace deposits
Author: Geil, S.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 87-38, 169 pages
Year: 1987

Title: Topeka Limestone Formation
Author: Becker, Karl
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 40-1, 18 pages
Year: 1940

Title: Identification and use of conodonts from Meramecian rocks (Upper Mississippian) recovered from well cores from the subsurface of western Kansas
Author: Thompson, T.L.; and Goebel, E.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 63-2, 20 pages
Year: 1963

Title: The Oread Formation in northwestern Kansas from the Skelly #1 Bartosovsky well, Sec. 9, T. 1S, R. 34W, Rawlins County, Kansas
Author: Stephens, B.[P.]; and Watney, W.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 86-24, 29 pages
Year: 1986

Title: Depositional sequence analysis and sedimentologic modeling for improved prediction of Pennsylvanian reservoirs (Annex I); grant no. DE-FG22-90BC14434
Author: Kansas Geological Survey
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 93-33, variously paginated
Year: 1993

Title: Stratigraphy report on the Topeka Formation
Author: Lemmons, J.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 40-11, 7 pages
Year: 1940

Title: Characterization of heterogeneities controlling transport and fate of pollutants in unconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers; second year report
Author: McElwee, C.D.; Butler, J.J., Jr.; Macpherson, G.L.; Bohling, G.C.; Miller, R.D.; Mennicke, C.M.; Huettle, T.; Zenner, M.; Hyder, Z.; Liu, W.; and Orcutt, M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 93-21, 224 pages
Year: 1993

Title: Geologic factors affecting the quality of limestone construction aggregate; an example from the Farley Limestone, NE Kansas
Author: McKirahan, J.; Goldstein, R.H.; and Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 98-65, 36 pages
Year: 1998

Title: A high-frequency ground-penetrating radar study of the Plattsburg Limestone and Bonner Springs Shale, I-435/I-70 interchange, southwest Wyandotte County, Kansas
Author: Martinez, Alex; Kruger, J.M.; and Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 95-58, 52 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Lithologic and stratigraphic relationships between the Reagan Sandstone (Upper Cambrian) and sub-Reagan and supra-Reagan rocks in western Kansas
Author: McElroy, M.N.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 65-6, 173 pages
Year: 1965

Title: Stratigraphy and areal geology of northeastern Leavenworth County, Kansas
Author: McLaren, D.B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 58-3, 99 pages
Year: 1958

Title: Petrology, diagenesis and depositional environment of the Lagonda interval, Cabaniss subgroup, Cherokee Group, Middle Pennsylvanian, in north-eastern Kansas
Author: Nelson, M.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 85-4, 176 pages
Year: 1985

Title: Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Cherokee Group (Middle Pennsylvanian), central Cherokee Basin, southeastern Kansas
Author: Staton, M.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 87-24, 102 pages
Year: 1987

Title: Pennsylvanian and "Permian" rocks of Kansas, composite section along Kansas River and in west central Missouri
Author: Moore, R.C.; Elias, M.K.; and Newell, N.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 34-3, 1 sheet
Year: 1934

Title: Practical vertical resolution limits of CDP seismic-reflection data targeting reflectors less than 125m deep near Independence, Kansas
Author: Miller, R.D.; Feldman, H.[R.]; Franseen, E.[K.]; Knapp, R.[W.]; and Black, R.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 91-36, 14 pages
Year: 1991

Title: Lithology and geochemistry of shale members within the Devonian-Mississippian Chattanooga (Woodford) Shale, midcontinent, USA
Author: Lambert, M.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 92-26, 160 pages
Year: 1992

Title: Three-dimensional inversion of potential field data with application to Kansas
Author: Xia, Jianghai
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 92-16, 132 pages
Year: 1992

Title: Hierarchal genetic (T-R unit) stratigraphy of the Lower Permian (Gearyan Stage) Foraker formation in northeastern Kansas
Author: Barrett, F.J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 89-2, 246 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Magnetic and stable (13C) parameters as indicators of late-Quaternary environments on Fort Riley, Kansas; a technical research report for U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, IL
Author: Johnson, W.C.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 96-34, 74 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction via opal phytolith and carbon isotope analyses of late-Wisconsinan loess; geoarchaeological investigations of Fort Riley, Riley and Geary counties, Kansas
Author: Johnson, W.C.; Bozarth, S.; and Diekmeyer, E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 94-38, 60 pages
Year: 1994

Title: Paleotectonic investigations of the Mississippian System in the United States, Chapter F; Kansas
Author: Goebel, E.D.; and Stewart, G.F.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 73-6, 48 pages
Year: 1973

Title: Field, petrographic and paleomagnetic investigations of an enigmatic surface at the top of the Argentine Limestone, Johnson County, Kansas; part 1
Author: Cunningham, K.J.; and Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 92-46, 34 pages
Year: 1992

Title: Stratigraphy of the Big Blue series in north-central Kansas
Author: Elias, M.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 34-1, 304 pages
Year: 1934

Title: Incised valleys and sequence boundaries in Upper Missourian through Lower Virgilian strata in northeastern Kansas; locations and descriptions
Author: Feldman, H.R.; Joeckel, R.M.; Archer, A.W.; Franseen, E.K.; and Lanier, W.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 97-69, 42 pages
Year: 1997

Title: Facies and porosity relationships of Arbuckle strata; initial observations from two cores, Rice and Rush counties, Kansas
Author: Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 94-53, 34 pages
Year: 1994

Title: Stratigraphy report on the Topeka Limestone
Author: Bramlette, W.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 40-2, 31 pages
Year: 1940

Title: Petrologic analysis of Niobrara Chalk, Neitzel 1-28, Walz B1-33, and Carter 1-22, Cheyenne County, Kansas
Author: Babcock, Laurel
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 78-8, 19 pages
Year: 1978

Title: Paleoenvironments and desertification on the Great Bend Sand Prairie in Kansas
Author: Arbogast, A.F.
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 385 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 95-33)
Year: 1995

Title: Stratigraphy of the Douglas Group (Pennsylvanian, Virgilian) in the northern Midcontinent region
Author: Ball, S.M.
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 490 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 64-1)
Year: 1964

Title: Unconformities, hiatuses and paleosols in midcontinent sequences
Author: Bennison, A.P.; Boardman, D.R.; and Watney, W.L., (leaders)
Publication: Tulsa Geological Society, Geologic Field Trip and Conference 34 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 96-61)
Year: 1996

Title: Stratigraphy of the upper part of the Kansas City Group (Pennsylvanian) in southeastern Nebraska and adjacent regions
Author: Burchett, R.R.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 87 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 59-1)
Year: 1959

Title: Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleomagnetism of pre-Illinoian glacial deposits near Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri
Author: Colgan, P.M.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 201 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 92-31)
Year: 1992

Title: Stratigraphy and brachiopod genus Composita of the Wreford megacyclothem (Lower Permian) in Kansas and Oklahoma
Author: Garihan, A.B.L.
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 230 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 73-7)
Year: 1973

Title: Subsurface geology of the Schaben field, Ness County, Kansas
Author: Olea, R.A.; and Guy, W.J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2000-52, 10 pages
Year: 2000
Available online: January 2011

Title: Elevation and variability of the freshwater interface in the Great Bend Prairie aquifer, south-central Kansas
Author: Young, D.P.; Garneau, G.W.; Buddemeier, R.W.; Zehr, D.; and Lanterman, J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 93-55, 105 pages
Year: 1993

Title: Thickness of the Hunton group in northeast Kansas
Author: Stephens, B.[P.]; Gu, Xiaozhong; Newell, K.D.; and Cole, V.B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-19, 1 sheet
Year: 1988

Title: Paleotectonic investigations of the Pennsylvanian System in the United States, Chapter 8; Kansas
Author: Stewart, G.F.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 71-11, 116 pages
Year: 1971

Title: Stratigraphy of the Kereford limestone in eastern Kansas
Author: Monger, J.W.H.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 61-3, 107 pages
Year: 1961

Title: Petrology, clay mineralogy, paleontology, and depositional environments of four Missourian (Upper Pennsylvanian) shales of Midcontinent and Illinois basins
Author: Schutter, S.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 83-33, 1208 pages
Year: 1983

Title: The depositional, stratigraphic, and diagenetic relationships of the Curzon Limestone Member of the Topeka Limestone (Upper Pennsylvanian) in eastern Kansas
Author: Skelton, L.H.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 91-51, 142 pages
Year: 1991

Title: Contribution to the sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Pennsylvanian in central Kansas
Author: Olea, R.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 97-87, 3 sheets
Year: 1997

Title: The impact of the regional ground-water flow system on water quality in the Dakota and overlying aquifers and surface waters in central Kansas
Author: Macfarlane, P.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 89-30, 37 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Glacial and Pennsylvanian geology of northeastern Kansas
Author: McCauley, J.[R.]; Buchanan, R.[C.]; and Sawin, B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 95-62, 22 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Isopach map of Maquoketa Shale
Author: Wilson, M.E.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-7, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1988
Available online: November 2018

Title: Mineral intrusion; geohydrology of Permian bedrock underlying the Great Bend Prairie aquifer in south-central Kansas
Author: Young, D.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 92-44, 47 pages
Year: 1992
Available online: February 2016

Title: Integrated Pennsylvanian stratigraphy; insights into processes and improving predictions of petroleum reservoirs
Author: Watney, W.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2000-35
Year: 2000
Available online: June 2005

Title: Missourian (Upper Pennsylvanian) Lansing and Kansas City groups in the Kansas City area; mixed carbonate-clastic sequences, I.O.C.C. field trip
Author: Watney, [W.]L.; and French, J.[A.]
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-41, 60 pages
Year: 1988

Title: Stratigraphy of Labette County, Kansas
Author: Jungmann, W.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 64-4, 128 pages
Year: 1964

Title: Wichita State University, Ninnescah Research Station and Natural History Reservation
Author: Kansas Academy of Science
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-33, 43 pages
Year: 1988

Title: Copper sulfides in the Permian redbeds of Kansas
Author: Lambert, M.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 79-3, 99 pages
Year: 1979

Title: Sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Middle Pennsylvanian and distribution of selected sandstones, eastern Hugoton embayment, southwestern Kansas
Author: Youle, J.C.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 92-55, 202 pages
Year: 1992

Title: Subsurface structural geology of the Joplin quadrangle; top of the Mississippian carbonates
Author: Blair, K.P.; Berendsen, Pieter; and Seeger, C.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 90-19a, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000
Year: 1990

Title: A log of ten cores of the Deer Creek Limestone, Calhoun Shale, Topeka Limestone, and Hamilton lagerstatte (Virgilian, Upper Pennsylvanian) from the Hamilton area, Greenwood County, Kansas
Author: Leonard, K.W.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 91-58, 30 pages
Year: 1991
Available online: November 2012

Title: Tentative correlation of the Topeka Limestone
Author: Clark, J.E.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 40-3, 4 pages
Year: 1940

Title: Haskell Limestone Member (Stephanian) in eastern Kansas
Author: Crouch, B.W.; Holland, R.E.; Sykora, A.K.; and Drake, M.T.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 95-44, 47 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Study of the Oread Formation, Pennsylvanian, along the strike across Kansas
Author: Baptist, O.C.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 41-1, 18 pages
Year: 1941

Title: Diagenesis of the Lansing and Kansas City groups (Upper Pennsylvanian), northwestern Kansas and southwestern Nebraska
Author: Anderson, J.E.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 259 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 89-14)
Year: 1989

Title: Geology of eastern Franklin County, Kansas
Author: Ball, S.M.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 75 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 57-10)
Year: 1957

Title: High resolution p- and s-wave study to detect a shallow gas sand in southeastern Kansas
Author: Begay, D.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2001-73, 77 pages
Year: 2001

Title: Tephrochronology, petrology, and stratigraphy of some Pleistocene deposits in the Central Plains U.S.A.
Author: Boellstorff, J.D.
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 197 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 73-2)
Year: 1973

Title: Genetic stratigraphy, depositional environments, and vertebrate paleontology of the Speiser Shale (Gearyan State, Lower Permian series) in northern Kansas
Author: Cunningham, C.R.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 205 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 89-20)
Year: 1989

Title: Stratigraphy, petrography, and depositional environments of the Banzet formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) in southeastern Kansas and northeastern Oklahoma
Author: Denesen, S.L.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 141 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 85-5)
Year: 1985

Title: Stratigraphy of the Pleasanton Group in Bourbon, Neosho, Labette, and Montgomery counties, Kansas
Author: Emery, P.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 62-4, 55 pages
Year: 1962

Title: Stratigraphy of the Upper Pennsylvanian Merriam limestone in eastern Kansas
Author: McManus, D.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 56-7, 196 pages
Year: 1956

Title: Potential oil recovery and stratigraphic relations of Kansas oil shales
Author: Schlinsog, D.G.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 82-4, 124 pages
Year: 1982

Title: Stratigraphic framework of Kansas; part 1, east-west central Kansas
Author: Olea, R.A.; Davis, J.C.; and Merriam, D.F.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 97-81, 8 pages, 3 sheets
Year: 1997

Title: Preliminary vertebrate fossil resource survey of Meade State Park (Lake Larrabee 7.5' quad), Meade County, Kansas
Author: Robb, A.J., III
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 96-8, 31 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Net shale map of Northview Shale
Author: Wilson, M.E.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-5, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1988
Available online: November 2018

Title: Modeling of sediment accomodation realms using regionalized classification of Upper Pennsylvanian genetic stratigraphic units and genetic sets in Kansas
Author: Watney, W.L.; Davis, J.C.; Olea, R.A.; Harff, J.; and Bohling, G.C.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 95-32, 37 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Revision of the stratigraphic nomenclature and classification of the Marmaton, Pleasanton, and Kansas City groups in Kansas
Author: Watney, W.L.; and Heckel, P.H.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 94-34, 18 pages
Year: 1994
Available online: December 2022

Title: Lateral homogeneity in a "middle limestone member" (Leavenworth) of a Kansas Pennsylvanian magacyclothem
Author: Toomey, D.F.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 64-7, 184 pages
Year: 1964

Title: Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Bourbon flags (Upper Pennsylvanian), an enigmatic unit in Linn and Bourbon counties in east-central Kansas
Author: Underwood, M.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 84-13, 111 pages
Year: 1984

Title: Stratigraphy of the Captain Creek Limestone (Missourian) of eastern Kansas
Author: Eastwood, W.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 58-1, 159 pages
Year: 1958

Title: Petrology and stratigraphy of the Kiowa and Dakota formations (basal Cretaceous), north-central Kansas
Author: Franks, P.[C.]
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 312 pages (2 vols.), (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 66-11)
Year: 1966

Title: Stratigraphy and diagenesis of the Ozawkie Limestone (Pennsylvanian; Virgilian) in northeastern Kansas
Author: Franklin, S.T.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 99-2, 141 pages
Year: 1999

Title: Texaco Poersch #1, Washington County, Kansas; preliminary geologic report of the pre-Phanerozoic rocks
Author: Kansas Geological Survey; and Texaco USA
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-22, 116 pages
Year: 1988
Available online: March 2010

Title: Sub-Pennsylvanian subcrop map of Mississippian units in the Salina basin
Author: Lambert, M.[W.]
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-37, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000
Year: 1988
Available online: September 2011

Title: Thickness of formations within the Mississippian in southwestern Kansas
Author: Cole, V.B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 75-8, 7 sheets, scale 1:1,200,000
Year: 1975

Title: Results of lignite drilling in Hodgeman County, August 7-11, 1972
Author: Flueckinger, L.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 72-3, 20 pages
Year: 1972

Title: Improved oil recovery in Mississippian carbonate reservoirs of Kansas; near term, class 2, annual report, Year 2
Author: Carr, T.R.; Bhattacharya, S.; Franseen, E.K.; Gerlach, P.M.; Guy, W.J.; Doveton, J.H.; Watney, W.L.; Adkins-Heljeson, D.; Hopkins, J.; Beaty, S.; Reynolds, R.; Vossough, S.; and Willhite, G.P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 97-24, 235 pages
Year: 1997
Available online: September 30, 1997

Title: The Pennsylvanian Haskell-Cass section; a perspective on controls of midcontinent cyclothem deposition
Author: Ball, D.S.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 147 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 85-28)
Year: 1985

Title: Interpretation of geochemical evolution in the Dakota aquifer in Kansas based on coupled hydrogeochemical models
Author: Chu, T.-M.
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 295 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 95-47)
Year: 1995

Title: Stratigraphic distribution and interpretation of a Pennsylvanian "time slice" (Croweburg Coal to Verdigris Limestone)
Author: Elick, J.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 95-24, 170 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Stratigraphy, petrology, diagenesis, and depositional environments of the Pennsylvanian (Missourian) Chanute Shale, southeastern Kansas, northeastern Oklahoma
Author: Fernandez, S.I.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 93-60, 222 pages
Year: 1993

Title: A ground-penetrating radar (GPR) investigation of the Oread Limestone, Douglas County, Kansas
Author: Newell, K.D.; and Martinez, Alex
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2000-71, 25 pages
Year: 2000
Available online: March 2023

Title: Comparative petrology of Precambrian rocks associated with the Midcontinent Rift system; volcanogenic sedimentary and younger clastic rocks
Author: Berendsen, Pieter; Barczuk, A.; and Speczik, S.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 90-12, 52 pages
Year: 1990

Title: Sequence stratigraphy of the Lane-Island Creek shales and the Farley Limestone, Kansas City area, NE Kansas
Author: McKirahan, J.; Goldstein, R.H.; and Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 98-64, 72 pages
Year: 1998

Title: Improved oil recovery in Mississippian carbonate reservoirs of Kansas; near term--class 2, annual report 1998
Author: Carr, T.R.; Green, D.W.; Willhite, G.P.; and Ferguson, D.J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 99-22
Year: 1999
Available online: updated June, 1999

Title: Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Drum Limestone and associated strata (Pennsylvanian) in the Independence, Kansas area; a field trip guidebook and road log
Author: Feldman, H.[R.]; and Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 91-45, 30 pages
Year: 1991

Title: Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Kearny Formation (Lower Pennsylvanian) in western Kansas
Author: McManus, D.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 59-5, 150 pages
Year: 1959

Title: Stratigraphy, petrography, and depositional environments of the Pawnee Limestone, Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian), Midcontinent North America
Author: Price, R.C.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 81-15, 279 pages
Year: 1981

Title: The stratigraphy of the Quaternary alluvium in the Great Bend Prairie, Kansas
Author: Rosner, M.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-32, 193 pages
Year: 1988

Title: The Dakota Foramtion (Cretaceous) in central Kansas; field trip guidebook
Author: Skelton, L.H.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-53, 10 pages
Year: 1988

Title: Fossil collecting in the Cretaceous Niobrara Chalk
Author: McCauley, J.[R.]; Buchanan, R.[C.]; and Sawin, B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 97-62, 45 pages
Year: 1997

Title: Upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian and Missourian) cyclothems in the Lawrence, Kansas area
Author: Watney, [W.]L.; West, R.[R.]; Maples, C.[G.]; and Denham, P.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 91-22, 128 pages
Year: 1991

Title: Pennsylvanian and Permian stratigraphy of Elk County, Kansas
Author: Verville, G.J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 51-7, 328 pages
Year: 1951

Title: Stratigraphy of the Zeandale Limestone (Upper Pennsylvanian) in Shawnee, Osage, and Lyon counties, Kansas
Author: Wood, R.L.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 59-10, 165 pages
Year: 1959

Title: Characterization of heterogeneities controlling transport and fate of pollutants in unconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers; first year report, a research project of the University Research Initiative, Research Initiation Program, U.S. Department of Defense
Author: McElwee, C.D.; Butler, J.J., Jr.; Macpherson, G.L.; Bohling, G.C.; Miller, R.D.; Liu, W.; Mennicke, C.M.; and Hyder, Z.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 92-20, variously paginated
Year: 1992

Title: Pre-Mississippian patterns of southeast Kansas
Author: Cole, V.B.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 80-1, 10 pages, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000
Year: 1980

Title: The Laverne formation
Author: Frye, J.C.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. ND-5, 4 pages

Title: Lithostratigraphy, depositional environments, and sequence stratigraphy of the St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve limestones (Upper Mississippian), southwestern Kansas
Author: Abegg, F.E.
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 206 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 92-42)
Year: 1992
Available online: December 2022

Title: The Cherokee of southeastern Kansas
Author: Abernathy, G.E.
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 108 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 36-1)
Year: 1936

Title: Lithologic characterization of unconsolidated deposits along the Arkansas River corridor in southwest Kansas; a report to the Kansas Water Office, contract no. 00-113
Author: Young, D.P.; Whittemore, D.O.; Grauer, J.L.; and Whitmer, J.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2000-43, 30 pages
Year: 2000
Available online: June 2005

Title: The stratigraphy of the Oread Formation in Kansas
Author: Wallace, M.H.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 41-3, 17 pages
Year: 1941

Title: Description of acetic acid residues of Mississippian core, made from uncrushed samples, Mid-continent #1 Collins 24-26W
Author: Welch, R.G.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 63-3, 2 pages
Year: 1963

Title: Depositional environment of the Eudora Shale (Missourian, Upper Pennsylvanian) near Tyro, Kansas
Author: Malinky, J.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 80-9, 94 pages
Year: 1980

Title: Stratigraphy of the Howard Limestone (Virgilian) between the Kansas River and Neosho River valleys
Author: Mendoza, H.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 59-6, 161 pages
Year: 1959

Title: Stratigraphy, petrology and depositional environments of sandstone associated with the Stanton Formation (Upper Pennsylvanian) in southeastern Kansas
Author: Moussavi-Harami, Reza
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 286 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 80-23)
Year: 1980

Title: Depositional and diagenetic study of the Exline limestone, Pleasanton Group, Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian) of the northern midcontinent
Author: Nielsen, M.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 87-25, 87 pages
Year: 1987
Available online: October 2022

Title: The Ryan oil and gas pool of Rush and Pawnee counties, west-central Kansas
Author: Redman, K.G.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 47-4, 47 pages
Year: 1947

Title: The geomorphology and Pleistocene drainage history of the Turkey Creek basin, Dickinson County, Kansas
Author: Sloanaker, C.J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 50-1, 70 pages
Year: 1950

Title: Regional stratigraphic setting and paleoecology of a chaetetid "reef" in the Houx-Higginsville limestone (Pennsylvanian) of southeast Kansas
Author: Suchy, D.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 87-32, 181 pages
Year: 1987

Title: Classification of the "Lower Permian" rocks in Kansas, part I
Author: Moore, R.C.; and Elias, M.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. ND-22, 19 pages

Title: Stratigraphy of the Big Blue series in northcentral Kansas, part II
Author: Moore, R.C.; and Elias, M.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. ND-23, 72 pages

Title: Pre-Pennsylvanian subcrop map, Rice and Ellsworth counties, Kansas
Author: Newell, K.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 86-6, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000
Year: 1986

Title: Salina Basin, pre-Pennsylvanian subcrop map
Author: Newell, K.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 87-3, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000
Year: 1987
Available online: September 2011

Title: Salina Basin, sub-Chattanooga subcrop map
Author: Newell, K.D.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 87-4, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000
Year: 1987
Available online: September 2011

Title: Revised stratigraphic interpretation and implications for pre-Graneros paleogeography from test-hole drilling in central Kansas
Author: Macfarlane, P.A.; Wade, A.; Doveton, J.H.; and Hamilton, V.J.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 91-1a, 73 pages
Year: 1991
Available online: August 2004

Title: Distribution and thickness of the Cimarron salt (Lower Permian) in southern Stafford and northern Pratt Counties, Kansas
Author: Martinez, Alex; Anderson, N.L.; and Carr, T.[R.]
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 96-11
Year: 1996
Available online: September 1996

Title: Nature of Kansas geology and production
Author: Watney, W.L.; and Collins, D.[R.]
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 86-10, 9 pages
Year: 1986

Title: UPR Cretaceous field trip (Kansas portion), June 9-11, 1998; supplement to Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 225 (Hattin, 1982) and Kansas Geological Survey Guidebook Series 3 (Hattin and Siemers, 1987)
Author: Watney, [W.]L.; and Skelton, L.[H.], (compls.)
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 98-38, unpaginated
Year: 1998

Title: Stratigraphy and parasequence analysis of Dakota Formation-Graneros Shale transition (Upper Cretaceous), central Kansas
Author: Gellasch, C.A.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geosciences, University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN 65 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 94-57)
Year: 1994

Title: Stratigraphy of Mississippian rocks in western Kansas
Author: Goebel, E.D.
Publication: Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 198 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 66-10)
Year: 1966

Title: U-Pb detrital zircon and geochemical provenance study of Precambrian low-grade metasedimentary rocks from eastern Kansas and western Missouri
Author: Hampton, L.B.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 82 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 98-14)
Year: 1998

Title: Expression of regional structural trends in surface features and geology of the Hepler and western Hiattville quadrangles, southeast Kansas
Author: Heinlen, W.D., Jr.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 63 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 98-16)
Year: 1998

Title: Sequence stratigraphy of the Bethany Falls Limestone in eastern Kansas and western Missouri
Author: Wilke, N.A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2000-28, 184 pages
Year: 2000

Title: Stratigraphy of the Wyandotte Limestone (Upper Pennsylvanian) in the Kansas River area
Author: Wilson, James A.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 59-9, 135 pages
Year: 1959

Title: Hierarchal genetic stratigraphy of the Wreford Limestone formation (Lower Permian, Gearyan) in northeastern Kansas
Author: Barrett, T.R.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 89-3, 251 pages
Year: 1989

Title: Characterization of heterogeneities controlling transport and fate of pollutants in unconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers, final report
Author: McElwee, C.D.; Butler, J.J., Jr.; Macpherson, G.L.; Bohling, G.C.; Miller, R.D.; Mennicke, C.M.; Huettl, T.[J.]; Zenner, M.; Hyder, Z.; Liu, W.; Orcutt, M.; Beilfuss, M.L.; and Gonuguntla, S.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 95-16, 559 pages
Year: 1995

Title: Ordovician carbonate lithofacies
Author: Blair, K.P.; and Berendsen, Pieter
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 88-51b, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000
Year: 1988

Title: Subsurface structural geology of the Joplin quadrangle; top of the Arbuckle Group
Author: Blair, K.P.; Berendsen, Pieter; and Seeger, C.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 90-19b, 1 sheet, 1:250,000
Year: 1990

Title: Field trip #8; Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) cyclothem succession in midcontinent basin, U.S.A.; held in association with XIV International Congress on the Carboniferous-Permian, Calgary, Canada, August 17-21, 1999
Author: Heckel, P.H., (ed. and leader); Boardman, D.R.; Watney, W.L.; Barrick, J.E.; and Pope, J.P., (leaders); and Bennison, A.P., (honorary leader)
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 99-27, 236 pages
Year: 1999

Title: Stratigraphic relations of the Topeka Limestone
Author: Jeffords, R.M.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 40-5, 19 pages
Year: 1940

Title: Depositional facies and diagenetic characteristics of Mississippian (Osagian) strata from the Schaben field, Ness County, Kansas
Author: Franseen, E.K.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 96-48, 43 pages
Year: 1996

Title: Late-Quaternary evolution of small basin in the Kansas River system; Wolf Creek
Author: Arbogast, A.F.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 153 pages (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 92-8)
Year: 1992

Title: Depositional environments of the Wood Siding Formation and the Onaga Shale (Pennsylvanian-Permian) in northeast Kansas
Author: Bisby, C.G.
Publication: Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 73 pages, (avail. as Kans. Geol. Survey, Open-file Rept., no. 86-4)
Year: 1986

Title: The Blaine and related formations of northwestern Oklahoma and Kansas
Author: Fay, R.O.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 61-5, 423 pages
Year: 1961

Kansas Geological Survey
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Display Program Updated Feb. 2004
Database updated periodically by KGS Staff.