Drill Stem Tests Database
Specific Well--15-051-22240
API: 15-051-22240
Operator: L. & H. Oil
Field: Martina
Lease: Herl
Well 1
Location: T15S R19W, Sec. 27, SE SE NE
2963 North, 407 West, from SE corner
Longitude: -99.4135022
Latitude: 38.7193953
County: Ellis
Status: OIL
Spud Date: 04-FEB-81
Completion Date: 01-MAR-81
Plugging Date:
Total Depth: 3676
Form. at depth: ARBUCKLE GROUP
Elevation: 1976 KB
KDOR and the operator have confirmed the oil from the Herl #1 (15-051-22240) is going into the tank battery for the Legleiter #1 (KDOR #113061). 03/26/13-KKL.
DST Report