Drill Stem Tests Database
Specific Well--15-171-20445
API: 15-171-20445
Operator: Production Drilling, Inc.
Field: Keystone
Lease: Pfenninger
Well 1
Location: T18S R31W, Sec. 30, NE SW
1980 North, 1980 East, from SW corner
Longitude: -100.7883524
Latitude: 38.4592025
County: Scott
Status: D&A
Spud Date: 18-JUN-92
Completion Date: 27-JUN-92
Plugging Date: 28-JUN-92
Total Depth: 4600
Form. at depth: MISSISSIPPIAN
Elevation: 2973 KB
elevations on elog (KB 2985, GL 2980) too high compared to ACO-1 and topo map.
DST Report