Drill Stem Tests Database
Specific Well--15-185-23023
API: 15-185-23023
Operator: Russell Oil Co.
Field: Sand Hills
Lease: Duggan
Well 1
Location: T21S R11W, Sec. 30, SW NW SW
1485 North, 4950 West, from SE corner
Longitude: -98.5815697
Latitude: 38.1917586
County: Stafford
Status: D&A
Spud Date: 04/08/1996
Completion Date: 04/15/1996
Plugging Date: 04/15/1996
Total Depth: 3655
Form. at depth: ARBUCKLE GROUP
Elevation: 1797 KB
Cement Bond Log VDL e-log incorrectly attached to this well, belongs to OWWO. (DRL 06-18-2012)
DST Report