Drill Stem Tests Database
Specific Well--15-151-22211
API: 15-151-22211
Operator: Lotus Operating Co.
Field: Wildcat
Lease: Smith
Well 1
Location: T29S R15W, Sec. 9, NE SE SW SE
620 North, 1450 West, from SE corner
Longitude: -98.9631494
Latitude: 37.530139
County: Pratt
Status: D&A
Spud Date: 18-AUG-05
Completion Date: 29-AUG-05
Plugging Date: 29-AUG-05
Total Depth: 4900
Form. at depth: ARBUCKLE
Elevation: 2002 KB
GL and KB changed from 1991 to 1998 and 2002 to 2009, respectively. (drl 06-06-06)
DST Report