Drill Stem Tests Database
Specific Well--15-163-23517
API: 15-163-23517
Operator: Castle Resources, Inc.
Field: Wildcat
Lease: Kollman
Well 1
Location: T8S R16W, Sec. 5, SE SE SW
330 North, 2310 East, from SW corner
Longitude: -99.1305378
Latitude: 39.3809494
County: Rooks
Status: OIL
Spud Date: 11-FEB-06
Completion Date: 19-FEB-06
Plugging Date:
Total Depth: 3315
Form. at depth: ARBUCKLE
Elevation: 1796 KB
Some docs have elevations of 1885 GL or 1896 KB. Seem too high by almost 100 feet. Discovery well for Kollman field.
DST Report