Drill Stem Tests Database
Specific Well--15-025-21355
API: 15-025-21355
Operator: Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Field: Wildcat
Lease: FVB
Well 1-22
Location: T30S R22W, Sec. 22, NE SW SE SE
536 North, 823 West, from SE corner
Longitude: -99.703465
Latitude: 37.4104869
County: Clark
Status: GAS-P&A
Spud Date: 14-APR-06
Completion Date: 02-AUG-06
Plugging Date: 07-JUN-13
Total Depth: 5428
Form. at depth: MISSISSIPPIAN
Elevation: 2362 KB
Discovery well for FVB field. TD corrected from 3800 to 5428 per operator and Drillers Log, ACO1 reported as 3800. (DS-DRL 12-13-2012)
DST Report