Drill Stem Tests Database
Specific Well--15-167-23727
API: 15-167-23727
Operator: Brungardt Oil and Leasing Inc.
Field: Waldo
Lease: Dockstader
Well 2
Location: T12S R13W, Sec. 14, E2 NW NW NW
330 South, 650 East, from NW corner
Longitude: -98.7400253
Latitude: 39.0158974
County: Russell
Status: OIL
Spud Date: 13-SEP-11
Completion Date: 14-OCT-11
Plugging Date:
Total Depth: 3480
Form. at depth: ARBUCKLE
Elevation: 1644 KB
Drilling time and sample log assembled from pieces.
DST Report