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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T29S R19E, Sec. 16 SE SW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Fowler, Jeff 16-1 | 15-133-26578 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1036 | 18-MAR-06 |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1029 | 29-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1036 | 18-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1035 | 18-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1036 | 18-MAR-06 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 16 SW NE NE NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Fowler, Ronald D. 16-1 | 15-133-26558 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1030 | 04-MAR-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1031 | 04-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 90; 1031 | 04-MAR-06 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1027 | 16-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1031 | 04-MAR-06 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 16 NE SW NW | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Fowler, Ronald D. 16-2 | 15-133-27568 |
11-JAN-2021 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1060 | 18-JUL-11 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 40; 1080 | 01-JUL-11 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1080 | 01-JUL-11 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1080 | 01-JUL-11 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 16 SW NW SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Johnson, P.A. 16-1 | 15-133-26025 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 991 | 09-FEB-04 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 31; 998 | 04-FEB-04 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 32; 996 | 04-FEB-04 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 998 | 04-FEB-04 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Porosity Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 998 | 04-FEB-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 998 | 04-FEB-04 | |||||
Cornish Cement Bond Variable Density |
Y | 6; 988 | 09-FEB-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 16 NW SE SW NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Johnson, Patrick A. 16-2 | 15-133-26495 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1027 | 08-MAR-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1030 | 08-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1030 | 08-MAR-06 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1028 | 17-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1030 | 08-MAR-06 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 16 NW SE SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Johnson, Patrick A. 16-3 | 15-133-27344 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density Log Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1072 | 20-FEB-08 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 170; 1072 | 20-FEB-08 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1060 | 14-APR-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1072 | 20-FEB-08 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 17 SW NE NE NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | DONALD P. COOVER 1-17 | 15-133-26255 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 3; 993 | 06-JAN-05 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 766 | 01-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1006 | 01-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 10; 1006 | 01-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 1000 | 01-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 17 NE SW NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | DONALD P. COOVER 2-17 | 15-133-27023 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 29; 780 | 24-JUL-07 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 29; 780 | 24-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 6; 1299 | 07-AUG-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 780 | 24-JUL-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 17 SW NE NW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | LELAND E. VAN CLEAVE 1-17 | 15-133-26245 |
12-JUN-2018 |
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 0; 1000 | 04-DEC-04 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 0; 1000 | 04-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 5; 974 | 19-JAN-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 100; 1000 | 04-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density Log 25-inch Hi-Resolution |
Y | 15; 988 | 04-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 17 SE NW NW SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | LELAND E. VAN CLEAVE 2-17 | 15-133-26246 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 5; 1099 | 31-JAN-05 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 31; 803 | 10-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 803 | 10-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 803 | 10-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 11; 803 | 10-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 17 SE SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | LELAND E. VAN CLEAVE 3-17 | 15-133-26914 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1073 | 29-APR-07 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1073 | 29-APR-07 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1037 | 24-MAY-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1073 | 29-APR-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1074 | 29-APR-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 17 SE SE SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | LELAND E. VAN CLEAVE 4-17 | 15-133-26915 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1067 | 30-APR-07 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1067 | 30-APR-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1067 | 30-APR-07 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 6; 1045 | 11-MAY-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1067 | 30-APR-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 17 NE NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | MARJORIE F. NEELY 1-17 | 15-133-26243 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 11; 982 | 02-DEC-04 |
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 11; 982 | 02-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 11; 982 | 02-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 8; 968 | 20-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 11; 982 | 02-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 17 NE SW NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | MARJORIE F. NEELY 2-17 | 15-133-27002 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1286 | 18-JUL-07 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1286 | 18-JUL-07 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1270 | 30-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1286 | 18-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1286 | 18-JUL-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 18 W2 NW SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Fowler, Robert D. 2-18 | 15-133-26257 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1071 | 17-DEC-04 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1069 | 04-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 80; 1070 | 04-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1070 | 04-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1066 | 17-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1071 | 04-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 18 SE NW NW NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Fowler, Ronald D. 1-18 | 15-133-26236 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1056 | 07-DEC-04 |
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1056 | 07-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1056 | 07-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 8; 1050 | 20-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1056 | 07-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 18 NE SW SE SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Fowler, Ronald D. 3-18 | 15-133-27001 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 450; 1232 | 15-JUL-07 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1232 | 15-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1232 | 15-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1233 | 15-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 5; 1136 | 28-JUL-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 18 NW SE NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Fowler, Ronald D. 4-18 | 15-133-27012 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1288 | 28-JUL-07 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1339 | 14-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1339 | 14-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1339 | 14-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1339 | 14-JUL-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 18 NW NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Ruth Caldwell Living Trust 1-18 | 15-133-26691 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 3; 1094 | 10-OCT-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1113 | 19-SEP-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1113 | 19-SEP-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1113 | 19-SEP-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1113 | 19-SEP-06 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 18 SE NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Ruth Caldwell Living Trust 18-2 | 15-133-27000 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 6; 1101 | 31-OCT-07 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 0; 1100 | 11-OCT-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1100 | 11-OCT-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 0; 1110 | 11-OCT-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1111 | 11-OCT-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 18 NE NE NE SE | VAN CLEAVE 18-1 | 15-133-26893 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1325 | 26-APR-07 | |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1325 | 26-APR-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1325 | 26-APR-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1325 | 26-APR-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 18 SE NW NW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Van Cleave, Leland E. 1-18 | 15-133-26254 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 2; 1065 | 15-DEC-04 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1071 | 03-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 0; 1100 | 03-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 0; 1100 | 03-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 10; 1072 | 03-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 18 SE SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Van Cleave, Leland E. 18-2 | 15-133-26916 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1102 | 01-MAY-07 |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1087 | 22-MAY-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1102 | 01-MAY-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1102 | 01-MAY-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1102 | 01-MAY-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 19 SE SW NW NW | Devon SFS Operating Inc. | Beachner Bros. 19-29-19-1 | 15-133-25690 |
Unknown |
Osage Wireline Gamma Ray Cement Bond CCL/VDL Log |
0; 1067 | 20-AUG-01 | |
Osage Wireline Dual Induction SFL Gamma Ray Log |
0; 1071 | 10-AUG-01 | ||||||
Osage Wireline High Resolution Compensated Density Neutron Log |
30; 1071 | 10-AUG-01 | ||||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 19 NE SW SW SW | Devon SFS Operating Inc. | Beachner Bros. 19-29-19-2 | 15-133-25683 |
Unknown |
Osage Wireline High Resolution Compensated Density Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1048 | 15-AUG-01 |
Osage Wireline Gamma Ray Cement Bond/VDL CCL Log |
Y | 0; 1041 | 20-AUG-01 | |||||
Osage Wireline Dual Induction SFL Gamma Ray Log |
Y | 0; 1048 | 15-AUG-01 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 19 E2 SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Beachner Bros. 19-29-19-3 | 15-133-27057 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1094 | 15-AUG-07 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1110 | 15-AUG-07 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1060 | 27-AUG-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1093 | 15-AUG-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1094 | 15-AUG-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 19 SW SE NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Beachner Bros. 19-29-19-4 | 15-133-27058 |
Unknown |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1086 | 27-AUG-07 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1108 | 14-AUG-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1109 | 14-AUG-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1108 | 14-AUG-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1009 | 14-AUG-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 19 SE NW NW NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Brungardt, Carl 19-1 | 15-133-26253 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1063 | 30-DEC-04 |
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 11; 1059 | 14-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 11; 1059 | 14-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 11; 1059 | 14-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 11; 1060 | 14-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 19 SE NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Brungardt, Carl 19-2 | 15-133-26918 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1032 | 29-APR-07 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1032 | 29-APR-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1032 | 29-APR-07 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 6; 1044 | 30-MAY-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 19 NE SE NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Burk, Leroy E. SWD 19-1 | 15-133-26992 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1327 | 03-JUL-07 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1327 | 03-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1327 | 30-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Cement Bond Variable Density |
Y | 5; 1330 | 12-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1327 | 03-JUL-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 19 SW NE NW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Clevenger Rev. Trust 19-1 | 15-133-26252 |
12-APR-2018 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1032 | 24-JAN-05 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 11; 1037 | 18-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 11; 1037 | 18-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 11; 1037 | 18-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 11; 1037 | 08-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 19 SE SW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Clevenger Rev. Trust 19-2 | 15-133-27024 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1316 | 20-JUL-07 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 7; 1292 | 08-AUG-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1316 | 20-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1316 | 20-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1316 | 20-JUL-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 NE SW NE SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Clevenger Rev. Trust 20-1 | 15-133-26251 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 949 | 08-APR-05 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 988 | 16-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 986 | 16-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 31; 988 | 16-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 988 | 16-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 SW SW SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Clevenger Rev. Trust 20-2 | 15-133-26700 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1073 | 25-SEP-06 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1064 | 12-OCT-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1073 | 25-SEP-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1072 | 26-SEP-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1073 | 25-SEP-06 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 NE NW NW NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Gastineau 20-1 | 15-133-26021 |
25-NOV-2020 |
Cornish Cement Bond Variable Density |
Y | 6; 1047 | 06-FEB-04 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1061 | 24-JAN-04 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 32; 1059 | 24-JAN-04 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 0; 1048 | 06-FEB-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 1061 | 24-JAN-04 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 31; 1061 | 24-JAN-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 SW NW SE NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Gastineau 20-2 | 15-133-26922 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1041 | 25-MAY-07 |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1029 | 12-JUN-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1041 | 25-MAY-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1041 | 25-MAY-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1041 | 25-MAY-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 SE NE SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Kramer, Jerry L. 20-1 | 15-133-26256 |
10-MAR-2023 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 3; 1013 | 17-JAN-05 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 3; 1008 | 17-JAN-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1026 | 16-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1025 | 16-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 11; 1026 | 16-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1026 | 16-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 SW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Kramer, Jerry L. 20-2 | 15-133-26906 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 19; 1021 | 24-APR-07 |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1013 | 11-MAY-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 0; 1026 | 24-APR-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 0; 1026 | 24-APR-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1026 | 24-APR-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 NE NW SE SE | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Kramer, Jerry L. 20-3 | 15-133-27695 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 40; 861 | 19-JUL-13 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 861 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 861 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Collar Completion |
Y | 0; 847 | 23-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 861 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 2; 861 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 NE SE NW SE | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Kramer, Jerry L. 20-4 | 15-133-27688 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 70; 861 | 19-JUL-13 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 860 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 860 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Collar Completion |
Y | 0; 800 | 25-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 40; 861 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 27; 817 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 17; 817 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 27; 817 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 17; 816 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 SE NW NW NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Kramer, John A. 20-1 | 15-133-26249 |
05-MAR-2021 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 3; 994 | 28-DEC-04 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 31; 1006 | 10-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 1006 | 10-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 1006 | 10-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 11; 1006 | 10-DEC-04 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 SE NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Kramer, John A. 20-2 | 15-133-26907 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 0; 1070 | 23-APR-07 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 0; 1071 | 23-APR-07 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1052 | 16-MAY-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1070 | 23-APR-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1071 | 23-APR-07 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 21 SW NE NW NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Clevenger Rev. Trust 21-1 | 15-133-26500 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1048 | 09-MAR-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1049 | 09-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 5; 1049 | 17-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1049 | 09-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1049 | 09-MAR-06 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 21 SW NE SE SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Clevenger Rev. Trust 21-2 | 15-133-26499 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1054 | 11-MAR-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1054 | 11-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1054 | 11-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1054 | 11-MAR-06 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 21 W2 SW SE NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Clevenger Rev. Trust 21-3 | 15-133-27382 |
09-MAR-2021 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 1; 1107 | 19-APR-08 |
Cornish Compensated Density Log Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1107 | 19-APR-08 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1091 | 16-MAY-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1108 | 19-APR-08 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 21 SE NW SW SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Clevenger Rev. Trust 21-4 | 15-133-27383 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1085 | 03-MAY-08 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1077 | 23-MAY-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1085 | 03-MAY-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1085 | 03-MAY-08 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 21 NE SW SW NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Hughes, Jack D. 21-1 | 15-133-26501 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1056 | 09-MAR-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1055 | 09-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1056 | 09-MAR-06 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1052 | 21-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1060 | 09-MAR-06 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 21 NW SE SE SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Hughes, Jack D. 21-2 | 15-133-26502 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1028 | 13-MAR-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 1028 | 13-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1028 | 13-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1028 | 31-MAR-06 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 22 NW SE SW NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Houghton, Richard C. 22-1 | 15-133-26325 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 1; 1022 | 18-NOV-05 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1023 | 19-NOV-05 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 3; 998 | 15-DEC-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 1023 | 19-NOV-05 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 0; 1023 | 19-NOV-05 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 22 SW SW NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Houghton, Richard C. 22-2 | 15-133-26498 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 949 | 10-MAR-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 949 | 10-MAR-06 | |||||
CUDD Gamma Ray CCL |
Y | 0; 947 | 24-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 949 | 10-MAR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 948 | 10-MAR-06 | |||||
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